Doc facts Flashcards
MOBITZ 2 second degree AV block
Intermittent non-conducted P waves with a REGULAR PR INTERVAL. Has high rate of progression to Type 3 COMPLETE HB/sudden cardiac death
MOBITZ 1 second degree AV block
Non-conducted P waves w/ progressive elongation of PR intervals. Usually asymptomatic and/or benign
Albumin corrected Ca2+ calculation
.8(4 - albumin) + measured calcium
*Immobilization can lead to hypercalcemia; bone resorption exceeds bone formation which is most readily observed in ppl w/ high bone turnover (e.g. adolescent & Pagets dz). PTH positively correlates w/ renal conversion of 25 to 1,25 Vit D
TX - bisphosphonates
Hep B infxn lab findings
- ^^aminotrxes(stabilize ~ 2-8 wks)
- HepB SURFACE antigen(+) if present > 6mos =chronic
- HepB CORE IgM(+)
- Hep B DNA(+)
- HepB E ANTIGEN(Indication of high infectivity!!!)
- 70% asymp, 30% symp(fatigue, jaundice), most resolve spontaneously
OSA (Stop BANG); 3-4 intermed. risk, >5(high)
- Snoring
- Tired (fatigue)
- Observed apnea/choking in sleep
- Pressure (hypertension)
- BMI >35
- Age > 50
- Neck size > or = 17
- Gender (male)
Clinical fx of Compartment Syndrome
(any condition that causes increased pressure in confine space and decreases blood flow
- Pain out of proportion to injury
- Pain increase w/ passive stretching
- Paresthesia (early sign)
- Rapidly increased size and swelling(tense) of region
- tissue pressure measurement is diagnostic
Peripheral arterial dz
- Manifests as a result of atherosclerotic narrowing of the proximal segments of large peripheral arteries
- decreased ABI and claudication common
- CHADS VASC score
- aspirin shown to reduce risk of stroke and should be started at time of dx. Also start high dose statin(<75 YO)
Tx of symptomatic PAD
(1) - Stop smoking(if done), Decrease BP, Optimize DMII tx regimen, Aspirin and Statin
(2) - Supervised exercise therapy
(3) - Cilastozol > pentoxyfilline
(4) - Angioplasty +/- stent, Autonomous vs synthetic bypass
Flash pulmonary edema
development of RESPIRATORY DISTRESS related to the RAPID ACCUMULATION of fluid within the lung interstitium (the tissue and space around the air sacs of the lungs) secondary to ELEVATED CARDIAC FILLING PRESSURES.
Peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis
- most commonly secondary to touch contamination of the dialysis catheter lumen or extension from a catheter site skin infection
Peritoneal dialysis related peritonitis
- cloudy peritoneal fluid is sufficient for dx
- > 50% neutrophils regardless of leukocyte count is sufficient for dx
- fluid gram stain usually negative, fluid cx usually positive
- gram positive bacteria causal >66% of time(eg staph epidermidis)
- intraperitoneal abx > IV abx for tx unless CLEAR EVIDENCE OF SEPSIS
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia(^^^17-OHPrg)
- autosomal recessive
- 21 hydroxylase deficiency = low production of gluco and mineral corticoids
- Excess substrates are shunted to androgen synthesis; ambiguous genitalia for girls and precocious puberty in boys
PBC(primary biliary cholangitis)
- progressive autoimmune dz = fibrosis and obliteration of the intrahepatic bile ducts, potentially leading to cirrhosis
- fatigue and pruritus are most common chief complaints associated with it
- high incidence of osteopenia/osteoporosis
PBC(primary biliary cholangitis)
- usually in white women from 30-65
- elevations in ALK-PHOS(i.e. cholestasis)
- Anti- mitochondrial Ab’s are highly sensitive/specific
- URSODEOXYCHOLIC acid slows progression
Assoc w/ jaundice, steatorrhea, xanthelasma, HLD, hyperpigmentation
Acanthosis Nigricans
Acanthosis nigricans typically occurs in people who are obese or have diabetes. More rarely, it can be a warning sign of a cancerous tumor in an internal organ, such as the stomach or liver.
Dark, velvety patches of skin often appear in the armpits, groin, and neck.
Multifocal atrial tachycardia
- result of atrial conduction abnormalities(e.g. atrial enlargement, catecholamine surge as seen in sepsis, electrolyte imbalances(eg decreased Mg/K)
- usually seen in age >70 w/ acute exacerbation of pulmonary dz
- irregular rhythm, rapid rate, P waves w/ at least 3 different morphologies
Colon cancer screening(ppl at avg risk)
- begin at age 45
- Colonoscopy every 10 years
- Stool guaiac or fecal immunohistochem annually
- (FIT-DNA) Multi-target stool DNA testing
- CT Colonography or Flex sig every 5 yrs
Colorectal cancer screening of ppl w/ 1st degree relative or high risk adenomatous polyp
- begin at 40 or 10 years prior to the age of dx in first degree relative
- repeat screening every 5 years (every 10 if FDR diagnosed at or above 60)
Erythropoeitin use in Chronic Kidney Dz
- Mixed concentric(chronic HTN, AS) and eccentric(volume overload, AR or MR) are common in CKD
- Erythropoesis stimulating agents mimic endogenous EPO and are useful in treating CKD after iron stores have been repleted
- CKD Pts w/ Hgb <10 have been shown to have improved quality of life & reduced LVH
New York Heart Association Categories
Stages of Heart Failure
- Class I - No symptomatic limitation of physical activity
- Class II - slight limitation w/ physical activity(e.g. dyspnea w/ climbing stairs)
- Class III - marked limitation of physical activities (e.g. dyspnea w/ ADLs and house chores)
- Class IV - inability to perform physical activity w/o significant discomfort
Biventricular Cardiac pacing guidelines
- LV systolic dysfunction (i.e. EF of < 35%)
- abnormal ventricular conduction secondary to ischemia
- BV pacing shown to improve NYHA class & exercise tolerance. Reduced mortality seen
- LBBB w/ QRS interval of > 150msecs
- NYHA classes II, III, and IV
GOLD (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Dz) recs for COPD exaceration tx
- recommends ABX for pts with COPD w/ 2 or more of following:
1) increased sputum purulence
2) increased sputum volume
3) worsening dyspnea
4) requiring mechanical ventilation (invasive or non-invasive)
Atrial Septal Defects
- 2nd most common congenital heart defect seen in adults (bicuspid aortic valve most common)
- most are asymptomatic until adulthood
- Signs and symptoms: dyspnea, fatigue, atrial arrhythmias
- wide fixed splitting of second HS
- mid-systolic ejection murmur(^ flow @ PV)
- mid- diastolic rumble (^ flow @ TV)
1st and 2nd line prevention of variceal bleeds
- Non-selective beta blockers are primary prevention if pt has never had a bleed but has known varices
- Tx of those w/ multiple prior bleeds is secondary prevention
- Addition of nitrates may help w/ NSBBs as they both decrease portal venous pressure
- Octreotide also decreases splanchnic blood flow, may decrease bleeding
Central retinal arterial occlusion(Cherry Red macula)
- acute, monocular, painless vision loss
- usually seen in patients >60 YO w/ underlying CV risk factors
- usually due to carotid atherosclerosis(i.e. carotid art»opthalmic art»CRAO progression)
- can also be embolic in origin vs DMII, HTN or arteritis(Giant cell)
- red macula b/c supply from posterior ciliary arteries
Central retinal artery tx
- can cause irreversible damage in 90-100min
- lower intraocular pressure right away (ocular massage, IV acetazolamide, mannitol, anterior chamber paracentesis)
Dementia w/ Lewy Bodies(may be diagnosed in the setting of dementia)
- Dementia is progressive cognitive decline that leads to functional impairment
- > or = 2 of the 4 following:
(1) fluctuating cognition (tx w/ cholinesterase Inhib)
(2) Visual hallucinations (tx w/ Antipsychotic)
(3) Parkinsonism
(4) Rapid Eye movement sleep d/o(tx w/ melatonin) - ~ 75 YO @ onset and 4X more common in men
- 2nd leading cause of dementia behind Alzheimers
TNM tx of vocal cord lesions
- T1a lesion is confined to one vocal cord
- T2 lesion extends to sub or supra glottis and impairs vocal cord function.
CO2 laser is also effective tx, but radiation offers for favorable outcomes.
Bells Palsy (Unilateral/Idiopathic)
Idiopathic neuropathy of CN VII that results in inability to raise eyebrow/close eye on affected side, drooping of corner of mouth or disappearance of nasolabial fold.
Forehead muscle sparing is indicative of CNS pathology (eg tumor, ischemia)
PPAR gamma agonists ( eg Pioglitazone)
PPAR Gamma receptors are present in the collecting tubule of the nephron. Stimulation of those receptors by Thiazolidindiones causes increased sodium reabsorption(aldosterone receptor) which can cause excess fluid retention in ~ 5% of pts.(most have underlying heart failure)
TX: aldosterone receptor antagonist (e.g. Spironolactone)