Disorders of the Spine Flashcards
What are the causes of low back pain?
- Most Common: Mechanical LBP / Lumbosacral strain (lumbago)
A. Frequent cause of time lost and disability in adults < 45 yo - Prolapsed intervertebral disc, aka Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP)
- Degenerative disc disease (DDD)
- Back pain can also be referred pain from:
Abdomen, pelvis or retroperitoneum
What questions need to be asked in the HPI for low back pain?
- Is there hx of injury/trauma?
- Pain at rest or activity-related?
- Pain at night or not relieved w/ rest?
- Is there evidence of systemic disease?
- Is there evidence of neurologic compromise?
- Is there bladder or bowel dysfunction?
- Is there social or psychological distress that may contribute to chronic, disabling pain?
- Prior injury?
What are the PE components for low back pain?
- Inspection of back and posture (must be in gown)
- Range of motion
- Palpation of the spine and paraspinal muscles
- Straight leg raising (SLR)
- Neurologic assessment of L3-S1 nerve roots
- Evaluation for malignancy (breast, prostate, lymph node exam)
A. when persistent pain or history strongly suggests systemic disease
What are the DDx for low back pain?
1, Mechanical low back pain
A. Strain, spondylolithesis, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, fractures, osteoporosis, congenital disease
2. Non Mechanical Spine disease
A. MM, metastatic carcinoma, lymphoma, spinal cord tumors, Infection, inflammatory arthritis, Paget’s disease
3. Viseral disease
A. Prostatitis, endometriosis, CPID, renal disease, AAA, GI disease
What are the sxs of musculoskeletal pain?
- Localized pain
- Inc pain w/ movement
- May have history of an injury
What are the sxs of Nerve root irritation aka lumbar radiculitis or radiculopathy?
- Paresthesias and pain in specific dermatome
2. Pos. SLR btw 10-70 deg elevation, +/- contralateral SLR
What are the sxs of sciatica?
- Burning pain felt along distribution of nerve
buttock, post. thigh, postero-lateral aspect of leg, lateral dorsum of foot
A. +/- positive SLR
What are the sxs of a lumbar radiculopathy?
Inc sxs w/
Valsalva maneuvers
What are sxs for sciatica due to disc herniation?
Inc sxs w/
Valsalva maneuvers
What dx studies are used for low back pain?
- Xray: Not always necessary in first 4-6 wks of onset except w/ red flag signs & sxs
- Spine CT scan
When is an MRI indicated for low back pain?
Suspicion of Spinal cord pathology, neural tumors, herniated discs and infections
Order when neural deficits are presetn
What does a spine CT scan show?
Identifies nerve entrapment & bony stenosis
What are the history red flags for low back pain?
- Malignancy
- Unexplained wt loss or loss of appetite
- Recent fever, chills or infection
- Immunosuppression*
- Pain @ rest or during Night
- Trauma
- Recent onset of bowel or bladder dysfunction (incontinence or dysuria)
What are the PE red flags for low back pain?
- Progressive neuro deficit in lower ext.
- Saddle anesthesia
- Loss of anal sphincter tone
- Fever
- Any child or adolescent with low back pain
What nerve root controls dorsiflexion?
What is the treatment for Low back pain?
- NSAIDs +/- analgesics (2 wks for narcotics)
- Postural exercises / PT
A. Extension exercises, avoid flexion
B. Encourage mobility and activity (Not bed rest) - Conservative treatment x 4-6 weeks
- If no improvement after 4-6 weeks, check imaging studies & labs to r/o spinal cord tumor or infection
A. CBC w/ diff, CMP, Spep (looking for IgG - When conservative treatment fails, refer to Ortho for surgical consult
Define Herniated Nucleus Propulsus (HNP)
- aka “slipped disc” or herniated disc
A. Occurs when all or part of nucleus pulposus (soft gelatinous central portion of intervertebral disc) protrudes thru annulus fibrosis (disc’s outer ring)
Who is HNP common in?
Middle-aged and older men more commonly
What is the etioogy of HNP?
1. Severe trauma or strain A. Moving furniture B. Lifting heavy box 2. Intervertebral disc degeneration A. In older patients w/ degenerative disc disease, even minor trauma can cause disc herniation
What is the pathophys of HNP?
Physical stress, usually twisting motion, can tear/rupture annulus fibrosus -> herniation of nucleus propulsus into spinal canal-> compressing nerve root and/or spinal cord
What are the sxs of HNP?
- Severe LBP radiating to buttocks, leg and/or feet
A. Worse with coughing, sneezing and valsalva - Sensory and motor loss in areas innervated by compressed spinal nerve root
What nerve controls extension of the quads?
What nerve controls dorsiflexion of the great toe and foot?
What nerve controls plantar flexion of the great toe and foot?
If the knee jerk reflex is diminished, what nerve is affected?
If the ankle jerk reflex is diminished, what nerve is affected?
How is L4 pathology screened?
Squat and rise
How is L5 pathology screened?
Heel walking
How is S1 pathology screened?
Toe walking
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with Hip flexion?
L2-3, Femoral nerve
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with knee extension?
L3-4, femoral
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with ankle dorsiflexion?
L4-5 Peroneal
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with hip extension?
L4-5 Gluteal
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with knee flexion?
L5-S1, Sciatic
What nerve roots and nerves are associated with ankle plantar flexion?
S1-2 Tibial
What reflex is associated with L5?
None reliable
What is the imaging study of choice for a herniated disc?
A. Imaging study of choice
shows herniated disc and if spinal cord compression present - Will have performed an Xray first
What structure do the nerve roots pass through to exit the spinal column?
Neural foramen