Doctrine nine ** Flashcards
According the John 15:1-7 (the metaphor of the vine), what is the equation that produces fruit?
Recite the ninth doctrine
We believe that continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ.
Relationship is…
Jesus sees us as his friends and family. This is not forced on us
Without faithfulness…
you will not produce fruit. You cannot produce fruit on your own either-you need God
is impossible without a relationship with Christ and faithfulness to God
Explain the characters in the metaphor of the Vine
The Vine-Jesus
The Gardener-God
Nourishment/Life- Holy Spirit
Faithfulness is….
- a requirement to remain in Christ
- a process [obedience->the action; love->the motivation]
Three different parts of fruit
- Personal -> the fruits of the Spirit within us
- Public -> winning of souls for the kingdom
- Permanent -> it is long lasting
What is the divine and human association?
Both God and human working together:
- Divine work -> regeneration and justification
- human element -> faith and obedience; dedication and surrender; consecration to a holy life
Definition of apostasy
- rejection of the gospel of Jesus Christ
- complete rebellion
- all conscious connections to God have been severed
Definition of backsliding
-turning away from the grace of God AFTER having already experienced salvation
Definition of heresy
- false doctrine
- false belief
- formal denial of Christian doctrine
- theological error
definition of orthodoxy
“true belief” that is based on the truth of the Scripture
What is the process of backsliding?
- starts out as a secret
- > you become careless with the means of worship
- > you remove yourself from discipleship
- it becomes public and open (eventually)
- > this is demonstrated by acts and attitude
What is the final result of backsliding?
- soul loses its spiritual life in Christ
- an attitude of constant rebellion is present
- this rebellion leads to eternal separation from God
Does one bad act or a single sin constitute backsliding or apostasy?
Backsliding is continual rebellion and apostasy happens when God is rejected completely
What is syncretism?
- it makes faith impure
- combining faith with cultural elements/philosophies/systems of faith
What is heresy?
abandonment of the PURE faith based on the Gospel
What leads to a failure in faith?
- Syncretism
- Heresy
- lack of spiritual discipline
What are the two types of disobedience?
Sins of commission- a sin that is thought out beforehand and committed
Sins of ommission- failure to confess Christ and failure to respond to the Lord’s call
What are the causes of apostasy?
- continual giving in to temptation
- rejecting Christ
- rejecting discipline
- self-sufficiency/complacency
What are the individual consequences of apostasy?
- loss of salvation
- final judgement
How does apostasy affect the community?
- damages the cause of Christ
- stains the testimony of the church
- creates a reverse witness
What is the antidote to backsliding and apostasy?
- persevere in commitment to Christ
- proper perspective in temptation
- there is an escape -> that’s Jesus
What is foreknowledge?
- knowing beforehand, omniscience
- God knows everything
What is election?
an act of the Divine will that God exercises over creation, preferring some over others
What is the perseverance of the saints?
continuing in the faith after conversion and obtaining eternal life
What word does the following definition define?
-divine decree that certain persons are elected and guided without fail toward eternal salvation
What is double predestination?
that some are elected to eternal separation from God
What is universal salvation?
Christ’s expiation on the cross is sufficient for salvation and available to everyone
Free will is…
the option that God gives humanity because of His love for His creation. He allows humans to choose if they want to love Him or reject Him.
What is prevenient grace?
Grace that precedes salvation through the conviction of the Holy Spirit
Who was John Calvin?
- founder of Calvinism
- lawyer
- member of the Age of Reformation
- was exiled for his association with the reform
What was Calvin’s theology?
God is the Governor -> He has absolute control
God is the Creator -> “first cause”
God is the Preserver -> He takes special care of His works
What did Calvin believe?
- humans can only choose evil; we cannot even seek God
- God elects some
- propitiation is limited to those who are “elected”
- saints cannot fall or rebel
- continuance in faith and obedience are natural results of conversion
Who was Jacob Arminius?
- commissioned to defend Calvinistic beliefs
- studied Romans which led him to doubt predestination
- finally concluded that predestination is not Biblical
What was the book “Protest” about?
- theological response to Calvin’s logic
- proclaimed that Jesus died for everyone, not just the elect
Who is John Wesley?
- founded the Methodist movement
- was a Calvinist until “Aldersgate” where he encountered Armenians on a boat
- created societies and classes for doctrine and discipline
What was Wesley’s practical religion?
- grow in faith
- evangelism
- practical ministries
What was Wesley’s Quadrilateral?
- Scriptures
- Reason
- Tradition
- Experience
Calvinism vs Wesleyanism
What are their stances on total depravation?
-incapable of choosing God
-sinful but redeemable; prevenient grace is available
Calvinism vs Wesleyanism
What are their stances on election?
-unconditional, it’s a divine decree of the “elect”
-conditional, free will responds to grace by faith (sola fide)
Calvinism vs Wesleyanism
What are their stances on propitiation?
-it’s only for the elect
-it’s universal; Christ died for the whole world. Those who believe will receive it
Calvinism vs Wesleyanism
What are their stances on grace?
-it’s irresistible and cannot be refused
-humans have free-will and can reject it
Calvinism vs Wesleyanism
What are their stances on the perseverance of the saints?
-the saints cannot fall/backslide
-there is a possibility of backsliding