Diversity of Plants Flashcards
Phylum Bryophyta
Non-vascular plants
Classes of Phylum Bryophyta
Hepatopsida (liverworts)
Anthocerotopsida (hornworts)
Bryopsida (true mosses)
Bryophyte Habitat
Mainly terrestrial, water banks, grow on rocks and trees, sometimes submerged in streams, require moisture for growth and reproduction
Bryophyte General Morphology
No vasc, lack true leaves and roots and stems, anchored by rhizoids that don’t take up nutrients, small leaf shoot is gametophyte, central region of cells with food and water transport, antheridia and archegonia
Liverworts, widespread, terrestrial, large lobed plant body, highly specialized air chambers and pores, gemma cup for sex repro and fragmentation for asex
Marchantia Reproduction
Antheridia on disk-like stalk, gemma cup for sperm to swim, gemma cup becomes heavy with water and breaks off to develop new gametophyte, asex repro by fragmentation
Hornworts, similar to liverwort, single large chloroplast in each cell, multi-lobed gametophyte grows closely attached to soil or rock, mucilage chambers with BGA inside
Anthoceros Reproduction
Uni or bisexual, sporophyte has foot and long cylindrical sporangium, meristematic zone between foot and sporophyte so sporophyte elongates for a long time, mature sporophyte develops sporangium near apex
Makes up centre of stem and root in 1° plant body, protostele/siphonostele/eustele
Mostly in bryophytes, solid cylinder of vascular tissue with no pith
Mostly in seedless vasc, central pith (parenchyma) surrounded by vascular tissue, phloem either on outside or both sides of xylem
1° vascular cylinder consists of discrete strands around the pith, in almost all seed plants
Microphyllous Leaves
Early leaves with 1 vein
Megaphyllous Leaves
Complex system of branching veins
Insect-Trapping Leaf Modification of Angiosperms
Grow in acidic bogs where N and P are very low so they trap and digest insects to get nutrients, highly specialized leaves close on insect when it lands on the leaf, will develop normal leaves with enough nutrients
Types of Insect-Trapping Leaves
Venus fly trap, pitcher plants, sundew, bladder wort
Floral Leaf Modification of Angiosperms
“eggs” on edges of leaves that fall off and grow a new plant, specialized leaves on bases of flower stalk (poinsettias), flower itself has no petals but brightly coloured floral bracts that surround small flowers to make up for the absence of petals (modified leaves)
Window Leaf Modification of Angiosperms
Adaptation to hot and dry, 3.7 cm leaves shaped like ice cream cones are buried in the sand and a dime sized end is exposed at the surface, exposed end covered in thick cuticle and epidermis, water storage cells under exposed surface allow light to pass through to chloroplasts, good protection in sand because of air spaces and protection from heat
Flower Pot Leaf Modification of Angiosperms
Pouches/holes for ant colonies to live in, nitrogenous waste from ants, moisture from condensation collects in leaves, provides own fertilizer, produces a special root
Tendril Leaf Modification of Angiosperms
Weak stem so leaf tightly curls around rigid object to help climb
Leaf Modifications
In angiosperms, leaves have modifications and adaptations to help preserve water as much as possible, tendrils/flower pot leaves/window leaves/ insect-trapping
Guy that grouped plants based on dormancy and how much of the plant is away from the soil, defined by length of life of shoot and position of resting bud
Raunkiaers’ Growth Forms
panerophyte chamaeophyte hemicryptophyte cryptophyte (geophyte) hydrophyte therophyte,
Consistent shoots, body carried way above soil surface, trees and shrubs
Bud near soil surface, small hedges and bushes
Resting bud remains near soil surface
Bulbs or rhizome under soil, rest buds under soil surface
Annuals, whole plant will die and only leave seed in unfavourable period
Angiosperms, one cotyledon in embryo, flower in 3s, parallel venation, no 2° growth so no vascular cambium, vascular bundles are scattered in stem, pollen grain monocolpate
Angiosperms, 2 cotyledons in embryo, flower in 4s or 5s, reticulate venation, 2° growth so vascular cambium, vascular bundle in cylinder, pollen tricopate
Xylem in Angiosperms
Tracheids and vessel elements
Phloem in Angiosperms
Sieve tube member and companion cells
Parts of Flower
Petals, sepals, pistil (stigma, style, ovary), stamen (anther, filament), receptacle, stem
Perfect Flower
Both pistil and stamen
Imperfect Flowers
Male/stamenate or female/pistilate
Monoecious Flower
Male and female organs in same plant
Dioecious Flower
Either male or female, reproductive organs in different plants
Complete Flower
All 4 whorls (sepals, petals, state, pistil)
Flowering plant, closed seed for protection
Angiosperm Reproduction/Lifecycle
Microsporogenisis and megasporogenesis where mother cell under goes meiosis to produce 4 cells, 3 disintegrate and 1 remains functional, 1 divides 3 times (1-2, 2-4, 4-8), pollen grain is male gametophyte but doesn’t mature until landing on stigma and germinates down pollen tube to become sperm, sperm unites with egg to become zygote, endosperm around embryo provides nutrients, double fertilization, shoot and root apical meristem
Development of microspore
Development of megaspore
Bryophyte Reproduction/Lifecycle
Archegonia produces egg with protective jacket, liberated sperm swim through water to archegonia, diploid zygote develops in archegonium, embryo develops foot first for attachment of sporophyte to gametophyte, operculum falls off capsule and releases mature spores that give rise to protonema and lifecycle starts again