Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Flashcards
The similarities and differences between individuals, accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity
Legacy Diversity
Traits that are easily recognizable and visible such as external physical characteristics. Culture, ethnicity/race, nationality, gender, physical attributes, age and language.
Experiential Diversity
Diversity based on lived experiences, for example where they lived, went to school, family, hobbies, interests
Thought Diversity
Diversity based on different perspectives, resulting from educationAnd socioeconomic background introducing thought diversity can help guard against groupthink injecting your ideas to decision making and help identify prime candidates to tackle urgent problems and issues.
The extent to which each person in an organization feels welcome respected supported and valued and inclusive organization is one in which all members field involved and empowered to contribute and the organization works to stay in the state
Equity means providing additional resources to those who need them to take for a vantage of opportunities within a company.
Equality versus equity
equality refers to a state of fairness all employees are provided with equal rights and opportunities within the organization and are treated fairly equity however refers to the promotion of fairness and justice via the organizational structure that is the organization identifies ways to acknowledge specific demographic needs and challenges and incorporate them into its DE&I decision making
Benefits and characteristics of DE&I
Improve creativity in innovation diverse views make for better business decisions and drive a performance culture this benefits arrived from having groups with multiple perspectives life experiences and learning and problem-solving this generates more ideas but the experience of working in the more no group with different behavior snorms also fosters increased openness and flexibility.
Recruitment and retention
Developing an inclusive and diverse workforce enhances the employers ability to track high potential talent in minority groups creating equal opportunities for everyone it’s also simply the right thing to do.
Market strengths
Having a diverse workforce Improves an organization’s ability to understand the perspectives and needs of its customer segments to identify And reach new market segments and to develop new products that anticipate and meet those needs.
The positive image of being a diverse, inclusive organization can be in marketing advantage and selling point, helping the organization to connect and identify a brand with the diverse markets.
Global integration and local differentiation
Local employee ad greater awareness of local loss and regulations and business models and practices. They also bring potential entry into social networks, sources of information, and influence.
Increase revenue
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are good for business and congealed a diversity dividend of quantifiable improvements and a market share, a competitive edge in accessing new markets, and a stronger bottom line. They are able to draw on a more diverse engaged workforce made up of top talent
Characteristics of dynamic and inclusive workplaces
- multigenerational
- Multicultural
- Multilingual
- Multitalented
- Multi gendered
Developing an inclusive workplace
- Educate your leaders
- Form an inclusion council
- Celebrate employee differences
- Listen to employees
- Hold more effective meetings
- Communicate goals and measure progress
Leadership Buy-in
DE& I miss demonstrate ability to play critical role in achieving business goals.
Must go be on general truths about benefits and specifically link to organizations mission vision and business objectives
Executive sponsorship
Executive sponsorship must be real active and long-term to succeed may sponsor initiatives such as employee resource groups or ERG‘s

Employee resource scripts or ERG’s
ERGs are voluntary groups for employees who share a particular diversity dimension must be self-selecting joining ERG can itself be empowering.
Ally ship
Should exist at all levels of organization
Allies can be relied on to model empathy and be ambassadors for change.
Unconscious bias training
Designed to illustrate biases that an individual may hold. Ways to reduce or remove inequalities through education
Can benefit both mentor and mentee.
Provides opportunity to build strong and deep relationships with others
Psychological safety
Refers to feeling Able to speak up,question,ask for help,admit mistakes.
Makes individuals feel valued and allows them to freely contribute.
Preferred gender pronouns
Traditional pronouns are being phased out by organizations. 
Being replaced by gender neutral pronouns such as they there or them.
Can create feelings of inclusiveness among non-binary individuals
Organizational organizational culture must shift
Best practices to ask people how they want to be referred to by others and to respect that decision this decision may change over time
Evolution integration of DE&I
DENI initiatives should be integrated with standard organization operations.
Initiatives should still be measured revise and reevaluated.
New diversity issues were inevitably arise over time.
Successful initiatives would change the nature of the issues needing attention
Focus on diversity issues will shift overtime
Conscious bias
Individual understands they have it
Results in intentional behavior
May manifest as physical and verbal harassment or other deliberate actions
Unconscious bias
Individual is unaware of the bias.
May not result in overt or deliver in action pistol informs decision making process and behavior
Forms of bias
1 gender based discrimination 2 gender identity bias 3 sexual orientation bias 4 racism including systemic 5 stereotypes 6 ageism 7 Ingroup/outgroup bias 8 affinity bias 9 social comparison bias 10 extroversion/introversion bias 11 Neurodiversity bias 12 Micro aggressions 
Imposter syndrome
Feeding that success is due to lock not hard work or skill
Defensive behavior when a workforce promotes a simulation rather than inclusion
FX workers behavior with regards to appearance, affiliation, advocacy, and association