Diversity - NOT ON EXAM Flashcards
What are some underrepresented groups in computer science?
- gender
- ethnic/racial
- disabilities
- indigenous
How is racial/ethnic diversity in CS changing over time?
rising over time, but very slowly
Unlike female students, Black and Hispanic/Latinx students represent roughly the same proportion of computer science degrees as they do of all bachelor’s degrees.
Why is this misleading?
- Black and Hispanic/Latinx students earn bachelor’s degrees at lower rate relative to their % in overall population
- students from underrepresented minority groups are more likely to get degrees from for-profit institutions
- completion rates in CS for Black and Native American students have declined in current surge
How has the % of women in CS changed?
has decreased dramatically from its all time high
How has the % of racial/ethnic underrepresented minorities in CS changed?
has increased, but not enough to keep up with overall demographic shifts
Why does diversity in CS matter? (4)
- accountability and bias
- applications in other fields
- innovation
- service
Why Diversity Matters: Accountability and Bias
Why is this important?
more diverse voices in the room = more diverse opinions
- need for breadth of ideas and cognitive diversity
- different ideas come from different people with different perspectives
Why Diversity Matters: Applications in Other Fields
Why is this important?
CS is increasingly being used in different fields
- has been historically excluded from fields
Why Diversity Matters: Innovation
Why is this important?
unique ideas are being ignored
Why Diversity Matters: Services for Everyone
Why is this important?
for us, by us (FUBU)
tools are designed based on intentions and needs of designers
- diverse voices elevate opinions and thoughts that may not be present among the majority
Why Diversity Matters: Accountability and Bias
What highlights the importance of diversity?
increased use of algorithms by law enforcement agencies, judicial systems and governments
Why Diversity Matters: Applications in Other Fields
What are the theories as to why there is a lack of diversity in CS?
- socialization
- feeling of belonging
- over-enrolment pressures
- bias
Theory 1: Socialization
AP Exams
- more males take the exam
- more white people take the exam
- more white people pass the exam
Theory 1: Socialization
Boys vs. Girls – Comfort in Computer-related Tasks
- girls are more comfortable
- least likely to like CS
- boys are more comfortable
- most likely to like CS
- boys are more comfortable
- somewhat in the middle of liking CS