Doctrine of Christ Final Flashcards
<i>impersonality</i>; The human nature of Christ– there was never a moment in time that the human nature and divine nature existed apart from each other. This is to deny adoption theology. Jesus (his human nature) did not exist prior to the incarnation.
<i>inpersonality</i>; The human nature is personalized in the eternal hypostasis of the son. Its hypostasis is the same with the Trinity and he does not have his own hypostasis. Christ is one hypostasis and two ousia
Extra calvinisticum
<i>the Calvinistic extra</i>; a term used by the Lutherans to refer to the Reformed insistence on the utter transcendence of the Second Person of the Trinity in and during the incarnation.
Finitum non capax infiniti
<i>The finite is incapable of the infinite</i>; the finite or finite being is incapable of grasping, comprehending, or receiving the infinite or infinite being
<i>generation</i>; when used relative to the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son, the eternal and changeless activity in the Godhead by which the Father produces the Son without division of essence
to be incarnate; an important distinction regarding the divine Logos, or Word of God. The Word is Logos incarnatus, the Word incarnate as the divine-human person of Christ.
<i>incarnation</i>; the unitino, or act of uniting, human nature with the Logos, or Word, in the womb of Mary
Intercessio Christi
the intercession of Christ; specifically, the supplications offered by Christ on behalf of humanity and for the sake of believers in the execution of his priestly office
word or reason; specifically, the Second Person of the Trinity
Logos asarkos
Logos, without the flesh; a term derived from the fathers used to distinguish the Second Person of the Trinity in his preincarnate state
Logos endiathetos / Logos prophorikos
the immanent Logos(inside)/the Logos brought forth(proclaimed); a distinction similar to that between the Word without flesh (Logos asarkos) and the Word enfleshed (Logos ensarkos), used first by the second-century apologists to indicate the distinction between the Word, or Logos, as eternally immanent in the Godhead and the Word brought forth as the firstborn of all creation (Col. 1:15)
Munus triplex
threefold office; a christological term referring to the threefold work of Christ as prophet, priest and king
Regnum Christi
the rule or kingdom of Christ. Christ is currently reigning as mediator; it will be fully manifested with the resurrection of the dead and the subjugation of His enemies.
satisfaction, making amends or reparation. The act of making amends for sin required by God for forgiveness to take place which was fulfilled by the obedience of Christ on the cross
Satisfactio vicaria
vicarious satisfaction. Christ’s work of propitiation and expiation considered as payment for sin made for the sake of believers and in their place.