DNA based detection methods Flashcards
DNA based detection methods:
Point mutations
Point mutations
- DNA sequencing (dont knlow location but know the gene)
- ARMS - (allele specific PCR) (suspect point mutation, within gene, and know its exact type and location)
- OLA - oligonucleotide assay ( multiple point mutations)
DNA-based detection methods for Submicroscopic duplications
a-CGH (array comparative genomic hybridization) - location unknown
Multiple PCR - known location
DNA-based detection method:
Rapid detection of aneupolodies
detects trisomies (21,18,13)
Chromosome Analysis methods
Karytopying (light microscopy, resolution)
FISH stands for
fluorescent in situ hybridisation
DNA structure
nucelotides consist of:
- sugar (deoxyribose in DNA & ribose in RNA)
- Purine (adenine or guanine)
- Pyrimidine (thymine or cytocine)
- phosphate
2 nucleotide chains
coiled clockwise formin a double helix (10 nucleotides per turn)
2 chains held together by hydrogen bonds
Protein synthesis
gene transcribed by RNA polymerase
spliced (remaining introns) - MRNA
mRNA diffuses into cytoplasm where translation into polypeptides takes place at ribosomes
subsequent post- translational modifications take place
Length mutation
(deletions, duplications, insertions and trinucleotide repeats)
Point mutations
Single nucelotide substitution)