Dogs Flashcards
At the dog park, there was a little scuffle between two playful pups over a squeaky toy.
Драка, перепалка
The gentle strokes and kind words from their owner had a soothing effect on the anxious dog, helping it relax during the thunderstorm.
Успокаивающий, снимающий напряжение
The silly puppy chased its tail in circles, providing endless entertainment for the amused family.
Глупый, дурацкий
The owner used a gentle tone and offered a treat as an appeasement strategy to calm the nervous dog during the thunderstorm.
Удовлетворение, уступка
The playful puppy couldn’t resist chasing after the bouncing ball in the backyard.
Преследование, гонка за
to Escalate
What started as a minor disagreement quickly escalated into a heated argument.
Обострять, усиливаться
to Squint
The bright sunlight made her squint as she walked down the street without sunglasses.
Щуриться, смотреть косо
The upcoming exams caused a surge of anxiety in the students as they prepared for the challenging tests.
Тревога, беспокойство
to Whimper
The puppy began to whimper when left alone, expressing its loneliness and anxiety.
Ныть, хныкать
She was devastated by the news of the loss of her closest friend.
Потрясённый, разрушенный
After multiple failed attempts, he became frustrated with the challenging puzzle.
Разочарованный, обескураженный
The family decided to adopt a dog of a specific breed known for its loyalty and friendly nature.