It is the change in the relation of the partners due to any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on of the business.
TRUE OR FALSE. General rule - If the cause of the dissolution is death, act, or insolvency of a partner, the authority of a partner to bind ceases upon the consent of the partners
False. It ceases upon the knowledge of the dissolution.
TRUE OR FALSE. In dissolution, the partnership is not yet terminated and does not continue to operate until winding up of the partnership affairs is completed.
FALSE. It is not yet terminated and it continues to operate for the sake of winding up partnership affairs.
What are the causes of dissolution?
- Partnership agreement has not yet been violated.
- Contravention of the partnership agreement.
- Death of any partner
- Insolvency of any partner
- Unlawful act ceases for the partnership to continue to operate.
- Specific thing promised by the partner to contribute even the ownership to the partnership has perished before its delivery to the partnership.
- Decree of court.
- Civil interdiction of any partner.
What are the differences between winding up, termination, and dissolution?
Dissolution is the point of time where any partner ceases to carry on the operation of the business.
Winding up is the process of settling the partnership affairs.
Termination is the point of time when the partnership affairs are completed.
What are the effects of dissolution?
- Partnership is not terminated
- Partnership continues for a limited purpose
- Transaction of a new business is prohibited.
TRUE OR FALSE. A partnership has ceased to exist, the partnership has no more juridical personality nor capacity to sue and be sued.
TRUE OR FALSE. If the cause of the dissolution is not justified or no cause is given, the withdrawing partner is liable for the damages and he is compelled to stay in the partnership.
FALSE. He is not compelled to stay in the partnership.
TRUE OR FALSE. If there is a specified term, but one partner causes its dissolution, the partnership may be dissolved.
When the dissolution is caused by the act, death, insolvency of a partner, each partner is liable to other co-partners for his share in the liability made by the partner acting unless:
- Has knowledge about the dissolution.
2. Has knowledge about the death or insolvency of the partner
Who may petition for the dissolution?
- Partners
2. Assignee
When can the court decide the dissolution of the partnership or decree of a court of the dissolution? (Art 1831)
- Partner becomes insane or has an unsound mind.
- Does not have the capability to participate in the business or do his duties.
- Persistently breaching the contract of the partnership.
- only carried at loss.
- guilty of civil interdiction.
- other circumstances
Dissolution terminates all authority of any partner to act for the partnership:
- A. With respect to the partners
- when the dissolution is not by the act, insolvency, death, etc of a partner.
- When the dissolution is by such insolvency, act, death of a partner.
- B. With respect to persons, not partners.
TRUE OR FALSE. The liability of a partner by any transaction which would bind the partnership if dissolution had not taken place shall be satisfied out of the separate assets of the general partners when such before the dissolution (a) unknown as a partner to the person with whom the contract is made (b) so far unknown and inactive in PS affairs.
FALSE. Must be paid out from the partnership assets first.
After the dissolution, a partner can bind the partnership except:
- Unlawful to still carry on the business
- partners become insolvent.
- Partners have no authority to wind up unless the extended credit had knowledge of the dissolution or had no extended credit but had knowledge of the dissolution.
TRUE OR FALSE. After dissolution, a partner can bind the partnership. (Art 1834)