Distinguish water withdraw and consumption Flashcards
compulsive use
water used and become unavailable for future use (irrigation: crops, houseplants…)
Noncompulsive use
water used for some purposes and returned to local system (Drinking water…)
Calgary’s per capita water use
has decreased since 1930, less than 1/2 per capita
how important glaciers to water supply
1% of the annual flow in Bow and Elbow from melting glacier
Withdraw limit of Calgary
1000 mega Liters/day (Elbow - 6ML, Bow - 1ML)
in dry month of dry year
Glacier makes up 50% water in Bow and Elbow
diff of Peyto glacier in a century (1902-2002)
farther 100m
Calgary problem
Population growth -> withdraw more water
capita water use is 1/2 of 1930 -1940 since population increased 5 times
main drivers in Calgary
- Temp: when temp reaches 10C capita water use increase
- extra use is consumtive (watering lawns..)
Main driver next few decades
climate change - more warm days
population growth
Calgary goal for water
reduce by 30% over 30 years (2003)
in 1979
in 2003
in 2016
800 l/c/d
516 l/c/d
<350 l/c/d
How Calgary now has lowest rate of water main breaks in North America
-swapping out old fixtures (toilets, shower heads taps,..) to low use fixtures
-water meters 58% - 100% in 2002 to now
reuse water whenever possible
stormwater - wetland
an area occupying a transition zone btw land and water
State of wetland in calgary + western prairies (đồng)
- 80 - 90% removed for urban development
- 70% removed for agriculture
- 8000 more could be affected in calgary
Wetland benefits
1) water retention: hold water during drought, retain stormwater, removal of contaminant, replenish grdH2O
2) wildlife (ducks): up to 35% of endangered animals need wetland for habitat