Domain 3-Data analytics Flashcards
is frequently checked by having more than one person abstract data for the same case. The results are then compared to identify any discrepancies. This is called an interrater reliability method of checking. Several different people may be used to do the checking.
is used to display a frequency distribution. It is different from a bar graph in that a bar graph is used to display data that fall into groups or categories (nominal or ordinal data) when the categories are noncontinuous or discrete
The probability of making a Type I error based on a particular set of data.
data silos
of information created fragmentation that still haunts some EHR systems. A data silo is a separate database or system within a department that does not integrate into the main organizational system nor can others outside of that specific department access it
The average turnaround time
calculated by dividing the total response days attributed to the volume of routine requests that were responded to within the reporting period by the volume of routine requests responded to.
The range
The range is the simplest measure of spread. It is the difference between the smallest and largest values in a frequency distribution:
Range = 𝒳max - 𝒳min
assess the quality of data in the EHR
Auditing structured data can reveal a number of potential data quality issues, such as when all choices for a structured field are the same when a structured field is often empty.
HIE governance
Agreeing on standards and how they are to be implemented for successful mapping between systems is an important part of governance
refers to standards adopted for electronic data interchange. In order for transmission of healthcare data between a provider and payer, both parties must adhere to these standards
MPI ongoing maintenance program
The goal is to maintain low creation rates for duplicates, overlaps, and overlays.
scatter diagram
is a data analysis tool used to plot points of two variables suspected of being related to each other in some way
Association rule learning
is a type of data mining that identifies interesting relationships between two concepts in the database. For example, it may identify that patients who are treated with drug A have a better outcome than patients who are treated with drug B
line plot
For data that is presenting changes over time, the preferred presentation method is a line plot
Performance standards
are often developed for the key functions of the job and set the quantity and quality for each job function.
population health
The population health component in an EHR is designed to capture and report healthcare data that are used for public health purposes. It allows the healthcare provider to report infectious diseases, immunizations, cancer, and other reportable conditions to public health officials. This reporting is required at the local, state, and national levels and includes infectious diseases. A population health system also can connect with public health officials to receive alerts regarding health issues
Productivity standards
should be aligned with the organization’s mission and goals of the organization
HIE registry and directory
For whatever architecture an HIE organization may have, there needs to be a way to identify participants, which may include individual providers, representatives of payer organizations, and patients or consumers, as well as organizational entities and their information systems.
A web portal
is a single point of personalized access (an entryway) through which to find and deliver information (content), applications, and services.
The use of a dashboard
It monitors key measures.
Optical character recognition (OCR)
In addition to bar codes on medical record documents, may be available to enhance the accuracy of indexing features on forms.
A clinical data repository
is a centralized database that captures, sorts, and processes patient data and then sends it back to the user
refers to taking care of something you own or have been entrusted with.
Predictive modeling
the application uses statistical techniques to determine the likelihood of certain events occurring together.
offers the advantage of seeing the general trend of data and comparing differences in data between groups or over time.
A database administrator
is an information technology specialist in database implementation and maintenance.
Control charts
can be used to measure key processes over time. Using a control chart focuses attention on any variation in a process.
A data model
is an important part of describing how data will be processed.
structured query language (SQL)
It defines data elements and manipulates and controls data.
The Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) has been driving the escalation of technology through its National Strategic Framework requirement of mandating the implementation of EHRs and currently toward the acceleration of health information exchange (HIE)
are used to present the distribution of numeric data. The numeric variable is broken down into groups based on specific ranges of values to establish the widths of each bar in a histogram. The height of each bar represents the frequency or density of each of the binned groups. The distribution can be described as normally distributed when the pattern follows a bell-shaped pattern
The Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
the standard supports retrieval of information from imaging devices and equipment to diagnostic and review workstations as well as short-term and long-term storage systems
Data dictionary
Define the data, show how it is displayed, and list attributes
A data administrator
focuses on understanding interrelationships among data in order to prepare a logical design for a database.
Controls for accuracy of the MPI
include limiting access to the index and limiting the ability to make changes to a few key personnel. The first step to maintaining an accurate index is to obtain the correct information at admission or registration. Hospitals often use MPIs to determine whether a patient has been seen in the facility before.
Secondary analysis
is the analysis of the original work of others. In a secondary analysis, researchers reanalyze original data by combining data sets to answer new questions or by using more sophisticated statistical techniques. The work of others created the MEDPAR file
Semantic interoperability
This process involves the use of standardized terminologies, such as SNOMED-CT, to provide clarity, consistency, and appropriate meaning in HIE
Data governance managers
users of databases.
Natural language queries
use common words to tell the database which data are needed.
Clinical pathways
are a tool designed to coordinate multidisciplinary care planning for specific diagnoses and treatments
the precise numeric values are more easily discerned
The staffing level
is determined by dividing the number of images by the expected productivity.