Diverticulitis Popcorn Flashcards
Which condition?
- Prevalence incr. w/ age
- Sigmoid colon = LLQ pain
- Asymptomatic
- Discovered incidentally
S/S of which condition?
- Abdominal cramping
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
2 complications of Diverticulosis?
- Diverticulitis
- Bleeding
PE of which condition?
- Completely normal exam
- LLQ pain
Tx for diverticulosis?
- Higher fiber diet
- Hydration
What is NOT recommended as part of tx for diverticulosis?
Avoidance of seeds/nuts
(literature does not support avoiding seeds/nuts)
What is used to dx diverticulosis?
Nothing, usually found incidentally
Simple/Uncomplicated Diverticulitis
(Most common - 85%)
Complicated Diverticulitis
(least common - 15%)
S/S of which condition?
- Progressive, steady aching pain (LLQ)
- Fever / Chills
- N / V / Change in bowel habits
- Irritative urinary sxs (pneumaturia or fecaluria if colovesical fistula)
What diagnostic studies are needed for Diverticulitis?
- CBC = Leukocytosis
- BMP/CMP, amylase/lipase
- UA / urine culture
- HCG if childbearing age
- Stool cultures if diarrhea +
- CT w/ contrast
Leukocytosis is seen in which condition?
Diverticulitis w/ CBC.
May be absent in elderly though…
What is the Test of Choice for dx diverticulitis?
CT scan of A/P w. contrast
- localized bowel wall thickening/fat stranding
- colonic diverticula
What 2 studies are contraindicated in patients w/ Diverticulitis??
- Flex Sigmoidoscopy / Colonoscopy –> risk of perforation
- Barium enema –> barium fluid could leak through perforation & worsen the peritonitis
PE of which condition?
- Low grade fever
- BS normal / abnormal
- LLQ tenderness / mass
- Peritoneal signs
- Mass/Tenderness on DRE
- Guaiac
- Pelvic for women
Tx for uncomplicated Diverticulitis?
Outpatient tx
Oral abx: 500mg PO TID x10 days
- Metronidazole + Ciprofloxacin
- Metronidazole + Bactrim
- Clear liquid / low fiber diet (low residue)
- High fiber diet AFTER acute episode resolves
What is follow up for Diverticulitis and what tests are needed?
- 2 days FU (close FU)
- Repeat imaging not needed if pt improving
- 6 - 8 weeks after resolution of acute diverticulitis –> colonoscopy to eval for extent and r/o cancer & IBD
Tx for complicated Diverticulitis?
Inpatient tx:
- Admission, NPO, IV fluids
- IV abx, then PO to complete 10-14 day course
- Analgesics
- Consult GI & surgery
- If pt not improving in 2-3 days of abx –> repeat imaging
3 indications for surgery in pts w/ diverticulitis
- Perforation w/ peritonitis
- Deteriorates / fails to improve within 72 hours of therapy
- Complicated diverticulitis
4 complications of diverticulitis
- Abscess
- Fistula
- Obstruction
- Perforation
Which condition?
- Overt lower GI bleed
- Resolves spontaneously
- Where is MC source of bleed????
Diverticular Bleeding
- Right Colon MC source of bleed
Main symptom of Diverticular Bleeding?
- What are 3 others? +/-
PAINLESS hematochezia
- +/- bloating
- +/- cramping
- +/- fecal urgency
What diagnostic studies are used to r/o upper GI source bleed in Diverticular Bleeding?
- EGD lavage (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)
- NG lavage (nasogastric)
What lab should NOT be elevated in pts w/ colonic diverticular bleeding?
Diagnostic tests to locate source of bleed AFTER initial resuscitation is complete
- Flex Sig / Colonoscopy
- Tagged RBC scan / Angiography
2 exam findings of Diverticular Bleeding
- Blood on DRE
- Abnormal vital signs
Tx for Diverticular Bleeding
- Resuscitation / Hospitalization (maintain blood volume and transfusions PRN)
- Tx bleeding site w/ endoscopic therapy, angiographic therapy, surgery