Domain 1: Planning and Scoping Flashcards
What are the 6 overall steps in the PenTest process?
- Planning and Scoping
- Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Analysis
- Explotation
- Post Exploitation
- Reporting
What phase do the bellow happen in a Penetration Test?:
- Discuss with the client their requirements for the test
- Define the scope
Planning and Scoping Phase
What is Risk?
The proability that a threat will be realised.
What is a Vulnerability?
Any weakness in a systems design or implementation
What is a Threat?
In relation to IT Security
Anything that could cause harm, loss, damage or compromise to IT systems
Where does Risk exsist?
When there is an overlap between vulnerability and threat
What type of risk occurs when risk is identified but no mitigation factors are applied?
Inherent Risk
What is Residule Risk?
Occurs when risk is calculated after applying mitigations and security controls.
What type of risk is created due to a security exemption being granted or failure to comply with corporate policy?
Risk Exception
What type of risk is?:
▪ Stops a risky activity or chooses a less risky alternative
▪ Eliminates the hazards, activities, and exposures with potential negative
Risk Avoidance
What is Risk Transfer?
Passes the risk to a third party, such as an insurance company
What is it when you accepts the current level of risk and the costs associated with it if that Risk were realized?
Risk Acceptance
What is Risk Appetite?
▪ The amount of risk an organization is willing to accept in pursuit of its
▪ Also called risk attitude and risk tolerance
What is Risk Tolerance?
Specific maximum risk the organization is willing to take
about a specific identified risk
What are these:
- Compensative
- Corrective
- Detective
- Deterrent
- Directive
- Preventitive
- Recovery
Seven type of security controls
What are Corrective controls?
● Reduces the effect of an undesirable event or attack
● Examples: fire extinguishers and antivirus solutions
What type of controls are:
.● Used in place of a primary access control measure to mitigate a given risk
● Example: dual control
Compensative Controls
What type of controls are:
● Detects an ongoing attack and notifies the proper personnel
● Examples: alarm systems, closed circuit television systems, and
Detective Controls
What are Deterrent controls?
● Discourages any violation of security policies, both by attackers
and insiders
● Example: surveillance camera sign
What type of controls are:
● Forces compliance with the security policy and practices within the organization
● Example: Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Directive Controls
What type of controls:
● Prevents or stops an attack from occurring
● Examples: password protection, security badges, antivirus
software, and intrusion prevention systems
Preventive Controls
What type of controls are:
● Recovers a device after an attack
● Examples: Disaster Recovery Plans (DRPs), backups, and continuity
of operations plans
Recovery Controls
What are the three broad catagories which covers controls?
- Administrative (Managerial)
- Logical (Technical)
- Physical
What type of controls:
● Manages personnel and assets through security policies, standards, procedures, guidelines, and baselines
● Examples: proper data classification and labeling, supervision of
personnel, and security awareness training
Administrative Controls
What type of controls are:
● Implemented through hardware or software and used to prevent
or restrict access to a system
● Examples: firewalls, intrusion detection systems, intrusion
prevention systems, authentication schemes, encryption, new
protocols, auditing or monitoring software, and biometrics
Logical Controls
Whats the difference between an Audit and Monitoring?
An Audit is a point in time evaluation whilst Monitoring is a ongoing process
What includes:
● Change management
● Configuration management
● Log monitoring
● Status report analysis
Continues Monitoring
What type of controls:
● Protects the organization’s personnel and facilities
● Examples: fences, locks, security badges, proximity cards for entry
into the building, guards, access control vestibules, biometrics,
and other means of securing the facility
Physical Controls
What type of methodology does:
▪ The systematic approach a pentester uses before, during, and after a
penetration test, assessment, or engagement
▪ Penetration tests use the same steps taken by threat actors or hackers
Pentest Methodology
What are the 4 stages of the CompTIA PenTest+ methodology?
What is the name of NIST’s PenTest methodology?
NIST SP 800-115
What are the steps of the EC Council CEH PenTest methodology?