Document Analysis Review Flashcards
War guilt factor of the Treatee of Versailles
The Treaty said Germany was to blame for causing the war.
This infuriated Germany as they viewed their role in the war as a matter of self-defense.
Germany entered WW1 to help their ally Austria-Hungary
Military factor of Treatee of Versailles
French desire for security meant that German armed soldiers had to be drastically reduced
The air force was disbanded
The army was limited to 100,000 soldiers
Navy was limited to six battleships and no submarines
Territorial losses of Treatee of Versailles
Germany lost 13% of its land
The Polish Corridor was lost to Poland
Leaders involved with the Treatee of Versailles
Woodrow Wilson - USA
David George - UK
Georges Clemenceau - FRA
Vittorio Orlando - ITA
Most well-known symbol of fascism
The swastika
Why do you think that Fascism was popular amongst many Germans?
After the treaty of Versailles Germany was very upset with the deal they were given and the held the pseudo government to blame. This led the way to the fascist dictators.
Why do you think that the Depression helped the rise of Fascism in Germany?
It provided an opportunity for stronger leadership which Germans were led to believe would provide them with better jobs and a better economy; a better future.
Suggest reasons why not many students, doctors or lawyers joined the Nazi Party.
The Nazi Party appealed to the uneducated and populist as well as fringe movements within the country. Students, doctors, or lawyers were generally well off people as well so they weren’t affected that much by the difficult conditions in Germany.
Define fascism
A far right authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology characterized by a doctorial leader
Why did Italy not get much of a say in the Treatee?
They did not get much of a say as Italy joined the Allied powers around halfway through the war, originally belonging to an alliance including Germany called the “Triple Alliance”. The only reason why Italy switched sides was the Allies promised them territorial gains at the expense of Austria-Hungary.
Why did France want to punish Germany so much?
They were very angry at the Germans due to the destruction the caused in the days of grueling trench warfare throughout WW1.
Why did the US not want to punish Germany so much?
They were not as effected by the war, and did not see the devastation the Germans caused, unlike the French. They also wanted Germany to bounce back so they could trade with them.
What was the main objective the US wanted out of the treatee?
The creation of a League of Nations
What was the total compensation Germany had to pay the allies in pounds?
6600 M
Where was the Treatee Of Versailles signed?
Palace of Versaille
What would happen to the Rhinelands under the Treatee?
It would be demilitarized.
When was the Treatee of Versailles signed?
28 June 1919