DMV Flashcards
Who has the right-of-way in the following scenario: A car is going straight ahead or is about to turn right, while the other wants to make a left turn?
The car turning left must yield the right-of-way too the other car.
What should you do when coming onto a street from a private alley or driveway?
You must yield right-of-way to all approaching vehicles and pedestrians.
When does a pedestrian have the right-of-way?
A person walking across the street within a crosswalk, whether or not the crosswalk is marked, always has the right-of-way.
What should you do at a railroad crossing that is marked only with a crossbuck sign?
Reduce speed, look both ways, and listen for audible signal whistl. If a train is approaching -STOP; if not proceed with caution
What does it mean if you see flashing red lights at a railroad crossing?
You are required to STOP and remain stopped until the train passes by and the lights stop.
What should you do if you are approached by an emergency vehicle (from the front or rear) with its red or blue lights flashing and sirens going?
Every vehicle must yield the right-of-way. You must stop and remain stopped until emergency vehicle or vehicles have passed. If at all possible, pull your vehicle over to the extreme right hand side of the road until the emergency vehicle has passsed.
If you approach a school bus from either direction and the bus is displaying flashing red lights, what should you do?
You must stop and not pass until all children have safely crossed the street and the red lights are no longer flashing. This rule applies to all roads, including four lane highways.
When should you use your headlights?
You are required by law to use your low beams when you approach within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle or when you are following within 500 of another vehicle (except when you are attempting to pass the vehicle). You should use your lights at sunset and sunrise or at any other time when you cannot see clearly ahead for a distance of 500 feet. When driving in fog, always remember to use your low beams.
Which of the following must you obey over the other three: steady red light, flashing red light, STOP sign, or police officer
You must obey the instructions of a police officer even though they may be contrary to laws, signs, signals and markings.
What does a green arrow displayed mean?
Proceed carefully in the direction of he arrow after yielding the right-of-way to other vehicles and pedestrians
What does a flashing red light mean?
The same thing as a stop sign; STOP.
What does a flashing yellow light mean?
Slow down and proceed with caution.
What does a red triangle with a yellow center posted on the back of the vehicle mean?
It identifies slow-moving vehicles and can save your life. Watch for it day or night
What does blue traffic sign mean?
Motorist services guidance. The US is gradually changing to an international sign system in which each color and shape will convey the meaning therefore you must aquaint yourself with this new system.
What does a broken yellow line mean?
You MAY cross the lane to pass if it is safe to do so
What do two solid yellow lines indicate?
You may NOT cross the lines from either direction. You can only cross to turn into a driveway or side road if it is safe.
There is a solid yellow line AND a broken yellow line: If the solid yellow line is on your side of the lane, are yo allowed to pass?
If you refuse to take a blood alcohol test when a police officer pulls you over, what happens?
You must surrender your driver’s license to the officer on the spot. The officer will then give you a receipt for your license and will then forward a sworn report to the Commissioner of Public Safety, who will review your case. The receipt will serve as your temporary license for 45 days.
In what situations should you always use your turn signal?
Mechanical or electrical road signals should not be used unless you are actually going to turn.
What is the hand signal for a left turn?
Put left hand and arm straight out, keeping hand and arm still.
What is the hand signal to stop or slow down?
Put left hand and arm down, keeping hand and arm still.
What is the hand signal for a right turn?
Put left hand and arm up, keeping hand and arm still.
What age child must be in a safety seat?
Mississippi law requires that children under the age of 4 be in a child safety seat. Violators of this law may be fined, It is recommended that children weighing up to 40 ibs to 80 ibs be transported in a booster seat. IF a child weighs over 40 Ibs and is under the age of 4, he or she can use a regular safety belt, although this is not recommended.
When passing another vehicle, how can you tell when it is safe to return to the driving lane?
When you see the car just passed in your rearview mirror.
At what distance are you required to signal a left or right turn?
When is it permissble to park: on a sidewalk, on any bridge or elevated structure, or under a highway overpass?
Never. It is illegal to park in any of these locations.
How many inches must your curb-side wheels be from the curb when you parallel parked?
When parking on a hill headed downhill, with or without a curb, in what direction should you turn your wheels of your vehicle?
To the right
When parking on a hill headed uphill, with a curb, what direction should you turn the wheels of your vehicle?
Toward the center of the street with the back of the front tire against the curb.
When parking on a hill headed uphill, without a curb, in what direction should the wheels of your vehicle be facing?
To the right
What is the maximum speed limit for cars and trucks on the highways of Mississippi?
70 MPH
Must you always drive at the speed limit?
No. While you cannot exceed the limit, often road conditions require that you drive more slowly. By law you have to slow down when conditions demand it.
What is the speed limit when driving in a school zone in an urban district?
15 MPH
What is the speed limit when driving on a highway numbered by the state or the US outside an urban district?
55 MPH unless otherwise posted
Is it best to keep your headlights on high beams or low beam in rain, fog, or falling snow?
Low beams
What should you do to avoid being blinded by the glare of headlights from an approaching vehicle?
Avoid looking directly into the headlights of approaching vehicles. You should shift your eyes down to the lower right side of your traffic lane.
Where do the most accidents occur?
When entering or merging with traffic, should you enter at the same speed, a slower speed or faster than the traffic that is moving on the highway?
Enter at the same rate of speed that traffic is moving.
What is the penalty for the first offense under Mississippi’s drunk driving laws?
90 day license suspension plus $250 fine
What is a traffic lane?
You are in a traffic lane whenever you are driving on any street or highway. These lanes may or may not be marked, but they exist just the same.
How closely should you follow behind the car in front of you?
Allow at least one car length for ever 10 MPH of speed.
What should you do if you have a flat tire or blow-out?
Take your foot off the accelerator, and then apply the break slowly and cautiously.
What should you do if your car starts to skid?
If your vehicle starts to skid, turn the wheel in the direction of the skid, but only if you can do so without running off the road or hitting something. Remember that braking suddenly will increase the skid.
What facts should you keep in mind when sharing the road with large vehicles?
They have bigger blind spots than cars, take longer to stop, need more room to maneuver and it takes a car longer to pass them.
What rule of thumb should you remember when sharing the road with trucks and other large vehicles?
If you can’t see the truck driver in his side mirror, he can’t see you.
As a motorist, what does” Implied Consent” mean for you?
Any person who drives a vehicle in Mississippi is deemed to have given consent to a chemical test to determine the amount of alcohol in his/her system if arrested for driving while intoxicated.
What is the illegal Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the state of Mississippi?
.08% if 21 or over; .02% is under the age of 21.
At what Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is someone considered legally intoxicated?
0.08% or more
When are roads most likely to be most dangerous or slickest?
The opening minutes of a rain or drizzle. The first water to hit the roadway loosens the accumulated dirt and grease coating the road with a slock firm.