DNA sequencing Flashcards
describe dideoxy chain termination
aka Sanger sequencing
developed to sequence DNA in 1977
developed by Fred Sanger
very robust = low error rate, highly reliable
sequencing by ABI 3730
sample is prepared by dideoxy chain termination on large scale by robotics
read length of up to 900bp- 99.95% accuracy
handles 48 or 96 samples simultaneously
over 1000 samples per day
only performs separation of LABELLED dna
ABI 3730 automated DNA sequencing
used to sequence human genome
produced 23 thousand million bases of sequence
took 13 years
2.7 billion to complete
how does sequencing by dideoxy chain termination work?
- template
- enzymatic sequencing section (DNA polymerase makes multiple copies of DNA)
- size separation of products by capillary electrophoresis - sorting by size
- detection of reaction products (sequential detection of terminating nucleotide to identify the base)
- readout of sequence - reconstructing the sequence
similarity of PCR and dideoxy chain termination
- some protocols cycle through repeated temperatures but only use a single forward primer
amplification is limited and not exponential
always uses a DNA polymerase
sequencing by dideoxy chain termination - the reaction
sequencing reaction strand seperation annealing primer extension chain termination
describe sequencing using DNA polymerase
- DNA is mixed with reaction components including dideoxy and dideoxy-nucleotides
- single strand oligonucleotide is bound to template
- polymerase recognises the DNA structure, then forms initation complex
describe requirements of DNA dependent DNA polymerase
- template strand that extends beyond a primer
- free 3’ OH group on primer
- all 4 deoxy nucleotide triphosphate
- Mg2+ ions
describe final step: chain termination requirements
- template strand extends a primer forming partial duplex
- free 3’ OH group on primer
- all 4 deoxy nucleotide triphosphates
- all 4 dideoxy nucleotide triphosphates
- mg2+ ions
what is DNA elongation terminated by
addition of dideoxynucleotide as it has position 3 OH group missing which prevents extension
describe sequencing using DNA polymerase
- polymerase commences elongation from 3’ terminus
- as enzyme encounters a particular nucleotide in sequence it picks out and incorporates complementary nucleotide into elongating strand
how do reaction products vary in length terminated by ddNTP
- where ddCTP is incorporated = represents all positions in sequence where cytosine occurs
- if all 4 dideoxy nucleotides are present in the reaction the population of molecules produced represent all possible positions in sequence from same point to end
describe size separation by gel electrophoresis
- nucleic acid passes through gel matrix by applying a voltage across two electrodes
- negatively charged nucleic acid migrates towards positive electrode
- matrix retards molecule according to size
- those larger are retarded to a greater extent and move through matrix more slowly
how is the sequence determined
sequence is determined by direct comparison of lengths of products terminated by each of the 4 dideoxy nucleotides
what does a measurement of fluorescence do
generates trace and base calling is automated
how is DNA sequencing by dideoxy chain termination routinely used
health = test for specific genetic mutations in patients with suspected genetic diseases
- used to confirm all types of mutation
- identifying HIV haplotypes resistant to anti-retrovirals to determine therapy haart
how is DNA sequencing by dideoxy chain termination still used
mammalian and pathogen gene sequencing
clone or PCR amplicon sequencing to confirm clones sequence or site-directed mutagenesis
walking a gene to identify a causative mutation in gene studies
confirmation of causative variants associated with genetic disease following association study