DM9 Impression Materials Flashcards
What are the 3 general classifications of impression materials
Non-elastic materials
What types of Hydrocolloids are there
Reversible (Agar)
Irreversible (Alginates)*
What is the difference in setting reaction between agar and alginates
Agar - physical process
Alginates - cross linking reaction
What kinds of elastomer impression materials are there
What kinds of silicone elastomers are there
In what state are all elastic impression materials before setting
They are all in the form of polymers in the unset state
How do the polymers of all elastic impression materials set
They chemically cross-link on setting, either when the powder and liquid (alginates), or two pastes, are mixed together
What is the only exception to the normal method of setting for elastic impression materials
Name some of the desirable qualities of an ideal impression material
- Pleasant odour, taste and aesthetic colour
- Adequate shelf life for requirements of storage and distribution
- No toxic irritants
- Economically commensurate with results obtained
- Easy to use
- Good consistency + texture
- Readily wets oral tissues
- elastic properties with no permanent deformation after strain
- dimensional stability with temp and humidity
What are the uses of elastomers
- Produce an accurate replica of the teeth and supporting tissues
- For the construction of full and partial dentures, crowns, bridges and inlays
Why are elastomers used for their uses and describe the cost
Due to their strength and dimensional stability
COST - significantly more than alginates/agar
When does the cross linking reaction in 2 paste systems begin
As soon as the 2 components come into contact with each other
When does the cross linking reaction in 1 paste systems begin
As soon as the LED light unit is directed on to the paste, the chemical setting reaction begins
Name a form of a one paste system
How can the 2 pastes of impression materials be found
- 2 separate tubes
- 2 tubs of putty, or putty and tube
- Double barrel cartridges
- Pouches for pentamidine
Why are double barrel cartridges and pouches for pentamix used
- Avoid incomplete mixing and prevents the introduction of air bubbles
What kind of cross-linking reactions are there
Addition - affects the dimensional stability of the set material
What is the difference between addition and condensation cross-linking reactions
Addition reaction results in no by-products therefore material does not shrink on setting
Condensation reaction results in the elimination of a small molecule thus resulting in shrinkage of the set material
What different viscosities do elastomeric impression material pastes come in
- Putty
- Heavy
- Medium
- Light
- Wash
What determines the viscosity of elastomeric impression material pastes
The amount of filler present and the molecular weight of the polymer
What different viscosity pastes are usually used together in 2 paste systems
Putty + Wash
Heavy/Medium + Light
Why can’t light-bodied/wash materials be used by themselves
As they contain little filler they don’t have the strength, so will tear easily when removing the tray/impression from the mouth
What are the different roles of the lighter bodied material and the heavier bodied material
Lighter records the fine detail and the heavier acts as the base to support the light material
Describe the twin mix/one stage Putty and Wash technique
Wash material is syringed around the teeth and prepared tooth
Describe the twin mix/one stage Putty and Wash technique
Wash material is syringed around the teeth and prepared tooth
Putty is loaded into the tray and inserted immediately into the mouth after syringing the wash material in the mouth
Describe the double impression/two stage Putty and Wash technique with no spacer
- Putty is used first to take an impression of the mouth before starting the preparation
- After preparing the teeth, the wash material is syringed on the prepared teeth and putty on the tray and reinsert the tray over the wash
Describe the Double impression/two stage Putty and wash technique with a spacer
- A polythene sheet (spacer) is placed over the teeth
- The putty is then used to take an impression of the mouth by placing over the polythene sheet
- After set, the putty impression is removed from the mouth and so is the polythene sheet
- The wash material is placed in the space provided in the putty impression and the tray is seated back in the mouth
Describe the Dual Viscosity Technique
- Heavy and light bodied pastes are used in combination
- Heavy or medium bodied material is extruded into the tray
- Light bodied material is syringed around the teeth and can also be placed on the heavy/medium material in the tray
- Tray is seated in mouth and materials are allowed to set
When are dual viscosity and putty and wash techniques used
when recording a lot of detail like when making a crown
Light bodied material will take longer to set