Does “The Wonderful OZ” Have A Hidden Message? Flashcards
make it to (sth or some place)
to arrive at some event or location successfully or on time; to manage to reach some stage or point of progress
Covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint; wealthy and privileged (“The Gilded Age”in American history)
gold standatd
a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of gold
Start out (as)
If someone or something starts out as a particular thing, they are that thing at the beginning although they change later
the state of being prosperous
At the height of
At the most advanced or extreme point of sth
a comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea
(verb) to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting
(vi)(vt) to succeed in an enterprise or activity
(vi) to try hard to do sth that you find very difficult
An advocate or support of democracy; a member of the Democratic party
reach (noun)
the distance that can be travelled, especially easily (Eg> ~put him in reach of presidency)
the job of being president, or the period when someone is a president.
A child or short person
to crush or burden by abuse of power or authority