Domain 1 Flashcards
Organization and History of O&M
AFB Founded in what year?
Lawrence Blaha
1/6 first O&M
Activated the training at LA State
Trained the first 80 blinded vets
Set in motion the constant refinement of the Hoover method
Stanley Surtako
1/6 first O&M
Missionary of the Hines method to the outer world
Started at the VA Hospitals in western michigan
John Malamazian
1/6 first O&M
Preserver of integrity of Hines and first sighted chief of Hines
Eventually the first sighted Chief of the Blind without objection
1961 AFB set out to get an org. to administer accreditation
NAC - National accreditation committee
The initial certification standards established two levels - Provisional and Permanent
1973 three new undergrad programs were developed
Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation & Education Professionals
Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (AAVL)
Nonprofit focuses on concerns of persons with sight loss later in life. Resources and tips available.
American Council of the Blind (ACB)
Phone: 202-467-5081
Major advocacy group, have a radio network, and scholarships for students.
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
Phone: 212-502-7600
Education and information on blindness and helps fund research and programs.
AFB as a resource
American Foundation for the Blind- national clearing house for problems of the blind
“Keeping up-to-date and well-informed with federal and state laws
in-service training
helping with passing laws that advocated for O&M services
exchanging of ideas, common interest”
American Speech Language and hearing Association, Association for speech and language
Association for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind
Association of Blind Citizens (ABC)
Produce an online radio program, offer assistive technology fund and run a summer camp for teens.
Allen, Griffin, & Shaw (1977)
Authors of Orientation & Mobility: Behavioral Objectives for Teaching Older Adventitiously Blind Individuals”
Robert Erwin
Champion for the public education for the blind
Valley Forge impact on O&M profession
Col. Greer called the program “Foot Travel”
Idea of the Light cane
Richard Hoover’s programming
figured out that the first thing they needed to know how to do what get around in their environment
Hoover determined this was not merely training in foot travel with a can, but a large number of specialists chosen, highly qualified inteructors with hours of training
hoover named it Orientation but in the beginning it was called “Foot Travel”
Unpretentious, self explanatory naming: Foot Travel
Discovered the cane was the most reliable way to detect obstacles
This reinforced the Hoover methods
WWII Impact on O&M Profession
Competition between who could serve the vets the best
AFB was developed
there was a major increase in vets and they wanted to make sure that people that fought bravely woul dhave a good option
more vets were coming back blind due to injuries by the war
VA hospitals came up with a systematic approach which was ineffective
the world started looking at hines approach to rehabilitation
it was considered war blinded
valley forge viewed mobility training and shoed no sign of being impressed
Council for Exceptional Children
The primary purpose of this Division shall be to advance the education of individuals with visual impairments and to promote related educational, scientific, and charitable purposes.
Keeping up-to-date and well-informed with federal and state laws
in-service training
support with legal issues
exchange of ideas, common interests
ACVREP as a resource
Credentialing agency for rehab and education professionals related to blind and visually impaired professions
Keep up with up-to-date and well-informed regarding the state and federal laws
in-service training
licensing and recertification
Mary E. Switzer
Director of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for 10 years
brought in 10 millian dollars for research
Convinced Louis Rivers to take the Acting Chief of Services for the Blind Position
Gloucester Conference
Doctors and Rehabilitation specialists came together for the first time
need to discuss dangers associated with untrained people being O&M Spec. for LV, VI, and Blind people
Need for formal training recognized
How often is IMC held?
Every 2 years
Richard Hoover
Father of O&M
Dev. 2 pt touch
felt that the key to getting his technique used was 300 people caned
A1 priority given to cane making
Trained the cane technique at Valley Forge
Boston College
First college grant that had a master’s in O&M
Father Thomaas Carroll
Founder of the conference
Blind Priest
Wrote “Blindness, what it is and what it does”
Former Chaplain at Avon
Tried to establish an O&M Group/ association
convinced Erwin and. Vail to travel to the different blind centers and look at them
He took the initiative by asking 51 specific questions regarding the program
The report pushed for coordination of blinded vet affairs and for a basic rehab center
Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Phone: 847-446-8111
Free distance-education courses. Available in a podcast, digital audio book, large print, and braille.
Regional O&M Professional Associations as a resource
In order to network and receive updates on local guidelines for eligibilityIn order to network and receive updates on local guidelines for eligibility
CEC as a resource
In order to obtain info regarding a wide range of disabilities and strategies for teaching a variety of needs.
International Mobility Conference
AER as a resource
Keeping up-to-date and well-informed with federal and state laws
in-service training
helping with passing laws that advocated for O&M services
exchanging of ideas, common interest
IMC Offers
Keeping up-to-date and well-informed with federal and state laws
in-service training
helping with passing laws that advocated for O&M services
exchanging of ideas, common interest
In order to enhance level of expertise through international exchange of ideas and info; aims to promote the level of mobility services in general and specifically in the countries where the conference is being held.
Lions Club
Lions Clubs International
Phone: 630-571-5466
Vision health service projects. Local Districts: Multiple District 22-C (MD & DC), Multiple District 24-L (VA).
Department of Education as a resource
May have statewide supports, may support schools in providing supports.
May empoly COMS, funding options, local resources
Rules and regulations for licensing
Ideas for lesson planning
Regulation for administering services
Private Agencies for blind and visually impaired as a resource
May offer services for training opportunities, Ex: WSB in Little Rock, May empoly COMS, funding options, local resources
In order to network with other service providers to collaborate in treatment.
Dorothy Harrison Eustis
Mother of the Guide Dog Movement, Est. Seeing Eye in 1929
First key figure was her first student
Second key was “Uncle Willie” dog financier and retired businessman
Third was associated with geneticist named Jack Humphrey
National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
Phone: 410-659-9314
Coordinate programs, services, and resources to defend the rights of blind Americans.
State schools for the blind and visually impaired as a resource
Offer statewide support or resource information. May empoly COMS, funding options, local resources
Recc. for services
outside assessments
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation as a resource
offers the most funding for adult services. Varies by state. May have special department/unit for focus on blind and vi services. May empoly COMS, funding options, local resources
Helps with transition to work or postsecondary education
Helps with training after k-12
VA Blind Centers as a resource
Specifically for people who have served in the military, offer funding for training and education of OMS, May empoly COMS, funding options, local resources
First Six O&M Specialists
Stanley Surtako
Edward Mees
Lawrence Blaha
John Malamazian
Edward Thius
Alfred D. Corbett
France Campbell
Teacher that developed structured teaching of mobility
Had a system of physical training carried to a high perfection
Started experimenting in the area of mobility during his perkins days
Started using ropes to help with understanding of Orientation
Avon Program
The purpose was the social adjustment of the war blinded vets prior to service discharge
Avon program limited the person’s stay
They belived in “Facial vision” The ability to detect obstacles through sensation not fancifully
Hines Hospital
Used Corrective therapists as O&M Instructors
They created the film “Long Cane”
It converted sighted people but it was a dud as far as the blind population
tried to organize the gloucester conference
stressed long cane training
established O&M as a real profession
What is a VA?
Veteran’s Administration; US Federal Agency whose aim is to provide high-quality care in a timely manner to enable blinded veterans to acquire the skills and capabilities necessary for the development of personal independence and emotional stability; 10 of these centers located across the US and in Puerto Rico.
Resources, guides and other helpful information for someone with vision loss. “Getting Started” Toolkit.
Russel William
William set up the principles for O&M
Realism with respect to blindness
that a program for the blind depended on the steadiness of the personnel who make it up
C. Warren Bledsoe
Wrote the O&M Books
ACVREP Code of Ethics
In order to get certification, support, standards, training; they are an independent and autonomous legal certification body dedicated to meeting the needs of the vision services field; they provide high quality professional certification in low vision therapy, COMS, and vision rehabilitation therapy; certification and best practices/ethics.
ACVREP Enforcement Policy
If you do not follow the code of ethics, license can be removed
Criminal actions can be brought against them if they break the rules
Alfred D. Corbett
One of the six first O&M Specs.
Development of the O&M Certification Program
1966 At the AAWB Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Interest Group IX formed a committee to study the certification of O&M instructors.
1967 After the AAWB Convention in Florida, Interest Group IX appointed an accreditation committee, later named Certification Standards Committee.
1968 Interest Group IX adopted procedures and requirements for certification of O&M specialists; request sent to AAWB Board of Directors for approval.
1968 AAWB Board of Directors approved the certification procedures and requirements with the stipulation that the AAWB bylaws would need changing before certification can become a reality.
1969 AAWB appoints a committee representing various interests and geographical areas to implement the certification of O&M instructors.
1969 The AAWB Certification Committee met for the first time for the sole purpose of implementing the Certification Procedures as adopted by the membership at the 1968 convention, and approved by the AAWB Board of Directors.
1969 U.S. Office of Education funded two programs at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Northern Colorado (dual certification).
1969 First O&M certifications approved (56 for permanent certification and 40 for provisional certification), AAWB National Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
1971 Vision requirements for O&M certification change from 20/20 and normal field to 20/40 acuity and field of 140 degrees.
1971 O&M certification “grandfather” clause expired.
1971 Undergraduate applicants for O&M certification defined.
1975 Certification Committee of Interest Group IX includes representative from AEVH.
1979 ETA Certification for O&M specialist first considered.
1979 Vision requirements for O&M certification change from measured acuity/fields to functional vision requirements.
1979 Interest Group IX votes to support changes in certification requirements to provisional and professional; profession certification must be renewed every 5 years with documentation of professional activities.
1979 AAWB appoints a Board Committee to review certification documents presented for Board approval. Committee referred to as Certification Standards Committee, later named Certification Review Committee.
1986 “Provisional” O&M certification changed to “Initial Professional.”
1986 Centralized processing through AER central office of O&M certification applications.
1987 Certification Appeals Process approved by the AER International Board.
1990 Division Nine recommended that individuals who possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field of study can become eligible for AER O&M certification by completing all O&M core curricula at the same AER-approved O&M university preparation program. Requirements for individuals who possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a field not related to vision study were also approved. (Approved by the AER Board of Directors in 1992.)
1991 AER Board approved certification programs for Trainer/Supervisors of OMAs and Orientation and Mobility Assistants.
1992 Division Nine recommends a revision to the professional activity requirement for AER certification renewal. This revision is comparable with other professional certification renewal activities.
1993 AER Board of Directors votes to remove the requirement of a physical examination or a completed physician’s statement from O&M renewable professional certification.
1996 Appointment of an ad hoc AER Division Nine committee to develop a national certification examination in O&M.
2024 created a new COMS exam!
Edward Mees
one of the six first O&M Specs.
Edward Thuis
one of the six first O&M Specs.
History and Development of O&M Specialist Code of Ethics
Principle 1: The COMS will value the worth, dignity, and self-determination of each
Principle 2: The COMS will respect the privacy, right to consent, and confidentiality of the
Principle 3: The COMS will be accountable for exercising sound professional judgements.
Principle 4: The COMS will promote organizational and business practices that benefit
clients and society.
Principle 5: The COMS will maintain integrity in their relationships with clients,
colleagues, other professionals, and the community.
Principle 6: The COMS will provide comprehensive, accurate, and objective information
when representing the profession.
Principle 7: The COMS will enhance their expertise through lifelong learning and
refinement of knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional behaviors.
Journal of visual impairment and blindness
JVIB Offers
Professional articles and most up-to-date research for O&M skills