DoM and PL critics Flashcards
According to Karen Edwards of the uni of exeter, Satan is defined by
“defined by his hatred”
According to Karen Edward of the uni of exeter, Adam and Eve’s ceaseless tending of the garden represents…
their efforts to always be foused on being obedient to God
Karen Edwards of the uni of exeter makes the observation that use of superlatives in PL is…
“Satanic language as comparison and hierarchy is key in Satan’s eyes.”
Karen Edwards of the uni of exeter claims that it is “…” that saves Adam and Eve
“It is there love and forgiveness of eachother that saves Adam and Eve, qualities Satan lacks.”
Karen Edwards claims that Milton endorses the acceptance of death because..
“It is what makes us human, and we need to learn to live alongside it.”
William Blake claims that Milton was
“of the devil’s party without knowing it”
David Kearns description of Adam and Eve’s conversations:
“a microcosm of social structure”
Samuel Johnson describes Milton to be a…
“surly republican” who “hated all whom he was required to obey”
Peter Weston makes the observation of the contrast between fallen Adam and Eve
“Eve’s ‘intoxication’ of the fruit is visible in the ‘warm glow’ in her cheek, which directly juxtaposes Adam’s ‘horror chill’
David Jones on Milton’s inspirations
he “draws on the Ethos of Greek and Roman literature to create a literary contest”
Peter Weston acknowleges Milton’s use of ‘strategies of diction’
“Paradise Lost being a non-rhyming poem, Milton relies on his ‘strategies of diction’
Peter Weston claims that the ‘striking feature of Paradise’ is that
‘to be lost is its most significant feature’
James Shapiro from ‘The mysterious Mr Webster’ documentary, compares The Duchess of Malfi to
King Lear, Macbeth and Hamlet - moralisation of Death
Actor Gemma Arterton agrees that Webster is an…
‘outsider of society’
James Shapiro says the Duchess is a
‘beacon of virtue’
James Shapiro says Bosola is a
‘keen eyed observer’
James Shapiro makes the connection between Webster’s family business of coachmaking and his dark writing styles
Prostitutes would rent them for sex, funeral services would be held in them, Webster ‘grew up with tragedy’
Poet T.S Eliot describes Webster to be…
‘the skull beneath the skin’
James Shapiro compares the Duchess to Elizabeth I saying..
“The Duchess captures a profound sense of nostalgia, (elizabeth I) = a shining icon of regal virtue, surrounded by the darkest of oppressors.
K. Over says that Paradise Lost is..
“the greatest epic poem in English”