What is IP address?
Internet Protocol Address - used to uniquely identify devices for internetwork communications.
What is Internet Protocol (IP)?
A protocol that determines how a data packet is addressed, encapsulated, routed, transmitted and received.
How are computers named?
Using Internet Protocol Addresses
What does DNS mean?
Domain Name System
What does DNS do?
Resolve Domain Names to IP Addresses
Basically, it attaches a name to IP addresses for easier access
When resolving domain name to IP addresses, what is the DNS hierarchy?
Browser Cache
OS Cache
DNS Resolver
Root Server
Top-Level Domain Server
Authoritative Server
What will the DNS Resolver give you?
The IP address of one of the 13 Root Servers
What will the Root Server give you?
The IP address of the Top-Level Domain that corresponds to the TLD
What will the TLD Server give you?
The IP address of the Authoritative Server or the server of that domain
What will the Authoritative Server give you?
The authoritative server contains all the info about the domain address, it will give you the IP address of the domain.