Domain 7 Flash Cards
Allowed/Blocked listing
allowed or blocked entities, register of entities that are being provided (or blocked) for a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition including web, IP, geo, hardware address, files/programs; entities on the allowed list will be accepted, approved and/or recognized; deprecated AKA whitelist/blacklist; systems also alert IT security personnel an access attempt involves a resource not on a pre-approved list; can also incorporate anti-malware
Alternate site
contingency or Continuity of Operations (COOP) site used to assume system or org operations, if the primary site is not available
copies of files or programs to facilitate recovery
total inventory of all of a system’s components (e.g. hardware, software, data, admin controls, documentation, user instruction); types of baselines include enumerated (which are inventory lists, generated by system cateloging, discovery or enumeration), build security (minimal set of securtiy controls for each CI, see below), modification/update/patch baselines (subsets of total system baseline), or configuration baseline (which should include a revision/version identifier associated with each CI)
Bastion host
a special-purpose computer on a network specifically designed and configured to withstand attacks; it is typically placed in a demilitarized zone (DMZ) or exposed network segment, and its primary function is to act as a gateway between an internal network and external, potentially untrusted networks (like the internet); key characteristics of a Bastion host include:
Hardened security: minimizing the number of running services and apps which reduces potential attack surfaces Publically accessible: exposed to the internet or untrusted network, acting as the first point of contact for external users Logging and monitoring: include extensive logging and monitoring to detect suspicious activity Limited network access: typically has limited access to the internal network
Change management
A formal, methodical, comprehensive process for requesting, reviewing, and approving changes to the baseline of the IT environment.
one of two main methods of choosing records from a large pool for ruther analysis, clipping uses threshold values to select those records exceeding a predefined threashold (also see sampling)
Configuration management
A formal, methodical, comprehensive process for establishing a baseline of the IT environment (and each of the assets within that environment).
Configuration Item (CI)
aggregation of information system components designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the config management process
Cyber forensics
gathering, retaining, analyzing data for investigative purposes, while maintaining the integrity of that data
unplanned event that causes a system to be inoperable for a length of time
DPI (Deep Packet Inspection)
a method used by firewalls and other network security devices to examine the data portion (or payload) of packets as they pass through the firewall; DPI goes beyond traditional packet filtering by not only inspecting the header information (such as source/destination IP addresses and port numbers) but also analyzing the content within the packet to identify and respond to security threats
Egress monitoring
monitoring the flow of info out of an org’s boundaries
refers to the privelege granted to users when an account is first provisioned
any form of a user including hardware device, software daemon, task, processing thread or human, which is attempting to use or access system resources; e.g. endpoint devices are entities that human (or non-human) users use to access a system; should be subject to access control and accounting
observable occurance in a network or system
actions taken by a victim of hacking to compromise the systems of the alleged attacker
method of machine learning which identifies patterns of acceptable activity, so that deviations from the patterns will be identified
Machines that exist on the network, but do not contain sensitive or valuable data, and are meant to distract and occupy malicious or unauthorized intruders, as a means of delaying their attempts to access production data/assets.
an event which potentially or actually jeopardizes the CIA of an information system or the info the system processes, stores, transmits
technical artifact or observable occurrence suggesting that an attack is imminent, currently underway, or already occured
Indicators of Compromise (IoC)
a signal that an intrusion, malware, or other predefined hostile or hazardous set of events has or is occurring