Dizziness and Vertigo Flashcards
Nearly 20% of elderly patients experience dizziness every year that restricts their activity. Before we discuss what the patient means by dizziness, think for a moment what it means to you? List some of the symptoms that might cause a patient to complain of “dizziness”.
“Dizziness” is a vague term that means different things to different people. It is used most often to describe faintness, loss of balance when walking and vertigo, but it is also used to describe double-vision, dissociation from the world due to depression, drug intoxication and giddiness.
How do we do this! Let’s start with faintness, the feeling that we are going to black out. Most of us have experienced this feeling when we stood up very quickly from a prolonged squatting position. How many different conditions can you think of that produce faintness?
Quickly getting up from a squatting position can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, reduce cerebral perfusion and result in a blackout or faint. Any condition that reduces intravascular volume can produce orthostatic hypotension and postural faintness. This includes bleeding, prolonged vomiting, severe diarrhea, polyuria and dehydration.
If the heart cannot speed up to compensate and increase cardiac output, then cerebral perfusion fails even earlier. That might occur if a patient were taking a beta blocker and could not easily increase the heart rate on becoming moderately dehydrated. Other medications may reduce blood pressure either as a therapeutic or as a side effect.
What other things common cause faintness?
Patients with diabetes, amyloidosis, Guillain Barré syndrome and certain other disorders can develop an autonomic neuropathy so that peripheral vasoconstriction mediated by the sympathetic nervous system fails to respond to orthostatic falls in blood pressure.
Finally there is the common faint, also called a vasovagal reaction, which can be induced by a variety of stimuli such as viewing your first autopsy.
Syncope can occur when cardiac output falls. In the presence of a beta blocker the heart may fail to accelerate in response to reduced venous return when arising from a squatting position. Can you think of any other cardiac disorders that can cause syncope?
Cardiac causes of syncope and near-syncope include:
cardiac arrhythmias,
heart failure,
obstruction of cardiac outflow (aortic valvular stenosis, cardiac tamponade) and
pulmonary embolism.
Get a cardiology consult
Another huge problem for doctors and for society is the propensity for the elderly to lose their balance and fall. This causes a variety of broken bones, such as hip fractures, and can be followed by a variety of medical complications and constitute the final and last admission to a hospital. Why do the elderly fall so much?
More often than not, the reasons are multifactorial.
Cerebellar dysfunction due midline (vermian) disease from alcoholism or stroke can cause a wide-based ataxic gait.
Vestibular dysfunction from prior trauma or infection may cause the patient to react less quickly to changes in body position when turning.
Vision typically fails due to macular degeneration and cataracts so that it becomes far easier to stumble in dim lit rooms. Loss of position sense in the legs can be compensated with visual input but not if you can’t see well or are in a dark room and so uneven surfaces become especially hard to navigate.
Even without a specific disease process, all of these and other networks are undergoing neuronal depletion with aging. The redundancy in neuronal circuits is lost and a simple task such as gait must be accomplished with marginally functional neural reserves.
Other networks affected by aging or disease include:
the spinal cortical pathways and other associated motor pathways such as rubrospinal, reticulospinal and vestibulospinal pathways.
Disease of the basal ganglia can cause Parkinsonism and produce gait abnormalities such as ignition failure, freezing, shuffling and turning en-block.
Non-neurological problems are very common and include arthritic pain of the hips and knees.
All of this cause the elderly to limit their walking and that produces disuse muscle atrophy, further weakness and worsens osteoporosis.
They become a walking or non-walking time bomb for a fall. Then throw in drug toxicity or dehydration on top of everything, and it is not at all surprising why falls in the elderly present such a huge problem.
One common attribute in the elderly, especially in those with longstanding hypertension, is what?
small vessel disease affecting the white matter of the brain, and for unclear reasons, the frontal areas are affected the most. T
his disconnects the frontal lobes responsible for planning gait from the basal ganglia that permit the smooth coordination of gait, and patients can develop an apraxia of gait. That means they have difficulty knowing how to walk.
Gait dysequilibrium is commonly described as “Doctor, I get dizzy when I walk”. One closing clinical pearl: Physical therapy can often improve gait no matter what the multiple reasons are for failing gait, known or unknown, and so physical therapy is always worth a trial.
Less common but important to recognize is the personality disorder or depression that might cause the patient to complain of “dizziness.” Clues include:
a history of depression, excessive stress, panic attacks or other psychiatric problems. The depressed patient may feel “dissociated” from the world.
When such a patient complains of “dizziness”, it is often hard to pin down exactly what the patient means. Psychiatry should be consulted, and the neuropsychological test called the MMPI can be useful in detecting a tendency toward somatization and in discovering other personality traits.
What is vertigo?
Vertigo refers to an illusion of movement typically described as spinning or whirling. We experienced this as kids when we spun ourselves around and around and then suddenly stopped to watch the world around us continue to spin. Vertigo, however, can also refer to a sense of swaying, for example, in a forward backward direction.
What is true vertigo?
“True” vertigo refers to situations in which this illusion is caused by a disorder of the vestibular system, either peripherally or in its central connections. No one really uses the term “false” vertigo, but there the idea is that the sensation of spinning is due to something other than a dysfunctional vestibular system, such as a psychiatric disorder.
One can recognize vertigo due to vestibular dysfunction by what?
the associated symptoms of nausea and vomiting and by nystagmus.
__________ is the clinical sign of vertigo.
Describe the phases of nystagmus
It has two components, a fast and a slow phase. The fast phase consists of corrective saccades from the frontal eye field of the contralateral hemisphere. The saccadic eye movement is so quick that the retina cannot process the visual information and a visual blur results. However, the brain suppresses this worthless retinal information and therefore the person is effectively blind during the fast phase of nystagmus.
In contrast to the fast phase, the slow phase of nystagmus is similar in speed to a cortically directed tracking movement, and it is during the slow phase of nystagmus that the person sees during vertigo.
Nystagmus is conventionally described by its fast component. Hence, a right beating nystagmus means that the fast phase is to the right and the slow phase is to the left.
If the eyes are moving slowly from right to the left, in which direction would the room be spinning?
Think about this for a moment. It should be spinning in the opposite direction, namely from left to right. Why is this important?
Before we focus on some disorders of the vestibular system we will review some basic neuroanatomy and physiology underlying the vestibular system.
How many of you have piloted an airplane or steered a sailboat? Those of you who have done so may know that movements in three dimensional space can be described by so-called “degrees of freedom”? What are they and how many are there?
The answer is there are six degrees of freedom that can describe movement in three dimensional space.
Three of these can be considered linear motion along the x, y and z axis. In other words, to get from one point A to another B in space, you can do so by a straight line connecting the two points and the two points can be described by the change in x, y and z axis. The problem is that movement of a ship in space or on the water is also subjected to spins and turns which can be described as rotations about each of the three axes x, y and z. Hence if you spin around the x axis, that is called a “roll”, if you spin around the y axis, that is called “pitch” and if you spin around the z axis, that is called “yaw”. For example, you are walking along a woodland trail looking at the birds in the trees when your foot suddenly catches a tree root and you “pitch” forwards around the y axis.
Let’s take a hypothetical example. It’s summer; you are on the ocean, and your sailboat gets caught in a maelstrom. As you spin and contemplate the many wonders of life you have experienced, you remember from this lecture that the turning movement of the boat could be described as what?
The spinning is called “yaw” and is around the z axis.
The vestibular apparatus in the inner ear is a marvelous sensory device that detects positional changes in all six degrees of freedom and transduces that information into electrical impulses for the vestibular nerve to convey to the brain.
Linear motion and the effects of gravity are sensed by two specialized organs called:
the sacculus and utricle (Other terms are the saccular and utricular maculas). The sacculus lies coplanar with the vertical axis and the utricle lies coplanar with the horizontal axis.
In contrast, the ________ ______ detect angular movements, that is acceleration or deceleration of rotation within the plane of a canal.
semicircular canals (A specialized organ called the cupula located inside the ampulla transduces this information for each semicircular canal. )
Let’s look at the cellular structure of the utricle and saccule. Sensory hair cells with cilia are embedded in a gelatinous matrix. On top of this gelatinous membrane lie tiny crystals of calcium carbonate called otoliths or otoconia. They are stuck to the membrane and are sufficiently heavy to distort the matrix by a linear force during movement and by gravitational forces at all times.
During a change in head position, the plane of the utricle and saccule changes its orientation to gravity and that produces a change in shear stress on the membrane. The direction and degree to which the cilia become deformed results in a proportional increase or decrease of electrical impulses along the vestibular nerve.
So how does the distortion of the hair cell produce a signal?
Like skyscrapers, the cilia are not all of the same height. The tallest cilia is called the kinocilium and depending on how it is bent, potassium channels in the tips of the other cilia either open or close.
The cilia project into endolymph that is rich in potassium. The potassium influx depolarizes the cell membrane which then activates calcium channels that open only when the membrane is depolarized.
The influx of calcium has multiple effects on intracellular metabolism. Namely:
Note that calcium concentration inside the cell is 104 times lower than outside the cell. Hence very little calcium from the outside actually needs to get in to cause a marked increase (10 to 100 fold) in the intracellular calcium concentration.
One effect of the small increase in intracellular calcium rise is to activate calcium dependent potassium pumps that extrude the potassium into the potassium poor perilymph. These counterbalanced activities allow for an electrical resonance of the membrane to shift up or down in frequency and to modulates the concentration of calcium at the hair cell base. A rise in local calcium concentration triggers release of a neurotransmitter as shown on the next slide.