DLA5- Toxicology (common drugs) Flashcards
describe the typical presentation of salicylate (ASA) overdose (hint- 2 main features, include brief mechanism)
Mixed respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis:
-Hyperventilation via stimulation of respiratory center
- ASA is weak acid:
- -> too much causes impaired renal function => sulfuric / phosphoric acid accumulation
- uncouples oxidative phosphorylation + inhibits Krebs cycle => inc anaerobic metabolism –> inc ketones and lactic acid
ASA overdose:
- (1) typical progression if untreated
- (2) Tx
- eventual depressant effects of ASA on respiratory center => death via respiratory depression / paralysis (respiratory acidosis)
- circulatory collapse via vasomotor depression
2- IV fluids, IV NaHCO3 (for acidosis and promote ASA excretion) —– severe cases require hemodialysis
Acetaminophen toxicity:
- (1) is the main effect
- (2) is the main mediator, describe formation and mechanism
Hepatic Necrosis:
- 5% acetaminophen metabolized into NAPQI (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine)
- in small amounts detoxified via glutathione detoxification
- if glutathione stores become depleted (high doses) => NAPQI damages cellular proteins –> heptocyte death
describe the progression of acute acetaminophen toxicity
1) initially asymptomatic or mild GI upset
2) (24-36hrs) liver injury: elevated aminotransferases, hypoprothrobinemia
3) (severe cases) fulminant liver failure –> hepatic encephalopathy –> death
[possible renal failure also]
describe acetaminophen toxicity Tx
1) supportive therapy + gastric lavage
2) N-acetylcysteine (acetadote) –> AEs: rash, n/v/d, anaphylaxis
3) possible liver tranplant (if fulminant liver failure)
list the many possible effects of Amphetamine / stimulant overdose
- restlessness, agitation
- acute psychosis
- HTN, tachycardia
- prolonged muscular hyperactivity –> dehydration, hypotension
- seizures + muscular hyperactivity –> hyperthermia, rhabodomylosis –> brain damage, hypotension, coagulopathy, renal failure
describe Tx of stimulant (amephetamine) overdose
(no specific antidote)
supportive therapy:
-ammonium chloride to acidify urine to enhance elimination
- phentolamine / nitroprusside for HTN
- propanolol / esmolol for tachycardia
- IV benzodiazepines for seizures
-cool down measures for hyperthermia OR neuromuscular paralysis if very severe
describe the effects of Anticholinergic overdose (note- can be due to drugs with anticholinergic activity as additional action)
- skin flushed (red as a beet)
- hyperthermia (hot as a hare)
- dry mucous membranes (dry as a bone)
- blurry vision (blind as a bat)
- confusion, delirium (mad as a hatter)
describe Tx for anticholinergic overdose
Physostigme (AChE inhibitor):
-peripheral and central
-small IV doses, slow infusion (or causes bradycardia, seizures)
[not in TCA overdose]
benzodiazepine, antipsychotic for seizures if necessary
describe presentation of β-blocker overdose (include most toxic agent)
(propanolol is most toxic, non-selective)
-QRS widening via Na+ channel blockade in heart => ventricular arrhythmia
- seizures, coma (propanolol is lipophilic –> crosses BBB)
- bradycardia, hypotension
______ is the Tx for β-blocker overdose, describe brief mechanism
IV glucagon- inc intracellular [cAMP] that β-blockers dec
describe presentation of Ca channel blocker overdose
- depresses sinus node automaticity + slows AV conduction
- dec CO and BP => serious hypotension
______ is the main Tx for Ca channel blocker overdose
______ may be useful is treating some Sxs
IV Ca++ –> inc cardiac contractility (not as usefule for nodal block, circulatory collapse)
-glucagon, epinephrine to inc BP and HR
describe the main effects of TCA overdose, include of actions that TCAs may have
blockade of Na+ fast channels –> slows conduction –> wide QRS, depressed contractility => arrhythmia, hypotension, AV block
-anticholinergic, antiadrenergic, antihistamine
- (1) is drug of choice for TCA overdose in general
- (2) is specific for TCA cardiac effects
-(3) has been deemed ineffective, and (4) is avoided as seen in anticholinergic overdose Tx
1- norepinephrine
2- sodium carbonate (bolus)
3- dopamine
4- physostigme