Display Modes Flashcards
What are the 3 ways to display ultrasound image data?
- A mode (amplitude)
- B mode (brightness)
- M mode (motion)
What is A-mode?
It is the amplitue of each reflector’s echo. It is placed on a graph across th depths of reflectors.
- The Y axis: ampitide (strength of signal)
- The X axis: depth of reflector.
What us A mode used primarily for?
It is usually used for opthamology to accurately determine the depth of structures in the eye.
What is B mode?
It is the bright or darker gray dots that display the strength of each echo along a vertical line representing the course of a soundwave.
Describe the x,y,z axis on this picture.
- Y axis: the depth of the reflector (origin of the echo)
- X axis: each point on the transducer that sent a soundwave.
- Z axis: the brightness of the dot, representing the strength of the echo.
What is M mode?
Motion is displayed with wavy horizontal lines. A wavy horizontal line represents a reflector that is moving.
What is M mode used for?
M mode is used to assess the motion of the heart.