DL-07 - Sequence models Flashcards
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is a sequence model?
A model that handles sequential data, where the order of the data matters.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is another name for sequence models?
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is another name for seq2seq?
Sequence models.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is the definition of a sequence model?
a ML model where input or output is a sequence of data (e.g., text data, audio data, time series data).
DL-07 - Sequence models
What are the different types of sequence models called (abstract)? (4)
- One to one
- one to many
- many to one
- many to many
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe what a one to one model looks like.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe what a one to many model looks like.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe what a many to one model looks like.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe what a many to many model looks like.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is a name entity recognition task?
E.g. determine what words in a sentence is an entity. Generally names of things.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
What task is this an example of? (See image)
Entity recognition
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is sentiment analysis?
Predict the sentiment of some input, e.g. positive or negative. (See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
What task is this an example of? (See image)
Sentiment analysis.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is activity recognition?
A task where you label the activity in e.g. an image or a video. (See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
What task is this? (See image)
Activity recognition.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What are some popular sequence models? (3)
- Transformers
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is the main idea behind RNNs?
RNNs process sequential data by maintaining an internal state and iteratively updating it with each input in the sequence.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What model can you think of as a sequence of neural networks that are trained one after another?
RNN (and LSTM)
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe how we typically draw RNNs.
(See image)
DL-07 - Sequence models
What model is depicted?
DL-07 - Sequence models
Describe what X, t, h and y are in the image. (See image)
- t is the time step
- x are inputs
- h are hidden states
- y is the predicted outputs
DL-07 - Sequence models
What parameters does an RNN layer have?
- Weights
- Biases
- Hidden state/recurrent weights (output at previous time step)
DL-07 - Sequence models
In an RNN, what is T_x and T_y?
The number of inputs and the number of outputs.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is BPTT short for?
Backpropagation through time
DL-07 - Sequence models
How does backpropagation through time work?
By unrolling the recurrent neural network through time and applying standard backpropagation to compute gradients for updating weights.
DL-07 - Sequence models
When is loss backpropagated in BPTT?
The loss is backpropagated from the last to the first time step that allows updating the weights.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What is NLP short for?
Natural language processing.
DL-07 - Sequence models
What are the two steps of text sequence representation in Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
The two steps are:
- creation of vocabulary
- numeric representation of text/words.