DM1 Pt1-3 Methods of Anaesthesia Flashcards
What factors influence the choice of anaesthesia technique in cats?
The type of procedure, duration of anaesthesia, and the temperament of the cat influence the decision-making process.
What is a common technique for inducing anaesthesia in cats using a volatile agent?
Anaesthesia can be induced with a volatile agent (e.g., sevoflurane) via a face mask or anaesthetic chamber, followed by intubation.
How can anaesthesia be maintained after induction with a volatile agent?
Anaesthesia can be maintained with the same volatile agent (e.g., sevoflurane) via an endotracheal tube or using an intravenous agent (e.g., propofol).
What is one method for inducing and maintaining anaesthesia using injectable agents?
Anaesthesia can be induced with an injectable agent (e.g., alfaxalone) and maintained with a volatile agent (e.g., isoflurane).
What is total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA)?
Total intravenous anaesthesia (TIVA) is the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia using injectable agents (e.g., alfaxalone or propofol) delivered intravenously.
How is intramuscular anaesthesia typically administered?
Anaesthesia is induced and maintained by intramuscular injection of a drug combination (e.g., medetomidine, ketamine, butorphanol).
What are the essential differences between various anaesthetic techniques in cats?
Differences include the use of mask/chamber versus injectable agents for induction, and volatile versus injectable agents for maintenance.
What should be considered in all patients regardless of the anaesthesia technique used?
Endotracheal intubation, supplementation of inspired oxygen, and intravenous catheter access should be considered in all patients.
What are the advantages of mask or chamber induction with a volatile agent?
It doesn’t require IV access and provides rapid recovery, making it useful for short procedures or in very young kittens.
What are the disadvantages of mask or chamber induction with a volatile agent?
Induction is slower, causing distress and potential self-trauma, and volatile agents can contaminate the environment.
In what situations is mask or chamber induction typically used?
For difficult-to-handle cats, kittens under 12 weeks, or very short procedures like establishing IV access or taking blood samples.
What are the advantages of intravenous induction using injectable agents?
It provides rapid, controlled induction, is less stressful for well-sedated cats, and offers smoother transition to maintenance.
What are the disadvantages of intravenous induction with injectable agents?
Requires metabolism for recovery, and IV access must be established, which may be difficult in some cases.
What is an advantage of maintaining anaesthesia with volatile agents?
Recovery is rapid since volatile agents don’t require metabolism, and anaesthetic depth is easily controlled.
What are the disadvantages of maintaining anaesthesia with volatile agents?
Environmental contamination during recovery, and endotracheal tubes may interfere with some procedures (e.g., bronchoscopy).
What is a disadvantage of maintaining anaesthesia with intravenous agents?
Drug accumulation can cause prolonged recovery, especially in cats with impaired liver function, and depth is harder to regulate.
Why is intramuscular induction and maintenance advantageous in some cases?
It is easy to administer, especially for difficult-to-handle or aggressive cats, and is useful for short procedures like neutering.
What are the disadvantages of intramuscular anaesthesia in cats?
It can be painful, induction is slower and less predictable, and recovery is prolonged compared to volatile agent anaesthesia.