Distributive Justice Flashcards
what does Podgge think about redistributive justice?
podge thinks that we don’t give poverty/ redistribution our moral attention because its not in our proximity (proximity bias!)
Nonetheless, we have a moral obligation to alleviate poverty!
what does luck egalitarianism (UNDER liberal egalitarianism & cosmopolitanism) (Dworkin) think about redistributive justice?
we can apply Rawls’s original position to the global level because no one can choose where they were born so that shouldn’t be a determinant factor.
what does sufficientism (UNDER liberal egalitaranism & cosmopolitanism)
this means its ok if some have more than others as long as everyone has enough to survive.
how does non-cosmopolitanism, aka statism view distributive justice?
they have a political conception of justice justice is limited to the state level because justice is a property of its institutions that can control its own members.
if international organizations had real coercive power and deal with individuals and NOT states, global justice might be possible.
when does statism/ non-cosmopolitanism think we can have global redistribution?
we can have global redistribution when international organizations
a) have real coercive power
b) deal with INDIVIDUALS, not states!
what does libertarianism think about distributive justice?
the obly obligation we have towards foreigners is to respect their ownership rights
in what way is the communitarian view of global redistributive justice similar to the libertarian view?
both don’t think its completely necessary
what do communitarians think about global redistributive justice?
they think that social justice should be based on local decision-making and deliberation rather than universalist ideals.
what’s the weakness & strength of the communitarian view of global redistributive justice?
weakness- ignores universally unjust actions
strength- recognizes self-determination
what does miller thin about global redistirbutive justice?
miller thinks that the answer lies at human rights! we should have a minimal conception of HR - everyone should have access to their basic neds & make sure that’s achieved through redistribution.
describe millers view of HR how does this contrast st else?
miller has a minimalist conception of HR that is more realistic, whereas maximalist interpretations provide an “aspiration” to reach for