DNA-protein interactions L1-3 Flashcards
How can DNA binding proteins recognise DNA?
Particular sequences (e.g. Transcription factors) Particular DNA structures (e.g. some proteins involved in recombination) Cruciforms/flaps Particular types of damaged DNA (repair proteins)
Histones appear to bind with little specificity but high affinity
Confirming identity of a DNA binding protein that binds to site of interest
If you don’t know the protein, instead of mixing DNA with purified protein mix with cell extract (mixture of proteins)-observe shifts
Add antibody to protein X-if it successfully binds it produces an even larger complex and the band will run in a different position. If no effect observed an alternative protein must be bound since it isn’t complementary to the existing antibody
What charge is DNA?
Every bp carries TWO negative charges
Van der waals interactions
The majority of interactions b/w DNA and protein are van der waals-these interactions are individually weak and add little specificity but overall make a considerable contribution to the affinity of the interaction
What base is in hydrophobic interactions
Thymine, has a CH3 group which can interact with non polar amino acid side chains to minimise interactions with water-form clusters
Hydrogen bonds
Dictate the specificity of most protein-DNA interactions
DNA contains multiple H bond donors and acceptors
Is the majority of recognition done in the major or minor groove?
More bases visible (4)
More accessible
More information content -4 bases are not symmetrical so can distinguish left/right orientation of bases
The minor groove only consists of 3 bases and is often symmetrical so can only distinguish b/w two possibilities
In the major groove each base contributes 2 bits of info
In the minor groove the purines contribute 2 whilst the pyrimidines only contribute 1
AMIDE groups=typical donors
CARBOXYL groups=typical acceptors
What base does DAM attach a methyl group to?
N6-methyl adenine
This can change what the protein looks for in the sequence of DNA. It changes the substrate and interferes to allow or disallow binding
What amino acid does guanine regularly bind to via H bonds?
Arginine has 2 H bond donors and Guanine has 2 H bond acceptors
2 part interaction
NB/ Arg residues can interact with DNA in a variety of orientations, recognising a variety of bases
What interactions are important for the Trp repressor?
Water mediated H bonds are the principle determinants for sequence-specific DNA binding to the Trp repressor.
In other cases water-mediated H bonds also contribute significantly to the sequence-specificity of the protein-DNA interaction.
What is the most widely used secondary structure to bind to DNA?
NB/ Secondary structures (alphahelices/betasheets) are held together by H bonds in the BACKBONE of the polypeptide not the side chains. Laying this structure in the major groove doesn’t effect the backbone H bonds. Side chains are available to make interactions with the sides of bases in the major groove
The alpha helix. (Likely to be part of a helix-turn-helix motif in a super secondary structure)
The width and depth of the MAJOR groove are a close match to the dimensions of an alpha helix.
When the alpha helix binds to the negative DNA the electronic distribution ends up being skewed-produces a dipole moment (N=delta positive, C=delta negative). Laying the alpha helix in the right place the slight positive charge can make appropriate connections with the negatively charged DNA backbone. (Increases affinity and helps helix to align in the right place)
Common protein motifs that proteins use in order to arrange an array of amino acid side chains to read longer DNA sequences
An atypical example is the bacterial met repressor protein which binds to the major groove in DNA via a double anti-parallel beta strand
In a helix-turn-helix motif what helix is the recognition helix?
The most C terminal one.
Interactions b/w helices maintain the structure. The other helix helps to stabilise the recognition helix.
Homeotic mutations such as fly legs for antennae are mutations in a helix turn helix structure of a transcription factor
Homeodomain proteins are a specialist form of helix-turn-helix.
HTH proteins are often DIMERIC and the physical distance between the recognition helix of the monomers are 3.4nm which is the length of 10bps in DNA.
Why in a dimeric protein with 2 HTH motifs is the spacing of these 10bps apart?
The protein can only interact with the DNA from one side, it sits and binds on one surface.
DNA bases rotate around 36 degrees-10bases go around 1 helix
Why dimerise the proteins?
To bind only a small number of locations within a large genome.
How many bases does a single alpha helix read?
Since the alpha helix lays at a tangent to DNA it normally only read 5bases on the top half yet if it has a few loops etc on the end it provides flexibility the most that a single alpha helix can read is SIX base pairs!
leucine zipper proteins
Eg Fos/Jun transcription factor
Long alpha helices 60aa long
Join together via leucine residues at C terminal ends
Proteins clip over DNA in two major grooves
Depending on seq of zipper protein you can alter specificity of the protein
Leucine zipper proteins turn genes ON when they bind next to the gene. Changing the patterns of these proteins dictates which site/gene it binds to
Zinc fingers
Proteins which contain zinc fingers increases the specificity and affinity of DNA
Most natural zinc fingers will have 6,7 or 9 and read a seq of 18-20bps long. (extend the recognition seq)
A single zinc finger motif contains a 2 stranded beta sheet and 1 alpha helix
A zinc is chelated to CYSTEINES acts like a pin to hold the protein together and is not involved in interacting with DNA. Alpha helix interacts with the DNA.
Each zinc finger reads a THREE base pair segment.
There is a sufficient code that you can build a zinc finger on to recognise any 3base seq that you want.
Can use Zinc fingers or CRISPR to target proteins and produce a ds break. (attach nuclease to artificial zinc finger)
How long are TALES in nature?
Transcription activator like effectors
1.5-33.5 tandemly repeated DNA binding motifs ( TAL repeats)
How long is each TAL repeat in terms of amino acids?
34aa and consists of 2 helices joined by a linker
Residues 12 and 13 in the linker are HYPERVARIABLE and define the DNA specificity in a predictable way
1.5 and 33.5 repeats that are usually 34 residues in length
How do TALEs bind to DNA?
The linker (unstructured region) interacts with the DNA rather than the helices. Structure of a 12 repeat TALE bound to DNA forms a right handed superhelical structure and tracks the major groove of the DNA double helix. Each structure/domain sits in the major groove and follows this groove around behind the DNA and out the front again. Loops stick out from middle of 12 helical flower structure and these are where the 12/13 hyper variable loops are. Each TAL repeat (34aa long) reads only a single base (whilst h-t-h motifs read a whole range of bases
TALEs are secreted by some bacteria when they infect plant cells. As they invade the plant cells they overtake the genetic programming of those plant cells so that the plants do what the bacteria want. They inject these transcription factors/regulatory proteins into the plant cells. These will bind to the plant promoter sequences and change the levels of expression and gene proteins
Which residue in the 34aa TAL specifically interacts with a single base?
residue 13
with this code you are able to design proteins that will read any seq you want
Artificial nucleases incorporating designed arrays of TAL repeats fused to nuclease domain (TALENS) can be used for genome engineering (similar to CRISPR) can also be done with zinc fingers
TAL repeats are used as a targeting domain that will bind to specific regions in the genome that you want to be cut. Can recognise a site up to 24 bases
Name three proteins that make contacts with the minor groove
Lac repressor (dimer) - binds 2 extra helices in the minor groove in addition to the h-t-h recognition helix in the major groove.
TBP (tata binding protein/psuedodimer-monomeric protein with 2 more or less identical repeats)- The DNA is bent almost back on itself and residues interact with the minor groove
Homeodomain proteins-minor groove is too narrow for alpha helix yet binding proteins like these use loops to interact with the minor groove
Other proteins distort the DNA structure so that larger structures can be inserted into the minor groove.
Proteins achieve increased binding energy and/or specificity by binding to the minor groove in addition to the major groove using an unstructured/floppy loop
What are indirect readouts?
Where DNA-binding proteins show specificity for a particular NT seq even though NO CONTACTS are made with the bases concerned.
No specific hydrogen bonds made to bases yet it is still able to bind more tightly to some sequences than others
A sequence that causes a bend in the DNA
5’-AAAAnnn-3’ causes a slight bend/gentle curve in the DNA and is preferentially bound by some proteins egHNS
How many bps of DNA is associated with a single nucleosome core
About 200bps
Proteins that bend or distort DNA when they bind often show a particular preference for certain NT seqs because they are easier to bend/distort