doctors office Flashcards
I want to or I am going to take your blood pressure?
mwen vle or mwen pral pran tansyon ou?
Can I take your blood pressure please?
eske mwen kapab kontrole tansyon ou silvouple?
Would you like to make an appointment?
eske ou vle pran yon randevou?
When do you want the appointment
pou ki le ou vle pran randevou a?
to take or make
pou ki le ou vle pran randevou a?
would you like to make an appointment for _____
eske ou ta renmen pran randevou a pou lendi?
I would like to make it for lenzi
mwe ta renmen pran pou lenzi
future marker
conditional (would)
currently doing
map fe
I am making an appointment
map fe yon randevou a pou
te ‘ap
can you wait a moment.
eske ou kapab tan pou yon titan (minit) silvouple? or banm yon titan sivouple,
one minute please
yon moman sivouplait
please come with me
vini avem sivouple
I will take
mwen pral pran pwa (peze) ou
you are ____ pounds
ou se ______ liv
Now I will take your weight
konyea mwe pral peze ou
what is my blood pressure?
kija ou we tansyon mwen?
to see
your blood pressure is 70/200
san ve pa catreven
it is normal
li normal
it is good
li byen
it is high
li wo
it is low
li ba
it is a little low
li yon ti jan ba
I will take your height
mwen pral pran wote ou
you are ____ foot, centimeter, inches
ou mezire ______ centimet (santimet) o pie, pous
what medications are you taking
ki medikaman ou tap pran
marking was doing something
tap or te ap
marking is doing something
wap or ou ap
I was taking medication for headache
mwen tap pran medikaman pou tet fe mal or mwe tap pran medikaman tet fe mal o doule nan tet
in my kitchen
nan kizin mwen