Doctrine 11 Flashcards
Doctrine 11
We believe in the immortality of the soul; in the resurrection of the body; in the general judgment at the end of the world; in the eternal happiness of the righteous; and in the endless punishment of the wicked.
The study of last things.
Last things - death, intermediate state, second advent, resurrection, final judgement, new heaven and new earth,- It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Individual Eschatology
individual destiny- what will happen to me when I die?
Cosmic Eschatology
Creation destiny- What will happen to human kind/creation?
Progressive Eschatology
Already-Not Yet View that the movement towards the complete reign of God’s kingdom began with the Incarnation of Christ which, after His death, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost reveals its presence in the life of the believer and the Church
presence, arrival, Christ’s glorious - 2nd coming – the finality of what was begun at His Incarnation. 2 Peter 1:16; 2Thess. 2:1
Appearance/Shine Forth -Glorified body to judge in power: save from final destruction those that await Him. Titus 2:13; 1Tim. 6:14 (NASB)
Unveiling/revelation in progress (Eph. 1:17)/revelation in total (1 Peter 4:13) (15x in NT): Rev 1:1
Sources of Proof
Faith - Hebrews 11:1 Scripture - 1 Peter 1:10-11, Sealed by the H.S. - Eph 1:13-14, Resurrection Power in us - Eph 2:6-7, Judgment of Separation is in Effect - John 3:18,36, Temporal Removed/Eternal Revealed - Heb 12:26-29
Proofs of the Kingdom of God in the Person of Jesus
Pre-existence, Incarnation, Suffering and Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Return to Rule:Lorship over all
Ecclesiastes 3:11 (know content)
God has given humanity a hunger for eternity. We are wired for eternity. God made us for eternity. God made us for himself. Any religion worth its value must provide teaching not only on man’s beginning but also his destiny.
Immortality of the Soul (General understanding)
1.Death is not the end to our existence. 2. Post-death existence is still a God-given action for all. 3.Post-death identity is not eliminated. 4. All will be resurrected. 5. All will submit to the final judgement of Christ. 6. All will have a final destination.
Resurrection of the body (General understanding)
- This identifies the “Whole” person as they were on earth. 2. Our same bodies will be extrememly made over. 3. For judgement, the sould and body are reunited. 4. Destination determines design. 5. Focus determines function. 6. Environmnet determines expectations.
General Judgement at the End of the World (General understanding)
- There will be a “day of the Lord”. 2. Fulfillment of God’s Promise.s 3. Affirms God’s Righteousness. 4. Confirms the Truth of the Gospel Message. 5. Assures the Faithful that ‘Our God Reigns’. 6. Time of accountability based on God’s gift of freedom. 7. Time of assurance for the faithful beacuse of the Trinity.
Eternal Happiness of the Righteous (General understanding) HEAVEN
- Full expereience of God’s presence. 2. Full return of Christ in glory. 3. Completion of God’s Kingdom on Heaven and earth. 4. Faith is rewarded. 5. Let the Wedding feast begin. 6. Evidence of it’s reality present today.
Enless Punishment of the Wicked (General Understanding) HELL
- Full experience of God’s absence. 2. For eternity. 3. Tickets already punched for: satain, antichrist, false prophet, demons (fallen angels). 4. A future location - post judgement. 5. Evidence of its reality present today.
Coming of the Kingdom of God/Heaven
The Bible provides us with multiple images of what the coming Kingdom of God will be: Isaiah 11:6-9: Harmony with God and all creation. Isaiah 65:17-25: New creation with joy. Rev. 21:107;22:4 - God dwells with His people. Rev.22:1-5 - Sustaining gifts