Domain 2 Flashcards
Coding productivity consists of A. Accuracy and volume B. Accuracy C. Volume D. CMI
A. Volume and accuracy
Which of the following codes would be used when coding a cydrocystoma fo the right upper eyelid? A. D22. 111 B. D22.10 C. D23.111 D. C23.121
D. C23.111 other benign neoplasm of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
Uniform reporting and statistical data collection for medical procedures, supplies, products, and services are promoted by which of the following? A. CPT B. HCPCS C. ICD-10-CM D. ICD-10-PCS
B. HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
Which of the following healthcare programs cover dependents and survivors of permanently and totally disabled veterans? A. CHAMPUS B. CHAMPVA C. HIS D. TRICARE
B. CHAMPVA-the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs is a comprehensive health care program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries
A patient was diagnosed with L4-L5 lumbar neuropathy and discogenic pain. The patient underwent an intradiscal electro thermal annuloplasty (IDET) in the radiology suite. What ICD-10 procedure code is used? A. M47.16 B. M51.26 C. OS523ZZ D. O3LY0CZ
C. OS523ZZ-destruction of Lumbar Vertebral Disc Percutaneous approach
Which if the following is the most comprehensive controlled vocabulary for coding the content of a patient record? A. CPT B. HCPCS C. ICD-10-CM D. SNOMED-CT
D. SNOMED CT is the most comprehensive and precise clinical health terminology product in the world, owned and distributed around the world by the Internatinal Health Terminology Standards Development Organization (IHTSDO)
A patient is admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and congestive heart failure. The patient subsequently develops respiratory failure and is intubated and placed on ventilator management. Which of the following would be the correct code sequencing?
A. Respiratory failure, intubation, ventilator management.
B. Congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, ventilator management, intubation.
C. Respiratory failure, congestive heart failure, intubation, ventilator management.
D. Shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, ventilator management.
B. Congestive heart failure, respiratory failure, ventilator management, intubation.
A patient had a placenta Previa with delivery of twins. The patient had two prior Cesarean sections and this C-section was due to hemorrhage. The principal diagnosis would be: A. Normal delivery B. Placenta Previa C. Twin gestation D. Vaginal hemorrhage
B. Placenta Previa
The APC payment system is based on what coding system?
A. CPT and HCPCS codes
B. ICD-10-CM diagnosis and procedure codes
C. CPT and ICD-10-CM procedure codes
D. Only CPT codes
A. The Ambulatory Payment Classifications payment system is based on CPT and HCPCS codes
What is the purpose of the present on admission (POA) indicator?
A. Differentiate between conditions present on admission and conditions that develop during an inpatient admission
B. Track principal diagnosis
C. Distinguish between principal and primary diagnosis
D. Determine principal diagnosis
A. Differentiate between conditions present on admission and conditions that develop during an inpatient admission. As part of the deficit Reduction Act, CMS now requires hospitals to enter POS indicators on al inpatient acute-care hospital claims
Which of the following prospective payment systems is utilized for payment of inpatient services? A. APC B. DRG C. OPPS D. RBRVS
B. DRG. A Diagnosis-Related Group is a statistical system of classifying any inpatient stay into groups for the purposes of payment. It divides possible diagnosis into more than 20 major body systems and subdivides them into almost 500 groups for the purpose of Medicare reimbursement
A 75 year old male is admitted with fever, lethargy, hypotension, tachycardia, Liguria, and elevated WBC. The patient has more than 100,000 organisms of Escherichia coil per CC of urine. The attending physician documents “urosepsis.” How should a coder proceed?
A. Code sepsis as the prinicipal diagnosis and urinary tract infection due to E-coil as a secondary diagnosis.
B. Code urinary tract infection with sepsis as the principal diagnosis
C. Query the physician to ask if the patient has septicemia because of the symptomatology
D. Query the physician to ask if the patient had septic shortcake so that this may be used as the principal diagnosis
C. Query the physician to ask if the patient has septicemia because of the symptomatology
How is the Medicare benefit period defined?
A. Beginning the day the Medicare patient is admitted to the hospital and ending when the patient has not been hospitalized for a period of sixty consecutive days.
B. The period in which a Medicare patient is hospitalized
C. The period that begins on January 1 each year with an allowable inpatient hospitalization benefit up to 90 days
D. Between one and 90 days of a Medicare patient’s hospitalizations
A. Beginning the day the Medicare patient is admitted to the hospital and ending when the patient has not been hospitalized for a period of sixty consecutive days
Healthcare cost and lost income associated with work-related injuries in covered by which of the following healthcare? A. CHAMPVA B. Medicare C. Medicaid D. Workers’ compensation
D. Workers’ compensation
The Medicare inpatient prospective payment system excludes which of the following types of hospitals? A. Children’s B. Rural C. State supported D. Tertiary
A. Children’s
Since October1, 1983, most hospitals have been paid under the hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS). However, certain types of specialty hospitals and units were excluded from PPS because the PPS DRG’s do not accurately account for the resource costs for the types of patients treated in those facilities. Facilities originally excluded from PPS included rehabilitation, psyshiatiric, children’s cancer and long term care hospitals, rehabilitation and psychiatric hospital district part units, and hospitals located outside the 50 states and Puerto Rico
In processing a Medicare payment for outpatient radiology exams a hospital outpatient services department would receive payment under which of the following payment systems? A DRGs B. HHRGS C. OASIS D. OPPS
D. OPPS the hospital outpatient prospective payment system classifies all hospital outpatient services in APCs. HCPCS codes are assigned to APCs by CMS and these assignments are updated at least annually
Which of the following program provides additional federal funds to states so that Medicaid eligibility can be expanded to include a greater number of children? A Medigap B. PACE C. SCHIP D. TRICARE
C. SCHIP-the State Children’s Health Insurance Program is a partnership between the Federal and State governments that provides health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but to little to afford private coverage
A 50 year old female is admitted with abdominal pain, the physician states the the discharge diagnosis is pancreatitis versus no calculus cholecystitis. Both diagnosis are treated equally. The correct coding and sequencing of the case would be:
A. Sequenced either, the pancreatitis or no calculus Cholecystitis as the Principal diagnosis
B. Pancreatitis, noncalculus cholecystitis, abdominal pain
C. Noncalculus cholecystitis, pancreatitis, abdominal pain
D. Abdominal pain, pancreatitis, noncalculus cholcytis
A. Sequence either the pancreatitis or the noncalculus cholecystitis as the principal diagnosis
A patient presents to the doctor’s office with fever, productive cough and shortness of breath . The physician orders a chest x-ray and indicates in the progress note: “rule out pneumonia”, if the results have not yet been received, what should the coder report for the visit?
A. Pneumonia
B. Fever, cough, shortness of breath
C, cough, shortness of breath
D, pneumonia, cough, shortness of breath, fever
B. Fever, cough shortness of breath
The following system provides a detailed classification system for coding of the histology, topography, and behavior of neoplasm?
A current procedural terminology
B, healthcare common procedure coding system
C. International Classification of Disease for Oncology, Third
D. Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terminology
C. International Classification of Disease for Oncology, (ICD-O)3 was published in 2000 and used principally in tumor or cancer registries, for coding the site (topography) and histology (morphology) of the neoplasm, usually obtained from a pathology report.
Substance abuse and mental health disorders are collected by which set of codes? A. CPT B. DSM-V-TR C. HCPCS D. SNOMED CT
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM 5) is the 2013 update to the American Psychiatic Associations’s (APA) classification and diagnostic tool. In the United States the DSM serves as a universal authority for psychiatric providers, are often determined by DSM classifications, so the appearance of a new version has significant practical importance
If a medication list contains the drug Procardia, which of the following diagnosis should the coder find? A. Hypertension B. Esophagitis C. Congestive Heart Failure D. AIDS
A. Hypertension Pericardia belongs to a class of medications called calcium channel blockers (CCBs) that are used to treat angina (heart pain), high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythms
Updating the procedure classification of ICD-10-CM is done by which of the following?
A. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
B. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
C. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
D. Combination of all three
D. Combination of all three
The ICD-10 coordination and Maintenance Committee (C&M) is a Federal interdepartmental committee comprised of representatives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC), and the national Center for Health Statistics (NCDS). The committee is responsible for approving coding changes, developing errata, addenda and other modifications
In processing a bill under the Medicare outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS), where a patient had three surgical procedures performed during the same operative session, which of the following would apply? A. Bundling of services B. Outlier adjustment C. Pass-through payment D. Discounting of procedures
D. Discounting of procedures
A patient has carcinoma of multiple overlapping sites of the bladder. A diagnosistic cystoscope and transurethral fulguration of the bladder lesion (1.9, 6.0cm) are undertaken. Which of the following CPT code(s) would be most appropriate? A. 52234, 52240 B. 52235 C. 52240 D. 52224, 52234, 52240
C. 52240
Cystourethroscopy, with fulguration (including cryosurgery or laser surgery) and/or resection of large bladder tumors