Divers Flashcards
convertion de clovis
La conversion et la bataille de Tolbiac
Bataille de Tolbiac en 496 peint par Ary Scheffer (1795 - 1858). Versailles, musée national du Château et des Trianons.
C’est en « la quinzième année de son règne », c’est-à-dire en 496, qu’a lieu la bataille de Tolbiac (Zülpich près de Cologne) contre les Alamans, Clovis portant secours aux Francs rhénans dont le roi Sigebert a été blessé au genou55. D’après Grégoire de Tours, ne sachant plus à quel dieu païen se vouer et son armée étant sur le point d’être vaincue, Clovis prie alors le Christ et lui promet de se convertir si « Jésus que sa femme Clotilde proclame fils de Dieu vivant » lui accordait la victoireNote 9. Il s’agit de la même promesse que fit l’empereur romain Constantin en 312 lors de la bataille du pont Milvius. Grégoire de Tours reprend le modèle constantinien (conversion après une bataille, rôle important d’une femme, Hélène et Clotilde) pour répéter ce qu’il y a eu de plus glorieux et légitimer la royauté franque56.
Au cœur de la bataille, alors que Clovis est encerclé et va être pris, le chef alaman est tué d’une flèche ou d’un coup de hache, ce qui met son armée en déroute. La victoire est à Clovis et au dieu des chrétiens57. Une hypothèse veut que la bataille ait eu lieu en 506 à cause d’une lettre de Théodoric envoyée fin 506 ou début 507 à Clovis où il est mentionné la victoire de Clovis sur les Alamans que Théodoric a pris sous sa protection, la mort de leur roi, et leur fuite en Rhétie. Il est aussi possible qu’il y ait eu deux batailles contre les Alamans, l’une en 496 et l’autre en 506, où à chaque fois, leur roi périt au combat58. Cette victoire permet au royaume de Clovis de s’étendre jusqu’à la Haute-Rhénanie.
Selon d’autres sources59, Tolbiac n’aurait été qu’une étape et l’illumination finale de Clovis aurait en fait eu lieu lors de la visite au tombeau de Martin de Tours.
Selon Patrick Périn, médiéviste, spécialiste du Premier Moyen Âge et directeur du Musée d’archéologie national, Clovis n’aurait pas fait le vœu de se convertir au christianisme lors de la fameuse bataille de Tolbiac mais lors d’une bataille inconnue. En effet, la bataille de Tolbiac serait mentionnée par erreur dans les écrits de Grégoire de Tours. Si ce dernier évoque bien Tolbiac, ce serait à propos de la bataille de Vouillé où était présent Clodoric, fils de Sigebert le Boiteux de Cologne, ainsi nommé car il avait été blessé lors d’une bataille contre les Alamans, à Tolbiac. Ce seraient des historiens du XIXe siècle qui auraient associé Tolbiac à la conversion du roi des Francs.[réf. insuffisante]
a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning
Last week I was having dinner with James Altucher and we spent a lot of time talking about jealousy. He said he struggles with it too. He asked me what I do about it. I shared an exercise I came up with.
I’ll quote him paraphrasing me, since he put it in better words than I actually did when I tried to explain my thinking.
If you are envious of someone, you can’t just pick one or two things about them. Because it’s their entire history that has got them the one thing you are envious about.
So, he said, PICTURE THAT YOU CAN CHANGE PLACES IN EVERY WAY WITH THEM. But then it’s forever. He said: Would you do it?
This works because the answer is usually no. The jealousy is real but the logic behind it won’t stand up. I’ve found that this exercise helped me make progress in eradicating the selfish, toxic taste of jealousy and envy (not just for me, but also for people I’ve passed it to). When I feel it coming on, I don’t just accept the emotion as it is, I take it—as Epictetus wisely advises—and say, “Hold on a moment; let me see who you are and what you represent. Let me put you to the test.”
For instance, let’s say I was feeling jealous towards another author (and every author will admit to do this at one time or another). First, I’d want to think about why. Maybe it’s because they’ve sold a lot more copies than me or their books have gotten more attention. Well, aren’t their books a very different style than yours? Yes. Well, why don’t you write in that style? Are you not capable of doing that? No, I am. I choose not to because I don’t like that style. It’s not what I want to do creatively. OK, well then isn’t it a bit entitled to think you can make that choice and still get the exact same results?
And putting that all aside for a second, do you actually want that person’s life? Do you want to be the person that went into making those books? Do you want to be on the road all the time like that? Do you want to have to be in the space they’re in? Not at all! Don’t you like what you have? Don’t you like who you are? Of course. I feel great. Alright, well ask yourself if it’d be worth trading your life for theirs.
What James and I started doing at dinner was run through people we had felt pangs of jealousy towards, either personally or professionally. He’d name someone whose work he admired and then I’d point out that the guy had a gambling problem. I named someone who was a well-paid speaker and investor and James told me that the dude cheated on his wife a lot. James picked someone who has a great reputation and has won a lot of awards. I pointed out that despite being a critical darling, the person’s work hadn’t sold well and actually the author was quite frustrated about that. I mentioned a woman whose work I was a big fan of and then I remembered how many people had told me that she was controlling and mean. We talked about a really successful businessman and then we realized that the guy hated his business and talked about wanting to do something else all the time.
What’s left after you run through this exercise is a couple things. First, you’re reminded that nothing is as clean and simple as you think. Jealousy makes another person’s situation rosier than it is. Second, it’s clear that a lot of what we covet comes at a cost. Often, we’re aware of this cost (which is why we haven’t pursued it already) and seeing the way that the cost has played out on the people we’re envious of is a good reminder. Third, we’re able to see something we often miss: that we have it pretty good and even though our eyes may wander, in fact, if forced to choose, we’d stay put.
There is another part of envy that I think we missed—something that has helped me more philosophically than practically. We forget that it can be a two way street. From the outside, we see how well someone might be doing or what awesome stuff they have and all we think is: I want that. We don’t think: “Do they like what they have?” We don’t think about what they want.
There is a sad story I write in Ego is the Enemy about one of my heroes, Ulysses S. Grant. After his dysfunctional presidency, Grant partnered with his son and a dishonest investor named Ferdinand Ward to create a Wall Street brokerage. Grant bankrupted himself in the pursuit of riches he didn’t even need. His friend General Sherman noted the unfortunate irony—Grant had lost everything in an attempt to “rival the millionaires, who would have given their all to have won any of his battles.”
All Grant could think about was what other people had and in the process lost sight of how much more impressive what he already had was—comically so. There are lots of millionaires. Most of them are forgettable. There are very few Ulysses S. Grants. Yet he wrecked his life—wasted the golden years of his life—thinking if only I could be more like them.
I’ve done this. You’ve done this. We’ve tried to chase what other people have, we’ve felt inferior because we don’t have it. Have we ever stopped to think: “Are those people happy with what they have?”, “What if what I have is better?”, “Could they actually be jealous of me?”
Or maybe neither of you have it right! There’s a scene in one of my favorite Lawrence Block novels, Grifter’s Game, where Joe Marlin is having an affair with a beautiful woman. Then he thinks of her going back to her husband and gets angry and envious. And then he realizes, oh wait, if the husband ever found out about the affair, he’d be justifiably angry and envious too. “It always works that way,” he says. Though really they could both benefit to question why they are with this awful woman in the first place. In fact, she’s manipulating both of them, using that envy to her own advantage. Neither realizes the truth until it’s far too late.
I can’t say that this exercise is flawless or that it magically cured me of my jealousy. It’s not supposed to. It’s an exercise—a tool to use when envy appears. Do I have to use it more than I like? Absolutely. But it’s far better than being under envy’s delusive, destructive sway.
And there’s one other benefit of running through this process—of walking through whether you’d trade what you have for some random thing that’s turned you green with jealousy: Appreciation. Gratitude. You have it good—better than you know. It’s only when you forget that, that you begin to covet. But when you remember, when you understand the true value of all that you possess—and realize even that people might actually resent you for it—that’s when happiness and contentment are possible.
Définition du fonds de commerce
« l’ensemble d’éléments corporels et incorporels affectés à l’exploitation d’une activité commerciale ou industrielle. Ces éléments sont souvent inséparables et constituent la valeur du fonds ».
Notez toutefois que la constitution d’un fonds de commerce, et la nature des éléments qui le composent, sont variables en fonction de l’activité exercée.
Les éléments corporels : éléments concrets, visibles et réels, incluant le mobilier, l’outillage, les agencements et autres éléments utilisés au cours de l’activité commerciale.
Les éléments incorporels : éléments impossibles à quantifier concrètement, mais tout aussi primordiaux à la bonne marche du commerce. Il s’agit essentiellement de :
La clientèle Le droit au bail Le nom commercial
Dans le cadre des conventions de crédit, les banques ont imposé le respect de certaines conditions. Le … est une clause qui oblige l’entreprise à faire bénéficier le prêteur de toutes les garanties supplémentaires qu’elle sera amenée à donner lors de crédits futurs de même rang.
pari passu
La personnalité de type A
conduite caractérisée par une hyperactivité, un sentiment d’urgence, un énervement facile, ou un hyper-investissement professionnel.
L’individu au comportement de type A se caractérise par le besoin de contrôler son environnement afin de réduire son incertitude1. Ces attitudes augmentent les risques de vivre des conflits interpersonnels. Souvent, il place la barre haut : il a des exigences élevées tout en manifestant un sens de l’autocritique très poussé par rapport à ses accomplissements. On dénote des attentes irréalistes de perfection incompatibles avec le droit à l’erreur (croyance irrationnelle établie par Ellis).
Ces sujets semblent avoir un risque de maladies cardio-vasculaires (notamment l’insuffisance coronarienne avec un risque d’infarctus du myocarde) multiplié par deux par rapport aux personnalités normales. Le risque est plus élevé s’il y a une coexistence avec d’autres facteurs de risque tels que le tabagisme, l’hypertension artérielle, l’obésité, etc.
… est une circonscription territoriale de l’Empire romain.
Le terme a été adopté par l’Église catholique pour désigner le territoire canonique d’un évêché, qui était initialement appelé paroisse. C’est donc le territoire placé sous la responsabilité d’un évêque. Dans les Églises orthodoxes et les Églises catholiques orientales, on utilise plutôt le mot éparchie : dans les pays slaves orthodoxes sa signification est la même, mais ailleurs, en Grèce notamment, il a acquis une connotation plutôt civile et politique.
Le diocèse (du latin : diœcesis ou diocesis, qui vient lui-même du grec ancien διοίκησις / dioíkêsis, « administration, gouvernement »)
proto- def
Préfixe, du grec prôtos, premier, exprimant le premier rang, la priorité ; en linguistique historique, il sert à désigner un état de langue antérieur à sa différenciation en dialectes : protobasque, protogermanique (on dit aussi basque commun, germanique commun ; en archéologie, il désigne l’étape d’une réalisation (protoporcelaine) ou d’une séquence culturelle (protodynastique) proche de l’accomplissement.
Sometimes it is good to try to found start-up companies independently, without third party investment, which is called …
bootstrapping (˝to pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps˝).
L’expression … renvoie à une approche spécifique du démarrage d’une activité économique et du lancement d’un produit. Elle repose sur le « Validated learning (en) » (vérification de la validité des concepts), l’expérimentation scientifique et le design itératif. Elle tend à réduire les cycles de commercialisation des produits, à mesurer régulièrement les progrès réalisés, et à obtenir des retours de la part des utilisateurs. Dans cette optique les entreprises, en particulier les startups, cherchent à concevoir des produits et services qui satisfont au mieux la demande de leurs consommateurs, avec un investissement initial minimal.
Le concept est initialement développé en 2008 par Eric Ries (en)
« Lean Startup »
retratar vtr
(arte: pintar, dibujar) (art) dessiner, peindre vtr
El artista retrató el paisaje de su ciudad natal.
A slang phrase used in venture capital to refer to the period of time from when a startup firm receives an initial capital contribution to when it begins generating revenues. During the …., additional financing is usually scarce, leaving the firm vulnerable to cash flow requirements.
‘Death Valley
Despite it being a double-edged sword, thought suppression is a commonly used strategy. People often try to block out or put the lid on unwanted thoughts and feelings in order to limit the influence those thoughts have on their behavior. Dieters try to suppress thoughts of tempting snacks, alcoholics suppress their desire to drink, stressed-out workers suppress their feelings of anxiety, and smokers suppress the thought of cigarettes when trying to quit.
But thought suppression is very difficult, only briefly works, and can have unintended consequences. Suppression has actually been shown to increase the frequency of the thoughts you were trying to rid yourself of once the period of active suppression is over. If you try to stifle thoughts of smoking, the thoughts will likely come rushing back with even greater power once you let your guard down, as you inevitably will.
- Don’t suppress, replace.
Decide in advance what you will think about when a thought about smoking, snacking, or hitting “redial” pops into your head. When you find yourself thinking about how yummy a candy bar would be right now, try replacing that thought with one that focuses on your health and weight-loss goals (e.g., “It feels better to fit into my jeans than it does to wolf down chocolate-covered nougat”).
- Don’t suppress, plan.
Creating an if-then plan is a more effective way to deal with temptations. You don’t need to block thoughts out—what you really need to do is learn how not to act on them. By planning in advance for exactly what you will do when the tempting thought occurs, it will be far easier to stick to your goals. For example, when thoughts about smoking occur, plan to chew gum or step outside for several long deep breaths of fresh air. No matter what your plan is, it will disrupt the connection between the thought and giving in to the temptation. Over time, the thoughts will fade on their own.
Diff classe et Id
Le sélecteur id a presque la même fonction, à la différence importante qu’on ne peut l’utiliser qu’une seule fois dans la page, contrairement au sélecteur class. C’est pour cela qu’il est plutôt utilisé à la mise en page qu’à la mise en forme de caractères.
The risk that the management of a company will use its authority to benefit itself rather than shareholder. For instance, managers may elect to pay themselves higher salaries, which increases overhead, rather than to pay out extra profits as dividends. In a more sinister example, managers may steal the business’ money.
Agency Risk
The risk that a company’s plans will not work is called … . This usually applies at a time of change, for example when introducing new systems or entering a new market.
A good example of this is when a company is rolling out complex new systems that are difficult to implement - such as ERP systems. There is a very good chance that something will go wrong somewhere, and that it will cost money to fix, and, possibly, that there will be loss of business while it is being fixed.
Similarly, new product introductions might fail because a product does not live up to promises or because it hits manufacturing difficulties. These are also … . It may also fail because it does not appeal to consumers, which would not be regarded as execution risk - execution risk is internal, not related to market conditions.
Mergers and acquisitions are another common source of … as (in order to gain whatever synergies are expected) it is necessary re-structure businesses and integrate businesses.
execution risk
… is the possibility for an investor to experience losses due to factors that affect the overall performance of the financial markets in which he is involved. …, also called “systematic risk,” cannot be eliminated through diversification, though it can be hedged against. Sources of market risk include recessions, political turmoil, changes in interest rates, natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Market risk
ex ante veut dire … et s’utilise en finance pour …
Ex ante est une locution latine signifiant « au préalable ».
Dans la finance, l’expression concerne la prévision et les estimations de retours sur investissements.
Diff Vol et Issue en recherche
Use of volume and issue numbering: Journals normally make use of volume and issue numbering to help identify individual issues in their series. Normally a volume will encompass an entire year’s worth of a journal’s issues. For example, a journal that is published four times yearly (quarterly) will have four issues in its yearly volume. Issues may be identified solely with numbers or with both numbers and date designations. For example, a quarterly journal will typically number its issues 1 through 4, but it might also assign season designations to the individual numbers, such as Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. A monthly journal will have twelve issues in a yearly volume and might use the month names along with the issue numbers (issue 1, January; issue 2, February; and so on). Some magazines, trade publications, and newspapers might also make use of volume and issue numbering, so this isn’t always the best indicator.
track record
A developer or builder’s reputation for producing on a timely and economical basis; the history of a real estate salesperson or broker’s sales performance.
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/track-record.html
(d’appareil photo) objectif
figurative (perspective) angle nm