Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing 12% Flashcards
Static testing
we passively test the code, we do not run it. Walkthroughs, syntax checking, and code reviews.
Dynamic Testing
We test code while executing it.
Fuzzing (Fuzz Testing)
A black box testing that submits random, malformed data as inputs into software programs to determine if they will crash.
Penetration Testing (Pen Testing)
We pay someone to test our security by trying to compromise our safeguards. This is testing both our orgs physical and logical perimeter.
Synthetic Transactions/monitoring
building scripts or tools that simulate normal user activity in an application.
Security Assessments
A full pic approach to assessing how effective our access cntrls are, they have a very broad scope.
Policies, procedures, and other admin cntrls. Assessing the real, wrld-effectiveness of admin cntrls. Change management, architectural review, penetration tests, vulner assessments, security audits.
Security audit
a test against a published standard. Purpose is to validate/verify that an org meets the requirements as stated in the pub standards.
SOC 2 Type 1
report on management’s descript of a service orgs sys and the suitability of the dsign of controls.
SOC 2 Type 2
report on managment’s descript of a service orgs sys and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of controls.
Structured audits (3rd prty)
Ext auditors who validate our compliance, they are experts and the audit adds credibility. Can also be a knowledge transfer for the org, req annlly in many orgs.
Unstructured audits
Int auditors to improve our security and find flaws, oftn done before an ext audit
Security Audit Logs
Reviewing security audit logs in an IT system is one of the easiest ways to verify that access cntrl mechanisms are wrking as intended. Reviewing audit logs is primarily a detective cntrl.
NIST Special Pub 800-92
suggests the following log types should be collected and audited.
Network Security Software/Hardware
Antivirus logs, IDS/IPS logs, remote access software (VPN logs), web proxy, vulnerability managment, authn srvrs, routers and firewalls.
System events, audit rcds, app, client requests, srvr responses, usage info, segnfcnt operational actions
Centralized Logging
Should be automated, secure and even admins should have limited access. Often a cntral repository is hashed and never touched, and a 2nd copy is analyzed to ensure integrity. Logs shold have retention policy.
Audit record management typically faces 5 distinct prblms
- Log are nto reviewed on a regular and timely basis. 2 Audit los and audit trails are not stored for a long enough time period. Logs are not standardized or viewable by correlation toolsets. Log entries and alerts are not prioritized. Audit records are only reviewed for the bad stuff.
Vulnerability scanning/testing
is used to scan network or sys for a list of predefined vulner such as sys misconfig, outdated sftwr, or a lack of patching. Risk = Threat x Vulnerability. Common vulner scnners cld be Nessus or OpenVAS
Penetration Testing
often called Ethical Hacking. Test if the vulnerabilities are exploitable. *Very clear rules of engagement defined in a SOW. Which IP ranges, time frame, tools, POC, how to test, wehat to test. Confirm with Legal team before hiring Pen Testers, even if you allow it what they do may still be illegal. Senior management set the goals for the Pen testing. Pen testers are there to test and document the vulerabilities, not to fix them. Provide the report to senior management and the decide which vuln they want to address. Use multiple attack vectors and Pen testing uses an iterative process that is similar to the Agile project planning.
Penetration Testing
- Discovery (planning). 2 Gaining access. 3 Escalate Privileges. 4 Sys Browsing. 5 Install Additional tools
Black box Pen testing
Zero Knowledge about the org other than publicly avail info.
White box (Crystal/Clear) Pen testing
Full knowledge. Attacker has knowledge of the internal network and access to it like a privildged employee would. Normally admin access employee with full knowledge of our enviroment.
Gray (Grey box)
Partial Knowledge, limited enviroment knowledge
White hat hackers
Pro Pent Tester typing to find flaws so we can fix it (Ethical Hackers)