DNA Variation and Degradation Flashcards
Topics to be covered
- Types and causes of genetic variation
- Types and causes of DNA degradation
- How can we take advantage of genetic variation to aid forensic investigations
State the reasons which contribute to making us unique to one another
Sexual reproduction
How does recombination make us unique?
Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by combining at least two fragments from two different sources.
Recombinant DNA is possible because DNA molecules from all organisms share the same chemical structure, and differ only in the nucleotide sequence within that identical overall structure. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera.
R-DNA technology uses palindromic sequences and leads to the production of sticky and blunt ends.
Name some factors which lead to mutation in DNA and contribute to our uniqueness
Epigenetics e.g., methylation
Oxidative damage (oxygen free radicals produced from ATP production which are very reactive towards DNA and cause it to change)
UV damage
Do identical twins have identical DNA?
Due to different mutation events
e.g., Methylation events are environmentally cause so they have an effect
What can mutations be due to?
Spontaneous or enzyme catalysed changed
How different are we from one another?
- Any two unrelated humans of the same sex will show about 99.9% concordance in their DNA sequences
- 0.1% difference between individuals which is key interest in forensics
State the different types of genetic variation
Length polymorphisms
Structural variation
Tell me about length polymorphisms and an example
Length polymorphisms (e.g., STRs), length variation in the DNA
o Tend to occur in areas of repetitive DNA
o Our genome has about 50% of our genome being repetitive DNA
o Some variation found due to length polymorphisms
Tell me about structural variation and what this includes
Structural variants including** copy number variation **
o Different copies of sections of DNA
o Segments of at least 1000 bases
Give some examples of epigenetic changes
o E.g., methylation (adding methyl groups to DNA)
o E.g., Histone changes
What are SNPs?
o Single nucleotide polymorphisms
o Single base change at a position which is different in individuals
What was the 1000 genomes project?
1000 genomes project (set up to sample 1000 genomes of people in population)
* Managed to samples 2504 individuals from 26 worldwide populations
* Found over 88 million variants characterised
o 84.7 million SNPs
o 3.6 million indels (insertions or deletions)
o 50,000 structural variants
* Typical individual differs from the reference human genome at 4.1-5 million sites
* Over 99% are SNPs or short indels
With Length polymorphism/Tandem repeats, what is estimated and what does it determine?
Length polymorphisms- Tandem repeats (tandem repeats= adjacent repeats)
* It is estimated that nearly 50% of the human genome is made up from repetitive elements of DNA
* The type of sequence being repeated determines the classification given to the stretch of repetitive DNA (e.g., alpha satellite, minisatellites, microsatellites)
Tell me about Short tandem repeats (STRs) and what it determines?
- Size of repeat **determines length polymorphism classification **
- In forensics mainly use STRs/microsatellites
- 2-10 base pairs in the repeat (try to use 4bp repeats in forensics)
- Arrays of 5-50 repeats
o 20-200 bp
How does variation occur in these STR?
DNA polymerase slippage
Explain DNA polymerase slippage
o Polymerase falls off DNA
o DNA falls apart and reattaches with polymerase
o But sometimes repeat in template or new strand is looped out
o This means if original was 7 repeats, then the new is only 6 repeats
o Mutations as changes number of repeats (STR mutation)
o Sometimes rectified by repair enzymes but sometimes not