Diversity Terms Flashcards
Someone who makes the commitment and effort to recognize their privilege (based on gender, class, race, sexual identity, etc.) and work in solidarity with oppressed groups in the struggle for justice
A person whose gender identity, expression, or behavior aligns with those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth.
The belief in treating everyone “equally” by treating everyone the same; based on the presumption that differences are by definition bad or problematic, and therefore best ignored
Cultural Misappropriation
When a cultural fixture of a marginalized culture/community is copied, mimicked, recreated or commodified by the dominant culture against the will or approval of the original cultural group.
All the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another.
Implicit Bias
Negative associations that people unknowingly hold. They are expressed automatically, without conscious awareness.
Authentically (and Intentionally) bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power.
Internalized Oppression
Believing and behaving based on lies, prejudices, and stereotypes about one’s own cultural group.
The everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.
Personal Gender Pronouns
The pronoun or set of pronouns that an individual personally uses and would like others to use when talking to or about that individual.
Unearned access to resources (social power) only readily available to some individuals as a result of their social group.
Identity group based on such factors as biological heritage, physical appearance, cultural affiliation, early socialization, and personal experience.
Race prejudice + social and institutional power
White Fragility
The outward display of emotions (such as anger, fear, and guilt) and behaviors (such as argumentation, silence, or leaving the stress-inducing situation) to defend or reinstate white racial equilibrium.
Hatred or fear of people from other countries or of their politics or culture.
A term created by Virginia slave owners and colonial rules in the 17th century to distinguish European colonists from Africans and indigenous peoples.
An acronym used to refer to the collective experiences of systemic racism by people who are black, Indigenous, and other people of color.
People whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth.