DNA replication and repair Flashcards
What are the enzymes involved in prokaryotic DNA replication?
DnaA, DnaB, SSB, primosome
What is the function of DnaA?
DnaA - recognizes and binds OriC – begins unwinding
- recruits other proteins
What is the function of DnaB?
DnaB – major helicase – ring shaped hexamer
ATP-dependent motor that unwinds DNA
What is the function of SSB?
SSB – single stranded DNA binding protein – protects exposed ssDNA
What is the function of the primosome?
Primosome – multi-protein complex that contains DnaG
(a primase) – makes short RNA fragments complementary
to the DNA – these are primers for replication
What is the structure of prokaryotic DNA Pol III?
3 important pieces
- Core – includes α subunit – this is the polymerase
- also includes ε subunit – has 3’ to 5’ exonuclease activity – proofreading
- γ complex – multi-protein complex of ATPases – major job - clamp loader
- includes τ subunit – dimerize 2 core enzyme complexes – can replicate
both strands coordinately - β subunit – dimer that makes a donut shaped clamp – DNA in the hole – Pol
doesn’t let go of DNA, therefore is highly processive
What is the replisome?
REPLISOME – complex containing 2 DNA Pol III
holoenzymes, primosome and
DNA unwinding proteins
- one replisome at each replication fork
What is the major polymerase for DNA replication in eukaryotes
What is the function of DNA Pol I in prokaryotes?
DNA Pol I – 5’ to 3’ exonuclease – can degrade primer
- DNA polymerase activity – can fill in gaps (10 nts/sec)
- 3’ to 5’ exonuclease – proofreading
- Has two jobs – DNA replication and DNA repair
How is prokaryotic DNA replication terminated?
Termination of replication -
- DNA replication ends at Ter
- Tus binds DNA at Ter – arrests replication when replisome arrives
- replisome disassembles
How are the concatenated DNA daughter molecules separated?
What are the phases of the cell cycle?
Four phases in the cell cycle -G0 /G1 – “GAP” - S phase – “synthesis” – DNA synthesis occurs here replication all DNA – 1X ONLY - G2 – “GAP” - M – mitosis – chromosomes separate and cell division occurs to make 2 daughter cells
What is the function of DNA pol alpha?
α is primase – makes 10 nt RNA to bind and extends for
about 10 nt of DNA
What is the function of DNA pol epsilon and delta?
- ε takes over and replicates the leading strand
- δ takes over and replicates the lagging strand
DNA Pol δ and ε are accurate, processive and have
3’ to 5’ exonuclease activity
What is the function of DNA Pol γ?
– replication and repair of mitochondrial DNA
What is licensing?
Licensing – mechanism to make sure DNA
replicates only once
What is the preRC
preRC – preinitiation replication complex
– forms at ori
preRC = ORC (origin of replication complex)
+ replication licensing factors
ORC is analogous to DnaA in prokaryotes
What is the replication licensing factor?
Replication licensing factors =
cdc6/cdc18/cdt1 complex + MCM complex
What is MCM?
Major DNA helicase
What are the steps in DNA licensing?
1 - Cell cycle is highly regulated by kinases (Cdk) 2 - Cdc6 and cdt1 are phosphorylated at the appropriate time and are destroyed 3 - DNA Pols are recruited 4 - Phosphorylated MCM unwinds DNA 5 - RPA – replication protein A binds ssDNA to stabilize 6 - Priming and DNA synthesis occurs