DNA variation and markers Flashcards
DNA variants
short tandem repeat
methods used in genetic testing
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
Allele specific oligonucleotides (ASO)
Allele specific PCR (ARMS)
sequencing (NGS)
up to 3billion bp targeted (individual genes) exome, whole genome short processing time (24hrs-3 weeks) depending on how large the target is cost - thousands
- Up to 5 million bp (usually 5-600k)
- Targeted (individual to few SNPs)
- Small scale (dozens to hundreds SNPs) • Medium scale (thousands of markers)
- Large-scale (500k – 5 million)
- Processing time usually a few days
- Cost varies, most around 50 AUD
sequencing vs genotyping
complete information vs partial all variants vs known variants expensive vs cheap slower vs faster diagnosis vs risk, prevention
one base pair difference
difference in DNA sequences that can be detected by fragments of different lengths after restriction enzyme cut the surrounding sequence
detect RFLP via PCR
PCR primers are added to DNA sequence for amplification, then spliced by a restriction enzyme and run on agarose gel
probe hybridised onto DNA strand. there is a strand identical but with a single base pair mismatch which prevents the probe from hybridising to it. when the temp and run thru machine is raised the difference in normal and against homozygote and heterozygote
for wildtype probe
normal = colour
mutation = white
for mutant probe
normal = white
mutation = colour
ASO in sickle cell anaemia
when a probe is used for the normal allele
- colour will show with homo and het wild-type - due to binding = colour
- white for mutation - mismatch no binding
when a probe is used for the mutatant allele
- colour will show with homo and het mutant - due to binding = colour
- white for wildtype (normal) - mismatch no binding
ASO in pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)
DNA from isolated cell
amplified by PCR for the b-globin gene
one hybridised probe for normal allele and mutant allele
ASO detect small inDels
can detect small deletions
eg. CF
one for normal sequence in region CF sequence
one for mutant CF sequence around deletion
if there is white (no binding) to normal probe and colour (binding) to deletion probe = CF
ASO scanning mutations throughout specific gene
using multiple sets of different probes for different SNP mutations you can detect mutations
single DNA as a probe
- outer primers - amplify all alleles
- inner primers - specific for wild-type alleles
e. g. G (WT) or T (mutant) - primer for G will bind to G if it is at a specific position and give a PCR product (only if they are G/G homo or G/T het)
primer for T will bind to T if it is at a specific position and give a PCR product (only if they are T/T homo or G/T het)
put all 4 primers, run PCR look at band sizes and determine if homo WT or mutant or het
Why are SNPs good for mapping
very common
- SNP occur once every ~300 bp
- in 3,000,000kb there are 10m SNPs
only have 2 alleles
satellite loci have many alleles
NGS steps
- DNA fragmentation
- library preparation (primers, adapters)
- template amplification (PCR, 3rd generation sequencing) 4. Sequencing (by synthesis, ligation etc.)
- Assembly
NGS: assembling contigs
genomic DNA is cut in overlapping segments by digestion with restrictive enzymes to create continuous fragments (“contigs”)
overlapping sequenced fragments aligned using machine to assemble entire chromosome
fragments are aligned based on identical sequences
NGS applications
genome sequencing
metagenomics, microbiota studies (identifying the microbiota of varies organs on the body)
diagnostic RNA-seq expression profiling (looking at RNA for diseases)
mutation/SNV detection
satellite loci
Short DNA sequences that occur in a variable number of tandem repeats in genome.
Number of repeats varies between individuals and between the two chromosomes in a given individual.
2-10 bp (short tandem repeat)
10-100 bp (variable number of tandem repeats, VNTR)
STR and VNTR detected by gel electrophoresis
i) Southern hybridisation - using the repeat sequence as a probe (VNTRs) or
ii) PCR - using sequences on each side of the repeat as primers (STRs)
are satellites and ASO complete dominant
no - they are co-dominant thus the heterozygote is recognisable
satellites for inheritance
PCR primers select for micro-satellite repeats
why satellite markers are good for mapping
in humans they occur ~ once every 10,000 bp
Human genome is 3,000,000 kbp, so ~300,000 satellite loci
Due to presence of many alleles (number of repeats), and their high level of polymorphism, satellite markers are used extensively in:
- dna profiling
- genetic mapping
- conservation mapping
The genotype for closely linked genes on a single chromosome or gamete
DNA markers vs gene mapping
more detected
easier to score
greater number of alleles
greater level of polymorphism
high resolution genetic maps
Can test if DNA markers are linked - generate a genetic map.
Hundreds of different DNA marker loci have been mapped in many species to give fine structure genetic maps.
Total length of map is ~3,000 map units (23 chromosomes).
Can use to tell if a disorder is caused by one gene or by different genes.
Genes whose DNA sequence is not yet known (only its mutant phenotype) can be cloned from their map position.
Assists with identifying disease loci in combination with whole exome / genome sequencing
Nearby markers can be used as a tag of a desired gene in plant and animal breeding - marker assisted breeding
Closely linked DNA markers are useful in genetic counselling
positional cloning
mapping gene locus, then chromosome walking from nearest DNA marker
If the locus and the DNA marker locus are r map units apart, how do you calculate the probability that they have inherited the disease allele
DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling
DNA tests to establish identity or relationships
DNA fingerprinting and profiling are possible because:
Genomic DNA sequence is stable*
All cells in body have same DNA*
DNA is unique (huge variation between individuals), i.e. humans have a lot of genetic diversity
Genetic diversity in humans
Individuals are on average 99.9% identical at DNA sequence level
Differences occur in both coding AND non-coding regions
DNA Fingerprinting with mini-satellite loci
– Digest genomic DNA with a restriction enzyme and perform a Southern blot.
– Use a probe complementary to the repeat to detect ALL the repeat loci at once
What are the problems with DNA Fingerprinting?
Southern blots require large amounts of DNA - several micrograms
The DNA must be intact - can’t reliably use degraded samples
Can be hard to interpret
- are similar bands really the same allele from the same locus?
DNA Profiling
Uses 10-15 unlinked microsatellite loci that are 4 bp repeats and highly variable in copy number - highly polymorphic
Use PCR to detect
- DNA at one locus is amplified
- primers bind OUTSIDE repeat
Alleles are defined unambiguously by repeat number
Multiplex PCR
Many pairs of PCR primers in one mixed PCR reaction, some primer pairs labeled with different colour dyes
Automated detection shows peaks instead of bands
DNA Profiling is usually the method of choice
PCR is extremely sensitive, requires very little starting material (<1ng)
Can genotype partially degraded DNA samples
• PCR will only amplify the intact DNA
• degraded DNA will simply not amplify
• so can use old samples without getting false bands
Contaminating DNA easily amplified.
The result of a DNA profile is a probability
Probability is used to determine if the profile is unique:
- unlikely that unrelated people will share every band
- each locus is independent, so probabilities are multiplied - even a low number of loci results in huge / tiny probability
Legal considerations: excluding V proving
Exclusion of identity / relatedness is easy:
– if two DNA fingerprints / DNA profiles are different, they cannot have come from same person
– huge benefit of DNA profiling is that it can establish innocence
Complete proof of identity / relatedness is impossible:
– if two DNA fingerprints / profiles match, this is not ‘proof’ that they came from the same person
– indicate a ‘probability’ that they came from the same person (so additional evidence is needed too)
Potential sources of error
False inclusion:
– relatives are likely to share alleles
– some alleles more frequent in specific populations
• due to founder effects
– try to use markers that show no racial differences in allele frequency
False exclusion:
– technical problems such as ‘allele drop-out’
• problem with very low amounts of DNA – contamination or mixed source of DNA
– human error
Applications of DNA fingerprinting & profiling
i) Clinical
e. g. Are twins monozygotic (identical) or dizygotic (fraternal)?
Forensic Applications
Example 1. Comparing crime scene samples with suspects
Who is the biological father? - tracking parents, offspring
Conservation Biology
Determining possible source of stolen / poached wildlife