Dispatch Flashcards
Activate Status Monitors
MON ON AE - Active Events Monitor
MON ON PE - Pending Events Monitor
MON ON AU - Active Units Monitor
MON ON SN - Status Notes Monitor
Note: All monitors are accessible by clicking on “Monitor” in the menu bar & clicking on the particular monitor you want to display.
At least one AE/PE should always be logged on to you payday is screen.
Assign Display
This will display the dispatch group/s (Districts) that are assigned to a particular workstation/s.
ASD -Will display what group/s is assigned to your work station.
ASD W/P01 - Workstation
ASD G/15 - Dispatch Group
ASD ALL - All Dispatch Groups
Monitor Buttons
Note: If any monitor looks like it is not updating.
RESET - Click on the Reset button(on the monitor you want to reset); Click on ALL (in the drop down menu).
FILTER - Click on the Filter button; Click on Disp Groups(This will show you in the right hand column which groups are assigned). Here you can add or remove Dispatch Groups, split groups for separate viewing on two different monitors i.e. AE.(This is optional)
Click on the Filter Button on any of your monitors
Click on Disp Groups(Districts)
Click on Dispatch Group you want to Add or Remove
Click Apply
Remember: no matter what was changed on any of your status monitors (click Reset & All) this will change the monitor back to the original settings.
Adding/Deleting Status Notes
To add status notes (can be sent to one or more (ALL) particular work stations)
Type SNO on the command line
Click on the “Send to all” field in the event entry section
Type in your message in the “Description” field
Select an “Expiration Date” from the “Expiration Date” field if desire and hit {Tab}
Select a workstation you are sending it to
Click [Save] button
Enter a Status Note for each of your Dispatch Groups and one for ALL
To cancel status notes, being up the SNO form, click on the query button. Highlight note you want to cancel, click on the options button(at the bottom of the screen) click delete. If you delete the wrong one, you can go into your recycle bin and reopen it. (yokes must be done before you close the form or you will have to reenter the Status Note.)
Log On
L - Log on command (can log on up to 30 units)
Example: L 612 613 622 625
LI - Log on unit with information(i.e. 2 main units)
Example: LI 612 O/1 O/2 (2 person car)
Example: LI 613 V/620 (using 620 car)
Example: LI H22 G/17 (logs unit on & transfer at the same time) (Log on specialty units)
Log off
Log off command (will log of units)
Example: LO 613 614 615 626
Unit History
Used to display a units history
Example: UH 915
Look at the information available. (Will show on Active Unitis & Active Events monitors)
“A” Unit available for recommendation
“X” Unit not in home dispatch group (District)
“*” MDT equipped unit
“:” Two person unit
“O” Unit out of vehicle (Will be generated by MDT)
“!” Unit is Primary Unit(the lead car on the job; this car does the PW)
“?” Unit scheduled for log off or temporarily logged on
Event Display
{F1} Event top (ET) (Will display highest priority/oldest event)
{Shift}{F1} - (EF) (Event first will display first unviewed oldest event)
ED Event display (Displays Event)
Example: ED 920 or ED #P0004
D - dispatch command (dispatches unit from command line) from the event that you are dispatching
Example: D 1615 1617 1600
DE - dispatch/enroute (dispatches unit and puts the unit enroute)
Example: DE 1615 1617
DO - dispatch on scene (dispatches unit and places the unit on scene)
Example: DO 1615
Remember any o these functions can be achieved by clicking on the monitor and clicking on the correct monitor button.
Note: always display the event and red before dispatching .
If you need to supplement an event with information, click on the Supplement button and add information clock OK
If you need to change a location, etc…click into the Edit button and type in your changes click Update
Enroute (Places unit in Enroute Status)
On scene (places unit on science of event) Example: O 312
Back up
B - back up command (assigns back up)
Example: B 1514 1515 or 1514 B 1515 (unit out on job goes first)
BE - Back up Enroute (assigns back up and puts unit enroute)
Example: BE 1514 1515 or 1514 BE 1515
BO - back up on scene (assigns back up unit and places unit on scene)
Example: BO 1514 1515 or 1514 BO 1515
Suggest Unit Display
SUG(Alt S)
Suggest unit Display (suggests units for back up)
Example: SUG 2619
Example: SUG #P0001
Exchange Unit/s
X - exchange command (exchanges units, the new unit has the status of previous unit)
Example: X 1813 1812
“Resume” = exchange units
XE - exchange enroute (exchanges unit and puts unit enroute status)
Example: XE 1813 1812
XO - exchange on scene (exchanges unit and puts unit in on scene status)
Example: XO 1813 1812
Primary Unit
Primary unit(Reassigns primary unit status) Example: PU 615
Change Location
“Turn Me Around” I’m still on the job but I need to go somewhere else
CL - change location(redeployed unit to another location)
Example: CL 617 [NCDD], FEM COMP
CLE - change location enroute (redeploys unit and puts unit enroute)
Example: CLE 621 [NCDD], Comments
CLO - change location on scene (redeploys unit an puts unit on scene)
Example: CLE 621 [NCDD], Comments
CLX - change location cancel (will place unit at original location)
Example: CLX 617
Miscellaneous Comments
To be used when adding quick information to the job
Example: M 2520, Flash Info
Prefer to use EU to update to job
Duplicate Event
Duplicate event
Remember: Always display the event to be canceled
Example: DUP #P0001 (By Event #)
Example: DUP 312 (By unit # if unit is on event to be kept)
Clears unit/s from an event dispo/RTF, UNF, DBP, ETC
Example: C 213 217 219 D/RTF, Comments(Clear by units)
Example: C #P0001 D/RTF (Clear by event #)
Clear units with exceptions
Example: C #P0001 D/RTF
always find out who is the primary unit
Give Disposition
Give disposition (will clear event for case number and holds car/s out on the event)
Example: GD 2413 D/RTF
Example: GD #P0001 D/RTF
Hold Event
HE - holds an event for particular unit
Example: HE 600(display event using ED command)
HEX - hold event cancel (cancels hold event command)
Example: HEX #P0001
Returns an event back to the pending list
Example: P 616
Example: P #P0001
Remember: if a unit is held out on an event and has not been cleared from his/her previous event. The event will automatically be pre-empted.
Self Initiated Events
Note: No command is used for self initiated events. This can be done in any order on the command line, comments are added at the end following a (,)
813 [4030 BLAKISTON] RPTBUR, Comments
Car Stops
CS (running tags)
Example: 2613 CS [CEDAR/NORRIS]@ABC1234, color & make of the vehicle and # of occupants
For out of state: 2224 CS [BROAD/CECIL B MOORE]@ABC1234.NJ.2014,color & make of the vehicle and # of occupants
Tag info will show up in “Wanted” icon
Append Message to History
This will append a message to a unit or event history
Bring Up Message
Example: AH 621 (on the command line)
Example: AH #P0005 (on the command)
Administrative Message Display
AMD - Administrative Display
Example: AMD 4351 (message number)
AMDR - Administrative Message Display Remotely (used in radio)
Example: AMDR 4352 (Message Number) This will re-display an administrative message: Type AMDR hit {Enter} Click on Query or {Alt} {Q} Click on the Drop Down Message Status Click Read Click {Send} or {Alt} {S} Check for the date & double clock to display
Note: messages will be displayed oldest first, you can reverse the order by clicking on the column’s title bar.
QV QW QG QA QS These commands will display forms
Event Message
EM - event message (will send a message w/attachment to display the event)
Example: EM 919 W/P01, with comments
Example: EM #P0000, with comments
Event Message Urgent
EMU - sends an urgent message w/attachment to display an event
Example: EMU 919 W/P01, with comments
If no workstation is specified the message will be sent to the SOP workstation group
Unit Available/Not Available
UA - Makes unit available for another event(when they are out on an assignment)
Example: UA 925
UNA - Unit not available (will hold unit out/will show not available in the qualifier column.
Example: UNA 925
Unit Contact
Unit contact will reset contact timer for unit; used to raise the unit; raise the status of the unit
Example: UC 915
Special Contact
SC - Used to record contact information of the street supervisor/s if he/she is attending a community meeting, etc. & asks to be contacted by phone (this can be done when on or off an event)
Example: SC 2A [215-627-3333], CELL PHONE #
SCX - Will cancel special instructions
Example: SCX 2A
Dispatching Warning
DWA - this will add a dispatch warning to a units history
Example: DWA 921, RIDE ALONG( not a patrol car, plain clothes officers, three person unit, what area are they covering)
NOTE: a red bar will appear on the active units monitor for (SC & DWA), position the mouse pointer over the red bar or click on the unit number, it will display the Special Contact or Dispatch Warning information. SC & DWA will be recorded in the RPCs Unit History(UH).
DWX - Dispatch Warning Cancel
Cancellation of a dispatch warning unit
Example: DWX 921
NOTE: SC & DWA will also be canceled when the unit is logged off of the system.
Transfer Unit
TU - used to transfer control of a unit to another dispatch group (District).
Example: TU H22 G/17
If the (TU) command is used and the unit is cleared they will not automatically return to the control of the original dispatch group (District). The (TU) will have to be used again to transfer them back. Example: TU H22 G/54
Transfer Event * preferred method is to EU the event*
TE - used to transfer an entire event to another dispatch group(District). i.e (J, T, M) or (G/60).
Example: TE 1715 G/54
Example: TE #P0001 G/52
NOTE: this will transfer the vent all with all units assigned
Example: TE #P10002 G/60 (Supervisor status monitor)
Used to transfer event to supervisor for cancellation, i.e. Cancel an alarm, event entered in error, etc.
Zero Car
ZC - will display zero car availability, (can send a message to street supervisor along with the zero car display)
Example: ZC G/09
Example: ZC G/09 9B (Use if the supervisor has a functioning MDT)
NOTE: this will be recorded in the supervisors unit history
Go into the priority jobs and remark that you notified the supervisor, get badge #
Event Query
EQ - type (EQ) on the command line, this will bring up the event query form. Select the criteria for your search and click on the query or {Alt} {Q}
To display number of jobs pending by PSA
Date Time - change to reflect tour (if necessary)
Status - WAI
RAT -District and PSA EX: 141 (14th District PSA 1)
Cross Reference
XRE - this will be used to relate one event to another
Example: XRE #P0001 #P0002
Example: XRE 1814 #P0002
Example: XRE 1814 1812
XRX - this will be used to cancel a cross reference (in error, etc.)
Example: XRX #P0001 #P0002
Example: XRX 915 #P0003
Example: XRX 915 920
Event Summary
ESM - this will display events in summary form for workstation and group
Example:ESM ALL
Example: ESM W/P01 (S/status) (T/type)
Example: ESM G/24 (S/status) (T/type)
Events that have been dispatched and pending
Unit Summary
USM - Unit Summary (Displays summary information on active units in CAD)
Example: USM ALL
Example: USM W/P01
Example: USM G/19 S/AV DSP ENR ONS
Cars that are available and dispatched
(LEP) LEP CAD Commands
LEP commands that were created in CAD to record and track events where authorized interpreters were used.
PAI - Police Authorized Interpreter (When police authorized is used on an event(Used By Dispatchers))
Example: PAI #P0000, ITALIAN BADGE #
Example: PAI 315, ITALIAN BADGE #
OAI - Other Authorized Interpreter (Used when an authorized interpreter is used on an event other than LL, RAI, or PAI. e.g. Quantum In Person Interpreter. (Used by Operations Desk Personnel)
Example: OAI #P0000, GERMAN
Example: OAI 48, GERMAN
HOT Monitor
HOT - Hot event monitor is an event display that updates dynamically as more information is added. Several event types are set to launch a hot monitor. The dispatcher can set any event to become a hot monitor.
Example: HOT #P0001
Example: HOT 2619
*ASSIT, FT, CP - automatically trigger a hot job; gives a supervisor a urgent message)
Telephone Query
TQ - Example: TQ[ENTER] This will bring up the telephone query form you can enter information into the form or do any of the following: Example: TQ N/company name TQ N/AAA Example: TQ (using a wildcard) TQ N/FRANK
NOTE: when the company name format of the command is executed, multiple records may display. A wildcard (*) may be used to match multiple records while searching for company name.