divine concepts Flashcards
to learn before my stupid bitch ass final tomorrow
Natural Revelation
The ways in which we come to know God through what we can observe and experience. (It is also the process by which God makes himself known to human reason.)
What do we learn about God from Creation?
*God is mighty and powerful
*God is infinitely creative
*God is good and cares for His creation
What are all the ways that theologians try to convince non-believers of God’s existence?
*THE FIRST MOVER: for the first objects to move, there had to be a “first mover,” who moved everything else.
*CAUSALITY: God is the first cause
*CONTINGENCY: everything comes from something and God is something
*PERFECTION: God is the supreme model, and since humans are able to distinguish good from bad, the best is God.
*INTELLIGENT BEING: God is the grand designer, who created everything.
Can you understand God?
NO, because He is beyond the realm of mortal reason. Humans don’t have the capacity to behold who God is.
Divine Revelation
Divine Revelation is God manifesting and showing himself to us. HE reveals HIS OWN mysteries. God’s self communication.
What is Revelation?
Revelation is something that becomes known.
What are the 3 Connected Things (regarding divine revelation)?
*Himself (God)
*His mysteries
*His Divine Plan
What is Divine Revelation NOT about?
Divine Revelation is not about things religious or commandments of God. (It is God’s disclosure of Himself.)
Why did God reveal Himself to us?
He wanted to. It pleases God, because he wants a connection with us.
Will we grasp it FULLY if He reveals Himself to us through Divine Revelation?
Just because He reveals Himself to us does NOT mean that we will grasp if fully.
What are some things God has revealed to us?
*There are 3 persons in the Blessed Trinity
*God is all powerful
*God had no beginnings
*God loves humans
God’s revelations are by His WORDS AND DEEDS!!!
What is a Covenant?
a solemn, mutual commitment that God and God’s people make to eachother.
What is Salvation History?
Salvation History is when we discover God’s revelation in our own human history.
What is the Deposit of Faith?
The Deposit of Faith is the truth of God’s revelation as expressed in Sacred Scripture. It is the body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and handed on to them to be preserved and proclaimed.