Disorders of the Vulva and Vagina Flashcards
General Vaginitis
- sx
- PE
- Dx
- change in volume, color, or odor of vaginal discharge
- pruritus
- burning
- dyspareunia
- dysuria
- spotting
- erythema
- pelvic discomfort
- depending upon cause, may see erythema, lesions, fissures, FB
- bimanual exam
- pH
- saline wet mount
- KOH prep
- Whiff test
Bacterial Vaginosis
- cause
- PE findings
- sx
- dx criteria
- tx
cause: abnormality of the normal vaginal flora, decrease in hydrogen-peroxidase lactobacilli
PE findings:
- fishy odor
- clue cells
- thin, white/gray, fishy smelling discharge.
- usually complain is that of malodorous or copious discharge
- asymptomatic
- BV alone does not cause dysuria, dyspareunia, prurritis, burning, vaginal inflamm..
Dx: Amsel Criteria: requires 3 of 4; -thin, gray-white discharge that smoothly coats vaginal walls -vaginal pH greater than 4.5 -positive whiff-amine test -clue cells on saline wet mount
- metronidazole** PO (no alcohol) or intravaginal.
- clindamycin 2nd line PO or intravaginal
*probiotics as an adjunctive therapy
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis:
- cause
- pathogenesis
- risk factors
- dx
- tx
Cause: candida albicans
- organism migrates from anus to vagina
- infection occurs when there is overgrowth of candida
Risk factors:
-DM, increased estrogen levels, immunosuppression, abx use
-speculum exam: thick white “cottage cheese” discharge
- severe cases gray membrane
- KOH wet mounts (50% are negative)
- pH: 4.0-4.5 (normal)
- rarely cultures are used.
-uncomplicaated: OTC intravaginal tx OR Diflucan x1 dose.
-complicated: Diflucan 2-3doses, topical clotrimazole/miconizole 7-14d
What is the MC STI worldwide!!??
What is the MC VIRAL STI in the US?
Trichomonas Vaginitis
MC viral STI in US is Anogenital warts (HPV)
Trichomonas Vaginitis:
- sx
- dx
- tx
- females range from asymptomatic to acute, severe, inflamm dz
- males generally asymptomatic & infection resolves spontaneously 90% of the time.
- burning, dysuria, frequency, pruritus, dyspareunia, pelvic discomfort
- post-coital bleeding
- malodorous, thin, frothy green/yellow vaginal discharge
- pH 5-6
- mobile on wet mount (flagella)
- PCR (on males do PCR on urine or urethral swab, females swab the cervix and vaginal wall)
- strawberry cervix
- all women even if asymptomatic should be treated if there is evidence of infection.
- Treat both partners*
- Flagyl*
- HIV pts: 7d course of flagyl
- must sustain from sex while being treated otherwise may get recurrent infection.
Genital Herpes
- cause
- sx
- dx
- tx
Cause: HSV 1 and 2
- painful genital ulcers and itching
- dysuria
- tender inguinal lymphadenopathy
- multiple vesicles on erythematous base
- vulvar swelling
- lymphadenopathy
- dx confirmed by vial culture (Tzanck Smear) or PCR
- Primary infection needs to be started within 72hrs
- Acyclovir (5x/day) for 7-10d
- Famcyclovir (TID)
- Valocyclovir (BID)
Codylomata Acuminata
- aka
- cause
- sx
- tx
aka: anogenital warts
Cause: HPV 6 & 11
- itching, burning, pain
- bleeding, vaginal discharge
- may have no sx
- when very large can interfere with defication & coitus
Tx: Chemical -Podophyyllin (NOT IN PG) -Richloroacetic acid (OK PG) -5-FU (Efudex)
- Imiquimod
- interferon alpha
- cryotherapy
- laster therapy
- excisional
- clearance of warts is 35-100% but the latent HPV can still exist and 20-30% recurrence
*vertical transmission
Mulloscum Contagiosum
- describe that lesion!
- tx
- 1-2mm papules w/ central dimple
- painless lesions
- contain cheesy-white material
- crysurgery
- bichloracetic acid
- dermal curette
- can clear on their own
Atrophic Vaginitis:
- cause
- functions of estrogen
- risk factors
- clinical manifestations
- PE
- Tx
-decrease in estrogenic stimulation of urogenital tissue
- maintains well epithelialized vaginal vault
- maintaines collagen content of epithelium
- keeps epithelial surfaces moist
- maintains optimal genital blood flow
- maintains acidic vaginal pH
Risk factors:
- natural menopause
- bilateral oophorectomy
- vaginal dryness, burning, itching
- decreased lubrication during sex
- dyspareunia
- vulvar or vaginal bleeding (post coital)
- vaginal discharge
- pelvic pressure or vaginal bulge
- irritative voiding
PE findings:
- pale, smooth or shiny vaginal epithelium
- loss of elasticity
- sparsity of pubic hair
- introital(opening of vagina) narrowing
- lack of moisture
- fusion or resorption of labia minora
- unrugaed epithelium of vagina
- shorten, narrowed, and poorly distensible vaginal vault.
Tx: treat vaginal dryness
- Vaginal lubricants:Vagisil, K-Y jelly
- sexual activity may improve vaginal function
- Vaginal estrogen therapy (cream, tablet, ring)
- might get systemic therapy*
Lichen Scerosis
- cause
- when does this occur?
- dx
- sx
- PE
- Tx
Cause: genetic or autoimmune
-two peaks: prepubertal girls and postmenopausal women
Dx: punch bx
- vulvar pruritus, may be so severe as to interfere with sleep
- pruritus ani, painful defication, anal fissures, dyspareunia
- chronic inflammation
- well-demarcated white, finely wrinkles, atrophic patches
- labia minor often shrink & adhesion of the labia major may cover clitoris
-clobetasol proprionate 0.05% cream
Cyst of Bartholin Glands:
- sx
- tx
Sx: most are asymptomatic
-not necessary in women less than 40 unless infected or symptomatic
- in women older than 40 bx & drainage is performed to exclude carcinoma
- if large and not resolving can be tx as though its an abscess
Bartholin Duct Abscess
- sx
- Tx
- exquisite pain
- red, warm, tender, fluctuant
- may be surrounding cellulitis
- I&D lanced at or behind the hymenal ring
- Word catheter into the cavity- left for at least 4wks
- marsupialization: incision in the abscess and suture the cyst open to ensure drainage.
- reserved for pts who fail 1-2 placements of word catheter.
- aka
- what is this?
- cause
- tx
aka: prolapsed bladder
What: bulging of bladder into the vagina
Cause: occurs when the supportive tissues and muscles between the bladder and the vagina weaken and stretch
- childbirth
- repetitive straining for bowel movements
- constipation
- chronic cough
- heavy lifting
- obesity
- watchful waiting
- kegal exercises
- Pessary: silicone medical device placed in vagina that supports vaginal wall and holds bladder in place.
- anterior vaginal wall repair (colporrhaphy)
Pagets Disease:
- what is this?
- describe that lesion
- sx
- tx
What: intraepithelial adenocarcinoma. Extramammary dz may involve genital, perianal, and axillary areas.
Lesion: brick red, scaly, velvety, eczematoid plaque with sharp border.
Sx: itching, burning, bleeding
- excison with greater than 3mm border
- radiotherapy
- laser
- photodynamic therapy
- 5-FU
- Imiquimod
Vulvar Cancer:
- Risk factors
- clinical manifestations
- histological types
- Mode of spread
- cigarette smoking
- lichen sclerosis
- vulvar or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
- immunodeficiency syndromes
- PMHx surgica CA
- unifocal(single site) vulvar plaque, ulcer, or mass
- pruritis
- often asymptomatic**
Histologic typeS:
- Squamous cell (90%)-warty appearance since association with HPV.
- Melanoma
- Basal cell
- extramammary paget dz
Mode of spread:
- direct extension to adjacent structures
- lymphatic
- hematogenous
Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia
- cause
- tx
Caus: HPV 6&11
*this is a reason to continue PAP smears after hysterectomy
- laser ablation
- local excision
- 5-FU
- Vaginectomy and skin graft