DNA origami Flashcards
DNA origami
= folding long, ssDNA molecules into arbitrary 2D shapes
Involves using numerous short single strands of DNA to direct the folding of a long single strand of DNA into desired shapes
Geometric model of DNA structure
How are the DNA helices held together?
By a periodic array of crossovers
These crossovers designate positions at which strands running along one helix switch to an adjacent helix and continue there
Why are the parallel DNA helices in DNA lattices not close-packed?
Probably due to electrostatic repulsion
Gap depends on spacing of crossovers
(Gap ~1 nm with crossovers every 1.5 turns along alternating sides of a helix)
Single long scaffold strand
7249 nt long, ssDNA
From the virus M13mp18
Folded back and forth in a raster fill pattern so that it comprises one of the 2 strands in every helix
Progression of this scaffold from one helix to another creates an additional set of crossovers (“scaffold crossovers”)
What is the fundamental constraint on a folding path?
The scaffold can only form a crossover at locations where the DNA twist places it at a tangent point between helices
A contour which the path does not cross
What are staple strands?
They provide Watson-Crick complements for the scaffold strand and create periodic crossovers
Staples reverse their direction at these crossovers, meaning crossovers are antiparallel - this is a stable configuration that has been well characterised in DNA nanostructures
What happens wherever 2 staples meet?
There is a nick in the backbone
In the final step, pairs of adjacent staples are merged across nicks to yield fewer, longer staples
This gives the staples larger binding domains with the scaffold, leading to higher binding specificity and higher binding energy (and therefore higher melting temperatures)
How are seams strengthened?
By imposing an additional pattern of breaks and merges
Secondary structures found in M13mp18 DNA
Although naturally single-stranded, a hairpin with a 20 bp stem was found
It was unknown whether staples could bind at this hairpin, so a 73 nt region containing it was avoided - cut out by digestion with BsrBI restriction enzyme
Why was a 100-fold excess of staple strands used?
To stop any kind of secondary structure in the viral DNA from forming
Process for forming structure
In one pot there is:
100-fold excess of staple strands
100-fold excess of remainder strands
- Strands are annealed at 95 degrees and then the mixture cooled to 20 degrees over 2 h
- Samples deposited on mica - only folded DNA structures stick to the surface while excess staples remain in solution
- AFM imaging without prior purification
Remainder strands
<= 25 nt
Complement unused sequence of the 7176 nt long viral DNA
Shiny silicate mineral with applications in atomic force microscopy
When was a particular structure considered qualitatively ‘well-formed’?
If it had no defect (hole or indentation in the the expected outline) greater than 15 nm in diameter
Square fold
26-mer staples (so bind two adjacent helices via 13 bases with each)
2.5 helical turns between crossovers
13 % of structures were well-formed squares
25 % rectangles
25 % hourglass shape with a continuous deformation of the crossover lattice
What did sequential imaging of formation of the square fold show?
It documented the stretching of a square into an hourglass
This suggests that hourglasses were originally squares that stretched upon deposition or interaction with the AFM tip
No subsequent designs exhibited stretching
What did subsequent designs after the square have?
Either a tighter 1.5-turn spacing with 32-mer staples spanning 3 helical domains
Smaller domains that appeared to slide rather than stretch
Rectangle fold
Designed to test the formation of a bridged seam
32-mer staples
1.5 helical turns between crossovers
Circular scaffold
90 % yield of well-formed rectangles
Rectangles stacked along their vertical edges, often forming chains up to 5 uM long
How was stacking abolished?
By omitting staples along vertical edges
Five-pointed star fold
32-mer staples
1.5 helical turns between crossovers
Stars are somewhat squat
Many of the structures observed were star fragments
Only 11 % of structures observed were well formed
How was the low yield of stars improved?
It was thought that the low yield many be due to strand breakage during BsrBI digestion or subsequent steps to remove the enzyme
When the untreated circular scaffold was folded into stars, 63 % were well formed
Three-hole disk
Created to show that DNA origami doesn’t have to be topological disks, and that scaffolds can be routed arbitrarily through shapes
Approximated shape is highly symmetric, but the folding path is highly asymmetric and has 5 distinct seams to increase structural rigidity
Has several characteristic deformations unlike rectangles, but still 70 % well-formed
Triangle form
Created by combining distinct raster fill domains in non-parallel arrangements
Triangle = built from 3 separate 2.5-turn spacing rectangular domains, with only single covalent bonds (i.e. phosphodiester bonds) along the scaffold holding the domains together
Why was the yield of the desired triangles so low (<1 % well-formed structures)?
Due to stacking, which caused the rectangular domains of separate triangles to bind
May also be due to the flexibility of the single-bond joints at the vertices of the triangles
How was the low yield of the triangle form improved?
By building ‘sharp triangles’ from trapezoidal (rather than rectangular) domains with 1.5-turn spacing
The slanted edges of the trapezoids meet at the triangle vertices, allowing the addition of bridging staples along these interfaces
88 % of sharp triangles were well-formed
55 % when bridging staples at the vertices were not used
Function of staples
Bind to the DNA scaffold and hold it in shape
Also provide a means for decorating shapes with arbitrary patterns of binary pixels - using labelled staples e.g. “dumbbell hairpins” that are added to the middle of 32-mer staples
How are dumbbell hairpins designed?
To avoid dimerisation at high concentration
AFM images with labelled staples
Labelled staples (3 nm above mica) give greater height contrast than unlabelled staples (1.5 nm above mica), resulting in a pattern of light (labelled) an dark (unlabelled) pixels
Ways to avoid stacking of structures
Removing staples on the edge of a rectangle
4-T hairpin loops (i.e. 4 thymines in a row) or 4-T tails can be added to edge staples
Stacked chains of 3-5 monomers still formed but 30 % of rectangles occurred as monomers
How was controlled combination of shapes achieved?
By designing ‘extended staples’ that connected shapes along their edges
In order to create a binding interaction between 2 particular edges, extended staples were designed by merging and breaking normal staples along these edges
This approach can be used to create both finite and periodic structures
Note - very sensitive to the concentrations of extended staples
Reasons for the success of this DNA origami approach
- Strand invasion/staple excess - allows correct binding of excess full-length staples to displace any unwanted secondary structures/incorrect staples
- Cooperative effects - each correct addition of a staple organises the scaffold for the subsequent binding of adjacent staples
- Staples are not designed to bind to one another so their relative concentrations do not matter
Application of patterned DNA origami
Creation of a ‘nano breadboard’, to which e.g. proteins can be attached