Disorders of the Skeletal System: Chapter 43 Flashcards
What is a soft tissue injury?
Contusion/Bruise - Result of direct trauma - Skin remains intact - Blood vessel/cell damage - Edema, inflammation - Ecchymotic (black, blue, brown, yellow) Hematoma - Localized hemorrhage - Blood accumulation pressures nerves - Pain, increasing with movement/pressure
Describe a strain and list its manifestations.
Involves muscle/tendon
Partial tear, often during muscle contraction
Risk increases with age
- Collagen fibers less elastic
Common in back, cervical spine, elbow, shoulder
Sports injuries: hip, hamstring, quadriceps
> Manifestations
Often no visible signs unless inflammation
Pain, increasing with stretching
Stiffness, swelling, tenderness
Describe a sprain and its manifestations
Tearing or rupture of supporting ligament or capsule surrounding joint d/t abnormal/excess joint movement Diagnosis Not visible on X-ray unless bone fragment > Manifestations Pain Rapid swelling limits movement Discoloration Last longer than strain
Strain/sprain treatment
Rest Ice Compression Reduces swelling Provides support Elevation Immobilization - Strains if severe - Sprains x weeks Immobilization
Strain/sprain healing and complications
Able to heal to original tensile strength
Capillaries bring oxygen/nutrients
Fibroblasts produce collagen
Collagen bundles strengthen over time
> Complications
Contraction can pull healing apart and result is lengthened position upon final healing
Describe a dislocation and where do dislocations often occur?
Abnormal displacement of articulating surfaces of joint Subluxation Partial dislocation Some surface contact Common joints Shoulder Acromioclavicular
Dislocations Classifications
1. Congenital Hip or knee usual 2. Traumatic MVA: hip Athletics: shoulder, knee Fall: wrist, ankle 3. Pathologic - Complication of infection, rheumatoid arthritis, neuromuscular disease, etc.
Dislocation diagnosis, manifestations, and treatment
> Diagnosis History, assessment, x-rays > Manifestation Pain Deformity Limited movement > Treatment Spontaneous (can pop joint back into place) Manipulation Surgical repair Immobilization Physiotherapy
Shoulder injury
Clavicle fracture common d/t childhood falls/blow Most resolve without surgery Immobilize with sling > Acromioclavicular joint - Common athletic injury > Glenohumeral joint Very common dislocation E.g. when arm extended
What is a rotator cuff injury and common resulting conditions.
Function of cuff is to stabilize the humoral head against the glenoid
Injuries are a result of a combination of: Direct blow or stretch Excessive use/repetition (common) Altered blood supply to tendons Age-related degeneration
Common resulting conditions
Sub-acromial bursitis
Partial/ complete tears
Rotator cuff manifestations
Difficult abducting/rotating arm
Muscle atrophy
Shoulder/Rotator cuff diagnosis and treatment
> Diagnosis Assessment of active & passive ROM History of injury is important MRI Arthroscopic examination > Treatment Anti-inflammatories Corticosteroid (oral, injection) Physiotherapy Surgical repair
Knee ligamentous injuries and manifestations
Most serious of knee injuries
- ACL rupture/tear is most common
Manifestations of ACL rupture/tear “pop” or tearing sensation Sudden pain Loss of weight-bearing Hemorrhage causes swelling
What are the manifestations and complications of meniscus tears?
> Manifestations
pain, especially on hyperflexion & hyperextension
Locking d/t loose fragment
- Osteoarthritic changes limiting movement.
Patellar Subluxation & Dislocation manifestations
Usually sports related Manifestations Weakness Swelling Crepitus Sound you hear when tissue is rubbing against each other and they shouldn’t be Stiffness Loss of ROM
What is chondromalacia patellae and what causes this?
Inflammation of the underside of the patella
Knee overuse in older adult
What are the causes and manifesations of patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?
Most common cause of anterior knee pain > Causes Imbalance of forces controlling patella movement Contact of posterior surface of patella with femur Running, jumping, sitting > Manifestations Pain weakness Absence of edema
Cause of hip injuries
Dislocation d/t trauma Emergency Disruption of blood and nerve supply Avascular necrosis: interruption of blood supply resulting in necrosis of bone tissue = collapse of bone