Dispute Oral structures Flashcards
Application for summary judgement
1) intro etc
2) grounds
- no real prospect of success (more than fanciful)
- other compelling reason (complexity of case)
3) costs
application to set aside default judgement
(seeking relief)
a) real prospect of succeeding the claim, defence or issue
b) compelling reason why the case or issue should be disposed of at trial
(maybe denton)
(always promptness)
always add in applications seeking relief
1) denton
2) overriding principle of dealing w cases justly and at proportionate costs
3) timing
4) costs
1) assess seriousness of breach
2) causes of breach
3) all circumstances of the case (prejudice suffered by def, by claimant…)
application for default judgement
1) mandatory: (14 days since PoC and no acknowledgement or 28d since acknowledgement and no defence) OR whole claim satisfied before judgement
2) discretionary: no real prospect of defending/succeeding + no other good reason
application setting aside default judgement
1) mandatory (actually did respond etc = costs for claimant because incorrectly applied)
2) discretionary: real prospect of success +/ some other compelling reason
overriding objective
application for interim payment
1) one of the grounds (admitted liability/found liable/likely to win if proceeded to trial)
2) why should be granted now - explain why should not wait until trial (WILL SUFFER HARDSHIP)
appropriate to make order
3) what amount is being sought and why its appropriate(!!! court must be satisfied on balance of probs - looking at time until trial + amount of money + if it would delay or prejudice trial)
4) amount must be reasonable proportion of final judgement (up to 90% - accounting for contributory neg)
application for interim injunction
1) damages will not suffice
2) serious question to be had
3) balance in covenience in granting (who would suffer more harm if it was granted or not)
4) ability to deal with cross undertaking
whats american cynamid
grounds for interim injunction
1) damages will not be sufficient remedy (monetary terms)
2) serious quest of law (must demonstrate have reasonable likelihood of success on the merits of the case)
3) balance of convenience lies in granting application (more harm will be suffered if its not granted)
4) any special factors
5) ability to uphold cross undertaking
grounds for freezing injunction
grounds for search order injunction
1) really serious harm
2) have incriminating evidence
3) will not be able to reach it otherwise
grounds for relief of sanctions
1) promptness of application
2) denton (seriouness, cause, all circumstances of case and prejudice suffered)
3) would it be appropriate to grant relief
what are the grounds under “would it be appropriate to grant relief”
1) need for litigation to be condicted efficiently
2) need for litigation to be conducted at proportionate cosys
3) need to enforce compliance
part 25 application
1) grounds:
a) claimant outside 2005 Hague Convention state
b) claimant impecunious company
c) claimant has taken steps to make enforcement difficult
2) justness of order
a) strength of claim v defence
b) claimant’s abiity to provide security in general
c) claimant’s cause of impecuniosity
d) assets available in the jurisdiction
e) timing or the order? ASAP?
grounds to strike out statements of case
1) it discloses no reasonable grounds for binging or defending the claim
2) its an abuse of court’s process
3) there has been a failure to comply with a rule, practice direction or court order