the tendency of an organism to
possess the characteristics of its
- the elements/units carrying and
transferring inherited characteristics from parent to offspring - contained within the nuclei of cells in association with the chromosomes
must be very Blank so that genetic info can be stored in it and transmitted countless times to subsequent generations
must be capable of precise copying or Blank so that its info is not lost or altered
although stable, must also be subject to change in order to account for the appearance of Blank (short term) and for Blank (long term)
mutant forms, evolution
the material of heredity
- 2 identical copies of the
original DNA - strand separation
- copying of each strand
- each separated strand
acts as a template for
the synthesis of a new
complementary strand
DNA replication
one completely
new DNA duplex
& the original
DNA duplex
one parental
strand & one
new strand
each of the 4 strands
contains both newly
synthesized segments &
segments from the
parental strands
replication of DNA molecules begins at one or more specific regions called the Blank
origin(s) of replication
excepting certain Blank and Blank, proceeds in both directions from this origin
bacteriophage chromosomes and plasmids
replication of E. coli DNA begins at
Blank, a unique 245-bp chromosomal site that contains Blank tetranucleotide sequences along its length
oriC, 11 GATC
- involves two replication forks that move in opposite directions
- predicts that, if radioactively labeled nucleotides are provided as substrates for new DNA synthesis, both replication forks will become radioactively labeled
bidirectional replication
- the enzyme that carries out DNA
replication - uses single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) as a template and makes a complementary strand by polymerizing deoxynucleotides in the order specified by their pairing with bases in the template
DNA polymerase
synthesize DNA only in a Blank
direction, reading the antiparallel
template strand in a Blank sense
5’→3’, 3’→5’
How does DNA polymerase copy the parent strand that runs in the 5’→3’ direction at the replication fork?
DNA polymerase copies the parent strand running in the 5’→3’ direction by synthesizing the new strand in short fragments, called Okazaki fragments, in the opposite 5’→3’ direction. These fragments are later joined by DNA ligase to form a continuous strand.
because DNA polymerase must read the template
strand in the 3’→ 5’ direction, the 5’→ 3’ parental strand must wrap around in Blank
trombone fashion
chain growth is in the Blank & Blank to the template strand
5’→ 3’ direction, antiparallel
require a primer Blank w/ a free Blank to initiate DNA synthesis
oligonucleotide, 3’-OH
Why primer is essential?
A primer is essential because DNA polymerase cannot start DNA synthesis on its own; it can only add nucleotides to an existing strand. The primer, a short piece of RNA or DNA, provides the necessary starting point with a free 3’-OH group for DNA polymerase to begin replication.
Biochemical Characterization of DNA polymerases can catalyze the synthesis of DNA if provided with
- all 4 dNTPs
- a template DNA strand to copy
- a primer
the primer must possess a free 3’-OH end to which an incoming Blank is added
deoxynucleoside monophosphate
in vivo, a short Blank is invariably the primer, synthesized by a DNA dependent RNA polymerase activity
RNA strand