Dispensing Area Flashcards
What is an area with non-porous surfaces and a SINK WITH HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER where service preparations are conducted, including, but not limited to, MICING IF CHEMICALS, CLEANING IF TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT, DISPOSING OF RESIDUES, AND RINSING PARTS OF THE BODY EXPOSED TO CHEMICALS? test
Dispensing area
What is an area of a facility that is USED BY ALL AUTHORIZATION HOLDERS PERFORMING SERVICES, including but not limited to, reception areas, dispensing areas, sinks, shampoo, bowls, hair dryer areas, and employee lounges? test
Common area
What is an area WHERE SERVICES ARE PREFORMED, AND PREPARATIONS ARE CONDUCTED including, but not limited to shampoo area, workstations, and dispensing area? test
Work area
What is the ENTIRE AREA OF A FACILITY, licensed by the office as a facility ? test
An ESTABLISHMENT OPERATED on a regular basis for the PURPOSE OF PROVIDING SERVICES in one or more fields of practice ?
What means an Oregon high school license, or an Oregon community college license ? test
Educational institutions
What is a chemical peel that does not extend beyond the stratum basale (basal layer), does not include enzymes and other solutions that act only on the stratum cpr rum ?
Superficial peel
What is a chemical peel that does not extend the stratum spin pain, does not include enzymes and other solutions that act only on the stratum corneum called?
Very superficial peel
What means the use of a blade with a handle to remove dead skin cells and belly’s hairs from the face?
What are the ITEMS THAY COMPLEMENT SERVICES, provided in the practice of barbering, hair design, esthetics, or mail technology, including but not limited to, neck strips, towels, or linens, and cloth and plastic capes.
What are the ITEMS WHICH COMPLEMENT THE USE OF TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS, including but not limited to hair tints, bleaches, permanent wave solutions, hair oils, shampoos, wax, rinses, disinfectants and chemicals called?
Materials and supplies
What are all PORTABLE ARTICLES AND INSTRUMENTS, which the authorization holder uses when performing services on clients, including but not limited to combs, brushes, shears, clippers, and yoyetts?
Tools and implements
What are those items thatMAY COME IN CONTACT WITH BLOOD-BOURNE PATHOGENS AND OTHER POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS including but not limited to dermaplaning blade with handle, lancets, razors, cuticle nippers, cuticle pushers, nail clippers, tweezers, comedone extractors, shears, and metal nail files called ?
Sharp edged or pointed, non Electrical tools and implements.
What are THE ITEMS NEEDED TO OPERATE A FACILITY, including, but not limited to, waiting chairs, barber for styling chairs, shampoo, chairs, cabinets, six, shampoo, bowls, stationary dryers, pedicure bowls, or whirlpool foot spas, paraffin, wax containers, and nail technology tables called,?
What does HECC stand for ?
Higher education coordinating commission