Disorders of the vulva, vagina and cervix Flashcards
Vulvar skin is think and wrinkled “cigarette paper appearance. Intense vulvar pruritis.
what kind of cancer is associated?
Lichen Sclerosis
- stop itch scratch cycle with antihistamine at night, high potency topical steroids (ex. clobestasol propionate)
- refer to OBGYN for further eval
- *risk of squamous cell carcinoma
Intense vulvar pruritus, mainly on labia majora, leathery thickened skin appearance.
Dx and Tx?
Lichen simplex chronicus
tx: oral antihistamines and topical medium potency steroids like betamethasone BID
vulvar, vagina, and oral lesions, papules, itching, burning, postcoital bleeding. Inflammatory autoimmune disorder.
Dx and Tx?
Lichen Planus
tx: hydrocortisone foam (colifoam)
triad: -recurrent oral ulcers -recurrent genital aphthae or ulcerations -uveitis HLA-B51 allele
Behcet’s Syndrome
Tx for Condyloma Acuminatum?
trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin, cryosurgery, laser, imiquimod %5 cream
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) dx and tx?
dx: viral culture, PCR, Tzanck smear
tx: first episode - acyclovir 400 mg PO q 8 hrs x 7-10 days
recurrent- acyclovir 400 mg PO tid X 5 days
Atrophic vaginitis tx?
- vaginal dryness, itching, burning, spotting, discharge, frequency, urgency, UTIs
- low estrogen, thin vaginal epithelium, pH elevated (5-7)
tx: topical
- premarin vaginal cream 0.5 g per vagina QD x 3 wks
- estrace vaginal cream
- vagifem tablets
Itchy, red crusted lesions on the labia majora, may have a superficial white coating “cake icing”. Diagnosis and treatment?
Paget disease of the vulva
-refer to GYN for biopsy may be associated with in situ adenocarcinoma in the vulva or perianal region
Vulvovagial candidiasis -90% caused my candidiasis albicans -NOT sexually transmitted -itching, cottage cheese discharge, pH of 4.5 or >, Tx and gold standard diagnosis?
dx: Vaginal culture
-may see budding hyphae on KOH prep
tx: fluconazole 150 mg PO single dose
clotrimazole 1% topical cream x 7-14 days
nystatin 1 tab qd x 14 days
Amsel criteria for BV? Need 3 out of 4
1) abnormal gray discharge
2) ph > 4.5
3) + whiff test
4) presence of clue cells should be more than 20%
Eversion of columnar epithelium onto the ectocervix, cervix appears red, glandular and inflamed, benign but must rule out cervical cancer. Diagnosis?