Dispositional Explanation For Obedience Flashcards


Outline the Dispositional Explanation for Obedience


Adorno proposed the dispositional explanation of the authoritarian personality for obedience. It is an internal explanation for obedience as it focuses on the idea that certain personality characteristics are associated with higher levels of obedience. The authoritarian personality is a collection of personality traits that develop from strict parenting during childhood, for example, extremely strict discipline and severe criticism of failings. The personality traits include showing extreme respect for perceived authority as they are seen as superior. People with an authoritarian personality disapprove of individuals perceived as low status and direct anger towards them as they view them as inferior, and have black and white thinking. The authoritarian personality was assessed using the F scale questionnaire by Adorno and found that those who scored highly on the questionnaire had an authoritarian personality.

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Discuss the Dispositional Explanation for Obedience (3 x AO3)

  1. Research to support the authoritarian personality was conducted by Milgram and Elms, who interviewed participants who had taken part in Milgram’s experiment and asked them to complete the F scale questionnaire to measure their levels of authoritarianism. They found higher levels of authoritarianism among those participants classified as obedient compared with those classified as defiant. Therefore, suggesting that the authoritarian personality is associated with obedience. Supporting the dispositional explanation of authoritarian personality as an explanation for obedience.
  2. To evaluate, the research conducted by Adorno et al into the authoritarian personality can be criticised for social desirability, as participants may have lied on the F scale questionnaire to present themselves in the best possible light. For example by trying to minimise any fascist views. Therefore, Adorno may not be measuring what he set out to measure e.g. the authoritarian personality. This reduces the internal validity of research into the authoritarian personality as an explanation of obedience.
  3. An alternative explanation for obedience is situational factors. This would argue that obedience
    is due to external factors for example, obedience increases when the authority figure is wearing a uniform. Therefore, suggesting that obedience may not just be due to an authoritarian personality. This weakens the research into dispositional factors as an explanation for obedience as it is not the sole explanation.
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