DNA Structure and Replication Flashcards
What are nucleic acids
Nucleic acids are macromolecules that exist as polymers called polynucleotides. Each polynucleotide is composed of repeating units/monomers called nucleotides.
What is the key difference between ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)?
The pentose sugar in RNA is ribose, and ribose-containing nucleotides, ribonucleotides are the monomers of RNA. The pentose sugar in DNA is deoxyribose, deoxyribose-containing nucleotides, deoxynucleotides, are the monomers of DNA.
What is the main difference between ribose and deoxyribose sugars?
At the 2’ carbon of deoxyribose, the hydroxyl group (-OH) is replaced by a hydrogen
atom (H).
This small difference has led to significant differences in structure and therefore, functions of the two types of nucleic acids. The partial negative charge of the hydroxyl group in ribose repels the negative charge of the phosphate, preventing the chain from coiling in as tight a helix as it does in DNA.
Hence, RNA is more susceptible to chemical and enzyme degradation
Why is RNA more susceptible to chemical and enzyme degradation than DNA?
At the 2’ carbon of deoxyribose, the hydroxyl group (-OH) is replaced by a hydrogen
atom (H).
This small difference has led to significant differences in structure and therefore, functions of the two types of nucleic acids. The partial negative charge of the hydroxyl group in ribose repels the negative charge of the phosphate, preventing the chain from coiling in as tight a helix as it does in DNA.
Hence, RNA is more susceptible to chemical and enzyme degradation
Describe what is a nitrogenous base and name the types with the differences
A nitrogenous base has a nitrogen-containing ring structure.
The nitrogenous bases fall into two types: purines and pyrimidines. Purines have a 6-membered ring fused to a 5-membered ring; pyrimidines have a 6-membered ring
Name the types of base each nucleic acid has [AT(U)GC]
DNA: Purine bases - Adenine - Guanine Pyrimidine bases - Cytosine - Thymine
RNA Purine bases - Adenine - Guanine Pyrimidine bases - Cytosine - Uracil
What is a nucleoside
The combination of a pentose with a nitrogenous base forms a compound called a nucleoside This occurs with the elimination of water and therefore is a condensation reaction. 1’ carbon of the pentose is linked in a glycosidic bond to the nitrogenous base.
How is a nucleotide formed
A nucleotide is formed by further condensation between the nucleoside and phosphate group, forming a phosphoester bond between the 5’ carbon of pentose and the phosphate group.
Describe the formation of dinucleotides and polynucleotides
Two nucleotides join to form a dinucleotide by condensation between the 5’·phosphate group of one nucleotide and the 3’-hydroxyl group of the other to form a phosphodiester bond.
The condensation reaction between nucleotides is repeated several millions times to form a polynucleotide i.e. DNA or RNA
Phosphodiester bonds between 5’ phosphate and 3’ hydroxyl groups of nucleotides form a linear, unbranched sugar-phosphate backbone.
Phosphodiester bonds are strong covalent bonds. They confer strength and stability on the polynucleotide chain. This is the basis in preventing breakage of the chain during DNA replication.
Describe what is the polarity/directionality of a polynucleotide.
The manner in which deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates are added to the 3’ end of a growing chain has resulted in a polynucleotide molecule that has polarity or directionality. Each DNA or RNA strand I chain has two free ends that are chemically different from each other
5’ end with a free 5’ carbon carrying a phosphate group; and
3’ end with a free 3’ carbon carrying a hydroxyl (-OH) group
Thus, every DNA or RNA molecule has an intrinsic polarity or directionality. The DNA or RNA base sequence is read in a 5’ to 3’ direction.
What is Chargaff’s rule and what were its consequences?
Amount of A=T, and amount of G=C
This resulted in the development of the double-helix DNA model involving specific complementary base-pairing between A on one DNA strand and T on the other, and between G on one strand and C on the other.
Thus, the specific sequence of bases on one DNA strand determines the specific order of bases on the other complementary strand.
Name the observations that led to Chargaff’s rules
The base composition of the DNA of an organism is constant throughout all the somatic cells of that organism and is characteristic for a given species.
(Somatic cells include all body cells other than the gametes.)
There is always equal proportion of adenine (A) and thymine (T) and equal proportion of guanine (G) and cytosine (C)
There is always an equal proportion of purines (A+ G) and pyrimidines (C + T)
Describe the main features of the DNA double helix proposed by Watson and Crick
DNA consists of two polynucleotide strands/chains. Each strand forms a right-handed helix and the two strands coil around each other to form a double-helix.
The diameter of the helix is uniformly 2 nm. Hence, there is just enough space for 1 purine and 1 pyrimidine in the centre of the double-helix.
The strands run in opposite directions, i.e. they are antiparallel. One strand is oriented in the 5’ to 3’ direction whilst the other is oriented in the 5’ direction.
Each strand has a sugar-phosphate backbone with:
a. phosphate groups that project outside the double-helix since they are hydrophilic; and
b. nitrogenous bases that orientate inwards toward the central axis at almost right angles.
This arrangement is appealing because it puts the relatively hydrophobic nitrogenous bases in the molecules interior and thus away from the surrounding aqueous medium.
The bases of the opposite strands are bonded together by relatively weak hydrogen bonds
Terminology: 1 DNA molecule = 1 DNA double-helix = 2 polynucleotide strands/chains
Describe the characteristics of the phosphate groups and nitrogenous bases that determine the double helix structure
Phosphate groups project outside the double-helix since they are hydrophilic.
Nitrogenous bases that orientate inwards toward the central axis at almost right angles, due to their hydrophobicity.
This arrangement is appealing because it puts the relatively hydrophobic nitrogenous bases in the molecules interior and thus away from the surrounding aqueous medium.
State the pairing between the nitrogenous bases in DNA
Specific, complementary base-pairing occurs between A and T (2 hydrogen bonds) and between C and G (3 hydrogen bonds)
How does complementary base-pairing come about?
The A-T and C-G pairs are the only ones that can fit the physical dimensions of the double helix. Moreover, they are in accord with Chargaff’s rules.
State the significance of complementary base-pairing
The base sequence in one strand determines the base sequence in the complementary strand.
For example, if one strand has the sequence 5’-GAATTC-3’, the complementary strand would have the sequence 3’-CTTAAG-5’.
This is necessary in DNA replication and transmission of the genetic information stored.
[The weak hydrogen bonds make it relatively easy to separate the two strands of the DNA, for example, by heating. Separating the A-T pair by heating is easier than separating the G-C pair, since the A-T pair involves 2 hydrogen bonds and the G-C pair involves 3 hydrogen bonds.] > doesnt seem necessary to know
Describe the grooves between the sugar-phosphate backbones
There are grooves of unequal sizes between the sugar-phosphate backbones called the major groove and minor groove. Both these grooves are large enough to allow protein molecules to gain access and make contact with the bases
Wherever one strand of a DNA molecule has an A, the partner strand has a T. And a G in one strand is always paired with a C in the complementary strand. Why is this so?
Steric restrictions
The sugar-phosphate backbone of each polynucleotide chain has a regular helical structure
The DNA double-helix has a uniform diameter of 2nm
T and C are pyrimidines, which have a single ring. A and G are purines which are about twice as wide as pyrimidines.
The solution is always to pair a purine with a pyrimidine.
Hydrogen bond factors
Each nitrogenous base has chemical side groups (such as H, N and O) that can form hydrogen bonds with its appropriate partner.
Such chemical side groups in purines and pyrimidines have well-defined positions.
A is capable of forming 2 hydrogen bonds with T, whilst G is capable of forming 3 hydrogen bonds with C
Briefly describe packing of DNA in eukaryote chromosomes
A multilevel packing system that involves various proteins helping in the folding and condensation of DNA via a precise process is necessary to achieve a highly compact chromosome. [KIV: Organisation of Eukaryotic Genome]
Briefly describe how genetic information is stored, and explain why DNA is suitable for such
The genetic information that must be stored I preserved lies in the specific order of the base pairs, thus the base sequence must be stable and invariant.
DNA is a marvellous device for the stable storage of genetic information as it is relatively resistant to spontaneous changes (mutations).
What structural features stabilises the DNA double-helix?
a. Extensive hydrogen bonds between base pairs. (Note: each hydrogen bond is, by itself, weak)
b. Hydrophobic interactions (or ‘stacking forces’) between the stacked base pairs.
c. Only exposure to outside influences is that of the sugar-phosphate backbone.
d. Nitrogenous bases being safely tucked inside the double-helix.
a. to d. occur in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
e. Eukaryotes only: DNA double-helix being tightly wound around histones to form a repeating array of nucleosomes. The nucleosomes are eventually folded higher order structures such as the chromosome, in which the DNA is prevented from thermal and physical damage.
What structural features results in invariant base sequence?
Genetic information is redundant (i.e. present more than once) in the DNA molecule.
If the base sequence in one of the two strands is accidentally altered, the cell discards the damaged strand. It then makes a perfectly good strand by using the remaining intact strand as a template, following Chargaffs rules of complementary base-pairing. The redundancy of genetic information helps to maintain its integrity
[Basically, only one strand of DNA is needed, the other is just a back-up (Important)]
Describe Watson and Crick’s proposed model for DNA replication (legit)
The two DNA strands unwind and separate from each other, i.e. the hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs are broken.
Each DNA strand then acts as a template for the assembly of a complementary strand.
Nucleotides line up singly along the template DNA strand according to Chargaff’s rule of complementary base-pairing, i.e. A-T and G-C.
DNA polymerases join the nucleotides together at their sugar-phosphate moieties.
Upon completion of DNA replication, 2 identical daughter DNA molecules are produced from a single parental DNA molecule.
This model of DNA replication is described as SEMI-CONSERVATIVE: Each of the two daughter DNA molecules consists of one parental DNA strand and one newly-synthesised daughter DNA strand.
What is the conservative (not legit) model of DNA replication? (not impt i think)
Parental DNA molecule emerges from the
replication process intact, i.e. it is conserved, and generates DNA copies consisting of entirely new
What is the Dispersive model (not legit) of DNA replication? (probs not impt)
All four strands of DNA following replication have a mixture of old and new DNA
List the characteristics of the mechanism of DNA replication and explain why
The process of DNA replication is …
- is extremely complex. The timing of steps is extremely precise - the double-helix must unwind whilst the replication machinery copies the two antiparallel strands simultaneously.
- is extremely fast. For example, each human cell has approximately 3 x 109 base pairs and yet, its takes the cell just a few hours to copy all these DNA.
- is extremely accurate. The mutation rate, approximately 1 nucleotide change per 109 nucleotides each time the DNA is replicated, is roughly the same for organisms as different as bacteria and humans.
- requires the cooperation of a large team of enzymes and other proteins, as well as the expenditure of ATP.